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This project investigated the impact of beta-glucan on sponge cake's desired texture and physical properties. Sponge cakes with different percentages of Lantmännens PromOat beta-glucan (0.0%, 1.0% and 2.0%) were produced and compared on the following parameters: volume, density, water activity, moisture content and texture profile analyses. These parameters were measured on different storage d

Characterization of immune niches in non-small cell lung cancer

Lung cancer, particularly non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally. Immunotherapy using immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) is a potent treatment for NSCLC; however, long-term response is limited in the majority of patients and there is a lack of predictive biomarkers. Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) may serve as biomarkers for predicting ICI respo

Det handlar inte om pengarna

Examensarbetets titel: Det handlar inte om pengarna - En kvalitativ studie om motivation inom startups Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2023 Ämne/Kurs: Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Anna Liljedahl, Enesa Malagic & Rosanna Sköldin Handledare: Olof Hallonsten Fem nyckelord: Startups, motivation, neo-normativ kontroll, autonomi, jobbsäkerhet ForskningsfrågaTitle: It’s not about the money - A qualitative study about motivation within startups Seminar date: June 2nd, 2023 Course: FEKH49 - Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS‐ cr) Authors: Anna Liljedahl, Enesa Malagic & Rosanna Sköldin Supervisor: Olof Hallonsten Keywords: Startups, motivation, neo-normati

The Future of Urban Last Mile Deliveries - Not a piece of cake

Urban last mile delivery has become an increasingly relevant topic in this day and age, where the urban population is growing at the same time as climate change forces nations to limit emissions. The demand for fast and flexible deliveries in urban areas accelerates, which further escalates the need to optimize these last mile deliveries since they are the most polluting part of the supply chain.

The Battle of Trafalgar and its impact on the economic policies of France and Great Britain during the Napoleonic wars

The Napoleonic wars have been extensively analyzed, revealing their significant economic aspects. This thesis adopts an economic history perspective to explore the Battle of Trafalgar’s impact on the economic policies of France and Great Britain. Through a literature analysis and theoretical framework of economic warfare, war finance and Mercantilist theory, this thesis sheds light on the battle’s

The Future of Nuclear Power -- Are Investments in Nuclear Power Profitable in Comparison to Wind Power

In the face of an expected double demand for electricity by 2045 while also reaching the goal of being a net zero emission country, Sweden needs to expand the production capacity of low-emission electricity. As the right-wing government strives to facilitate new investments in nuclear power, this paper aims to examine the profitability of nuclear power in comparison to land-based wind power. Throu

The responsibilities of LKAB to respect the rights of the Sami people - a Business and Human Rights perspective on access to remedy in the Swedish mining sector

In 2023, the Swedish state-owned enterprise LKAB revealed that it had found Europe’s largest deposit of critical minerals, which are needed in green technology. Being located on indigenous territory, a mine would impact the migration of reindeers, a Sami practice which form the basis of their culture and status as indigenous peoples under international law. This prompted questions about what respo

"And lo! Apollo Could Not Live Without Dionysus" A Nietzschean Study of the Apollonian and Dionysian in Donna Tartt's The Secret History

Previous research on Donna Tartt’s debut novel The Secret History in regards to its intertextual relevance has helped in understanding the traditional campus novel, as well as redefined the classical murder mystery. However, little research has been made on its characters and its portrayal of the human experience. Additionally, plenty of research has been made into Nietzsche’s philosophical work T

Mechanistic Model Development for a Multi-Enzyme Protein Hydrolysis Process

Fler och fler livsmedelsprodukter dyker upp på marknaden som marknadsförs som miljövänliga, jämfört med liknande alternativ. På senaste tiden har forskning om insekter som livsmedel fått ett lyft, även om få produkter finns tillgängliga för konsumenter än. Mjölbaggen, Tenebrio Molitor, är en insekt som nyligen blev godkänt livsmedel i Europeiska unionen. Proteinet i mjölbaggar anses näringsrikt ocNew food products are constantly put on the market. Today the focus often lies in creating nutritional and sustainable products to reduce the environmental impact of the product in question. One example of this is the approval of the yellow mealworm, Tenebrio Molitor, as a novel food in the European union. To efficiently include the protein fraction of the yellow mealworm into food formulations, k

Reproducing or Counteracting Inequality: Challenges in Social Work with homeless/ness

Social work with homeless/ness in Sweden is usually performed by social services in local municipalities highly dependent on local, non-state actors, especially landlords’ goodwill, to cooperate with social services and support vulnerable peoples’ housing. The social services dependency on such actors is challenging and exploitation by landlords can affect the actual organization of social service

Was Brexit Really all that Bad for EU Students? A deep-dive in understanding the effect of Brexit on EU students in the UK

This research paper uses an explanatory sequential mixed method design to examine the factors influencing students' decision-making regarding their future and the impact of Brexit on these choices. The study aims to understand the interplay between various factors and Brexit's role in shaping students' decisions. Initially, quantitative analysis of the 2017 CPC-ONS-UUK SoGIS survey dat

Analyzing the Business Model and Technology Ecosystem of Ant Group: Alipay A Case Study

This thesis investigates the business model and technology ecosystem of Ant Group, focusing on their flagship product, Alipay. It examines how Ant Group has leveraged its business model and technology ecosystem to achieve success in the financial services industry. The research encompasses a literature review on technology ecosystems, paths of influence in technological evolution, and Ant Group

The Hidden Effects of Inflation. An Examination of Bracket Creep and its Implications for the Income Tax: Evidence for Spain (1979-1987)

This paper examines the impact of inflation on the income tax in Spain from 1979 to 1987. By introducing a new approach using dynamic microsimulation and the Elasticity of Taxable Income (ETI), we analyze three dimensions of the tax: revenue, progressivity, and redistribution. The microsimulation reveals that the lack of adjustment of the income tax to inflation: 1) accounts for 44% of the increas

The interpretation of gender at the International Criminal Court - An examination of article 7(3) of the Rome Statute and the crime against humanity of gender persecution

The adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court identified for the first time in international criminal law the crime against humanity of persecution on gender grounds. The inclusion was however not uncontested, and especially the term gender was a source of debate during the negotiation process. Because of diverging national positions on what the term gender meant, it was dec

Mining coal while digging for justice: Investigating justice claims against a coal-phase out in five countries

Coal has long been one of the fossil fuels underpinning the energy systems of many countries around the world. Because of its long-standing history, many actors have an interest in retaining the status quo. In this article, we explore the complexities of a coal phase-out in different countries. Drawing on empirical material from Germany, India, Mexico, Serbia and South Africa, we look at the way c

Once Upon a Time in Quantum Computing: A Grounded Theory Study on Hardware Purchasing

Quantum computing is a potentially disruptive field, and a significant amount of resources are invested in technology advancements. The business-related research, however, is a relatively unexplored area. This master’s thesis explores the key factors that buyers consider when purchasing quantum computing hardware, the perception towards start-ups versus established quantum computing companies, and

Existentiell hälsa, Teori och användning i dagens svenska samhälle

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera begreppet existentiell hälsa ur ett antropologiskt, teoretiskt och genealogiskt perspektiv. Hur förstås och används begreppet i den svenska kontexten, i till exempel tidningar, studiegrupper etc. Uppsatsen innehåller dessutom en begränsad intervjustudie om hur några individer i olika åldrar, situationer och med olika utbildningar förstår begreppet existentiell hThe purpose of this thesis is to study the concept of existentiel helth (Swedish: Existentiell hälsa) from an anthropological, theoretical and genealogical perspective, including when and where the concept came to be in Sweden. I will also investigate how understood and used the concept is in today´s Swedish society, through both litterature review and in-depth interviews. The main research questi