

Din sökning på "*" gav 526410 sökträffar

HERD - Hajen Entity Recognition and Disambiguation

För att samla stora mängder information om personer, platser och organisationer, behöver vi kunna analysera vanliga texter skrivna i naturligt språk. Detta arbete bidrar till det, genom att känna igen namn och länka dem till rätt Wikipedia-artikel.This thesis describes the process to build an entity recognizer and disambiguator, named HERD. The goal of the system is to find mentions of entities in text and link those mentions to a unique identifier. This system is designed to be multilingual and has versions in English, French and Swedish. I use Wikipedia as a knowledge source of both names and concepts, and Wikidata, a language agnostic,

Methodology for creating and modifying distributed topologically structured geographical datasets

Geografiska data (platsbaserade data) är en självklar del av den information som når oss dagligen. Idag (2016) använder företag och organisationer geografiska data i många av sina informationsforum. Till exempel tillhandahåller webbsidor vanligen kartor för att visa på vilken plast ett företag är lokaliserat. En stor del av att jobba med geografiska data är att hitta och veta relationer mellan olSpatial relationships are a comprehensive and essential part of geographical information management and GIS. Topological relationships are a subgroup of the spatial relationships. They are defined by the fact that they do not break under topological transformations, meaning they remain when stretching, twisting or crumbling the underlying space. Topological relationships are for instance relations

Brandskydd i samband med landförvaring av fritidsbåtar

Recent events have shown that a fire in a boat storage facility may result in severe damages regarding health, economic values and the environment. The Swedish guidelines in this area are rather old and since the boating industry has evolved in the last decades an overhaul might be needed. This report has especially validated the recommended safety distances between groups of boats. Furthermore th

Articulating the Shan migrant community in Thai society through community radio: A case study of the Map radio FM 99 in the city of Chiang Mai, Thailand

Community radio as an alternative public sphere for minorities has emerged apart from mainstream media and formal public spheres. In particular, its ethos of understanding community participation as a key component of operating a station highlights its potential to empower community members as active social agents. This study examines the social consequences of an ethnic migrant community radio st

Strålningsrespons hos brandhjälmar

Fire fighters in Sweden claimed that helmets used as protective gear during exercises melted because of the thermal heat exposure. According to European certification methods helmets are tested towards thermal radiation to ensure that the protective gear still meets the regulations. This report has evaluated if the certification methods are adequate for a Swedish fire fighter´s environment and whi

Management Control Systems in Innovative Firms:Linkages between cultural and other control elements

Key words: Management control, package, innovative company, cultural control, interface Purpose: This thesis will examine how the management control systems of innovation companies operate as a package and which linkages are there between the cultural and the other control practices. Methodology: The methodology is based on a qualitative approach carried out in the form of a multiple case study. T

”Motstånd” : en kritisk diskursanalys av svenska hiphoplåtars framställning av sociala ojämlikheter

Uppsatsen behandlar sociala och ekonomiska ojämlikheter som framkommer i svenska hiphoplåtar. Den valda metoden i uppsatsen utgår från Norman Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys då den lägger fokus på den textuella aspekten av en text. Genom att stu-dera diskurser i musiken så studeras presentationen av ojämlikheter. Faircloughs kri-tiska teori kompletteras med Iris Marion Youngs teori om kulturellThis essay discusses the social inequalities presented in Swedish hip hop songs. The elected method used in this essay is Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis as it focuses on the textual aspect of texts. The theoretical approach consists of Fair-clough’s CDA theory and supplemented by Iris Marion Young’s theory of cultural dom-inance which originates from her theory of justice. Young’s

Internal Migration and Spatial Development of Informal Settlements: A case of Mali’s Urban Spaces

This dissertation aims to understand the phenomena of informal settlements and internal migration within the context of urban spaces in Mali. The design of the study is a qualitative case design using critical realism as a philosophical approach. Methods used are coding and memoing in accordance with a transcendental realism framework for qualitative research. The study found that there has been a

The role of the Fairtrade producer – a study of discourse in Sweden

The aim of the study is to explore the role the Fairtrade producer is given within texts that contribute to the discourse on Fair Trade in Sweden. A sample of 50 texts coming from news articles published in Sweden 2015-2016 and Fairtrade labelled products sold in Lund in 2016 are examined with the help of discourse analysis and discussed in relation to the concepts of glocalization, agency and eth

Modeling of temperature variations and response in a mining road bridge in Kiruna

Den här studien har utförts på en bro i Kiruna, i norra Sverige, som användes till gruvindustrin. En modell av bron skapades med finita elementmetoden i programvaran Abaqus 6.14 för att ta reda på huruvida temperatur- och töjningsvariationerna på bron på grund av klimatets påverkan kan beskrivas. Klimatets temperaturpåverkan på bron är komplex. Under dagtid påverkas bron av strålning från solen ocThis thesis treats a concrete bridge located in Kiruna, in the north of Sweden, which was used for the mining industry. A finite element model has been created with the finite element software Abaqus to find out if it accurately can describe the variation of the temperature and deformation within the bridge over time. The temperature variations and deformations have been studied with respect to cl

Micro-Hydrodynamic Lubrication - Implementation of a Local Scale Model

This master’s thesis has been carried out in collaboration with the dynamic, acoustic and tribology simulation group in the engine development department at Scania CV in Södertälje, Sweden. When simulating tribological conjunctions, such as a journal bearing, it is often necessary to take the surface topography of the two bearing surfaces into account. The surface topography can influence the hydr

Management Approaches and Labour Conditions in the Chinese Context

China has experienced an exceptional amount of privatization, market liberalization and reform in the last forty years. With these changes in China’s economy and the strategy of using labour as its comparative advantage, it is of paramount importance to the development field, to investigate how these changes in the market have affected management approaches and their subsequent labour conditions.

Units of Measurement in a Modelica Compiler

Modelica is a declarative object-oriented language for describing mathematical models. Modelica models are used for simulation and optimization of systems and processes. The models are described using variables and equations. It is possible to associate units of measurement to variables, for example, variable x is in m/s. This thesis presents a way to analyze units in equations to find errors. Thi

The economic performance of Chinese immigrants in North America In 1990s

The immigrants from China have generally taken over European immigrants to play important role in the North America since 1960s. Based on the human capital theory and neoclassical economic theory, this thesis examines the characteristics of Chinese immigrants who respectively arrived at the United States and Canada since 1990 (cohort 1990-1997 and cohort 1998- 2000). The data is coming from the 20

Solving NTRU Challenges Using the New Progressive BKZ Library

NTRU is a public-key cryptosystem, where the underlying mathematical problem is currently safe against large-scale quantum computer attacks. The system is not as well investigated, as for example RSA, and the company behind NTRU has created the NTRU Challenges, to remedy this. These challenges consist of 27 different public keys of increasing size, where the task in each challenge is to calculate

Kan minus bli positivt?

I denna uppsats har en ekonometrisk analys utförts för att undersöka räntans effekt på konsumtionen i Sverige mellan åren 1995-2016. En del av fokusen har legat på de låga räntenivåerna sedan 2009 och den rådande negativa reporäntan. I modellen har även ytterligare makroekonomiska variabler inkluderats för att undersöka vad som har en märkbar effekt på konsumtionen. Enligt resultat har variablernaIn this essay an econometric analysis have been done to investigate and evaluate the steering interest rate effect on consumption in Sweden between the years 1995-2016. Parts of the focus of this essay has been on the low rate levels since 2009, and the current negative rate. In the econometric model, additional macroeconomic variables have been included, in order to investigate what affects consu

A supersymmetric, E8 inspired, unification model

Tanken att beskriva världen utifrån dess minsta beståndsdelar har levt ibland oss ända sedan Demokritos leverne. Det dröjde dock drygt 2300 år innan mänskligheten nådde en någorlunda tillfredställande teori för att förklara elementarpartiklarnas egenskaper och interaktioner, den så kallade Standardmodellen. Sedan dess har jakten efter en mer allmängiltig teori pågått. Denna uppsats behandlar en sThe thesis treats the construction of a supersymmetric model, inspired by an E8 unfication scenario. Via the introduction of adjoint representation chiral superfields, in combination with the inclusion of a global generation symmetry, the Standard Model fermion candidates are protected from gaining any mass until electroweak symmetry breaking. In addition, an accidental global baryon symmetry proh

De nöjda socialsekreterarna - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares tillfredsställelse på arbetet

Authors: Ugne Dziaugyte Rosenkvist and Malin Nilsson Title:Satisfied social workers : a qualitative study on social workers’ satisfaction within their workplace. [Translated title] Supervisor: Mikael Sandgren Assessor: Elizabeth Martinell Barfoed The aim for this study was to examine social worker’s individual experiences on which of their personal needs they feel are being fulfilled by their w

“Vita kvinnor är till för att gifta sig med, svarta kvinnor är för att sätta i arbete och mulattskor för att älska med” : En kvalitativ studie om kubaners föreställningar gentemot jineteros och jineteras på Kuba

“Las mujeres blancas son pa’ casarse, las negras pa’ trabajar y las mulatas pa’ hacer el amor” The aim of this study was to examine Cubans understandings of and attitudes towards the phenomenon jineterismo, and the concepts’ relation to discourses on gender, race and class, in order to develop a broader understanding of the concept and the process of stigmatization of the people engaged in it. Th

Kompisar- fast ett jobb : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur enhetliga arbetskläder påverkar brukare och personal på LSS - boenden

The focus in this thesis, has been to understand if and how the relation between people with disabilities and their staff is affected by the new decisions from Socialstyrelsen (The Swedish Social Board) regarding the staff wearing uniform. The last twenty years the staff have been working in casual clothes and the discourses have been normalization and self-determination in the approach of people