Din sökning på "*" gav 533726 sökträffar
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is classified as B-lineage ALL (B-ALL) and T-lineage ALL (T-ALL). The incidence of ALL is almost three times higher in white than black children. Among adults, ALL is more frequent in younger patients, with a median age of less than 30 years. The morphology-immunology-cytogenetics (MIC) subgroups are associated with nonrandom karyotypic abnormalities in a manner
Timesat for processing time-series data from satellite sensors for land surface monitoring
The TIMESAT software package has been developed to enable monitoring of dynamic land surface processes using remotely sensed data. The monitoring capability is based on processing of time-series for each image pixel using either of three smoothing methods included in TIMESAT: asymmetric Gaussian fits, doublelogistic fits, and Savitzky-Golay filtering. The methods have different properties and are
Immunological aspects of neural grafting in the mammalian central nervous system
Kostnads-nyttoanalys av införandet av hållbar dagvattenhantering som riskreducerande åtgärd mot översvämning : med fokus på monetär värdering av ekosystemtjänster
Klimatanpassning mot urbana översvämningar genom transprofessionell samverkan
Expression of platelet-derived growth factor in and around intrastriatal embryonic mesencephalic grafts
The expression of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) was investigated in the embryonic donor tissue and surrounding host brain before and after intracerebral transplantation in a rat model of Parkinson's disease (PD). Ventral mesencephalic tissue from E13-E15 rat embryos was dissociated and implanted into adult rats with unilateral lesions of the mesostriatal dopamine system. Immunohistochemica
Transplantation of fetal dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease : one-year clinical and neurophysiological observations in two patients with putaminal implants
Ventral mesencephalic tissue from aborted human fetuses (age, 6-7 weeks' postconception) was implanted unilaterally into the putamen using stereotaxic surgery in 2 immunosuppressed patients (Patients 3 and 4 in our series) with advanced idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Tissue from 4 fetuses was grafted to each patient. Compared with our previous 2 patients, the following changes in the grafting pro
Galactose-amidine derivatives as selective antagonists of galectin-9
The family of galectin proteins involved in adhesion, growth regulation, immunity, and inflammatory events are important targets for development of small molecule antagonists. Here, N-sulfonyl amidine galactopyranoside derivatives obtained via a multicomponent reaction between galactose alkyne derivatives, sulfonyl azides, and amines were evaluated as antagonists of galectin-1,-2,-3,-4N (N-termina
Simulation of Thermal Load Distribution in Portal Frame Bridges
Uneven exposure to e.g. solar radiation can cause temperature differences between various structural parts of a bridge, which leads to tensile stresses if the parts cannot move freely. In this study, thermal simulations and stress calculations on a model of a portal frame bridge are performed with the aim of evaluating the temperature difference between the bridge parts. Factorial design is used i
oxLDL antibody inhibits MCP-1 release in monocytes/macrophages by regulating Ca2+/K+ channel flow
oxLDL peptide vaccine and its antibody adoptive transferring have shown a significantly preventive or therapeutic effect in atherosclerotic animal model. The molecular mechanism behind this is obscure. Here, we report that oxLDL induces MCP-1 release in monocytes/macrophages through their TLR-4 (Toll-like receptor 4) and ERK MAPK pathway and is calcium/potassium channel-dependent. Using blocking a
Is accessibility to dental care facilities in rural areas associated with number of teeth in elderly residents?
Given that public transportation networks are less developed in rural than in urban areas, a lack of accessibility to dental care facilities could be a barrier to routine dental checkups. Thus, we hypothesized that the distance to the dental care facilities is a risk factor for tooth loss. The aim of this study was to test whether there is an association between the distance to dental care facilit
Intensive care medicine research agenda on cardiac arrest
Over the last 15 years, treatment of comatose post-cardiac arrest patients has evolved to include therapeutic strategies such as urgent coronary angiography with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), targeted temperature management (TTM)—requiring mechanical ventilation and sedation—and more sophisticated and cautious prognostication. In 2015, collaboration between the European Resuscitation C
English : One Tongue, Many Voices
'If you read only one book on the English language-read this one. English - One Tongue, Many Voices covers all aspects of the English language: its global spread, international and local varieties, history from obscurity to primacy, usage and uses, standards and creoles, style and change in progress, politics and controversy. The scope of the book is vast, its depth impressive, and its balance adm
Molecular characterization of protein kinase C delta (PKCδ)-Smac interactions
Background: Protein kinase C o (PKCo) is known to be an important regulator of apoptosis, having mainly pro-but also anti-Apoptotic effects depending on context. In a previous study, we found that PKCo interacts with the pro-Apoptotic protein Smac. Smac facilitates apoptosis by suppressing inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs). We previously established that the PKCo-Smac complex dissociates duri
Comparison of Models for Design of Portal Frame Bridges with regard to Restraint Forces
In the design of concrete bridges an important aspect is limiting crack widths, since large cracks can lead to e.g. corrosion and affect the bridge functionality. Restraint forces caused by thermal loads and shrinkage will likely constitute a large part of the total forces acting on the bridge in crack width design. In this paper, restraint stresses in portal frame bridges are calculated according
Frysegenskaper hos kalciumurlakad betong – hur kan SFR påverkas av långvarig kontakt med grundvatten och de temperaturer som råder vid förvaret vid en permafrost? Experimentella studier.
Svensk Kärnbränslehantering (SKB) har som en av sina uppgifter att skapa kunskap om hur betongen i slutförvaret för kortlivat radioaktivt avfall (SFR) kommer att åldras och hur det i sin tur kommer att påverka betongbarriärens skyddande förmåga. I tre studier har därför avdelningen för Byggnadsmaterial vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola med olika experimentella undersökningar studerat hur betongens egens
Neuroprognostication after cardiac arrest in the light of targeted temperature management
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Delayed awakening after targeted temperature management (TTM) and sedation is frequent among cardiac arrest patients. Differentiating between prolonged coma and irreversible cerebral damage can be challenging, therefore the utilization of a multimodal approach is recommended by international guidelines. Here, we discuss indications and advantages/disadvantages of available modal
VASA - Recent Preservation Research
High-Density Lipoprotein–Associated Apolipoprotein M Limits Endothelial Inflammation by Delivering Sphingosine-1-Phosphate to the Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1
OBJECTIVE—: Plasma high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are potent antiatherogenic and anti-inflammatory particles. However, HDL particles are highly heterogenic in composition, and different HDL-mediated functions can be ascribed to different subclasses of HDL. Only a small HDL population contains apolipoprotein M (ApoM), which is the main plasma carrier of the bioactive lipid mediator sphingosine-1-p