

Din sökning på "*" gav 529632 sökträffar

Damned either way: the situation for victims of human trafficking in Sweden and the legal measures to assist them

Human trafficking consists of a sequence of smaller events taking place over a large span of time and perhaps even over multiple borders. Perpetrators of the crime take people away from their homes and their origins, either through coercion or threat of force, and instead place them in frightful environments where their survival and human dignity is constantly at risk. Legal measures to fight huma

Civil society organisations’ increased professionalisation and decreased member activism? The case of Save the Children Sweden

Members have traditionally played a central role in civil society organisations (CSOs) since they typically are the ones who decide upon the course of the organisation and carry out organisational activities. However, with organisations becoming more professionalised, concerns have been raised about the future role of members. Previous research point to different consequences on membership due to

Utmattning eller hjärntrötthet? En explorativ studie på gymnasieungdomar

Tidigare forskning har uppmärksammat en ökning av stressrelaterade symtom hos svenska skolungdomar. Ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv finns det vinster i riktade insatser till denna grupp, inte minst för gymnasieelever som står nära inträde till arbetsmarknaden. Ett begrepp som har uppmärksammats i relation till långvarig stress är utmattningssyndrom. Ett liknande symtomkluster som beskrivs i konstruktetStress-related symptoms are increasing amongst Swedish youth. Long-term stress can give rise to clusters of symptoms, as illustrated by the constructs exhaustion disorderand mental fatigue. This study explored these clusters with self-assessment forms Karolinska Exhaustion Disorder Scale (KEDS) and Mental Fatigue Scale (MFS) in a non-clinical high school population to find out whether the forms mi

Legitimerad hälso- och sjukvårdskurator - specialist eller stärkt generalist?

The aim of this study was to examine what type of knowledge and competence is needed and sought after in social work in health care and how the new university education for specialization in health counselling contributes to this knowledge from the student's perspective. A qualitative interview study with open semi-structured questions was carried out with four students that attend the special

Turkey as a safe third country? - A study on the safe third country concept and its compliance with non-refoulement

Under 2016 slöt EU och Turkiet en överenskommelse om att minska antalet ”irreguljära migranter” som tog sig från Turkiet vidare in i EU. Överenskommelsen innebär att asylsökande som tar sig in i Grekland via Turkiet kommer få sina ansökningar bedömda som ogrundade och återsändas till Turkiet på grunden att Turkiet är ett så kallat ”säkert tredjeland”. Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsIn 2016 the EU and Turkey reached an agreement with the goal to end “irregular migration” from Turkey to the EU. Under this agreement asylum seekers who have entered Greece via Turkey will have their asylum applications deemed as inadmissible on safe third country grounds and subsequently be returned to Turkey. The purpose of this essay is to broaden the understanding of some of the obligations

En fråga om ålder – bevisvärderingen av medicinska läkarundersökningar av ensamkommande barn

Changes in Sweden’s migration and asylum policies are constantly occurring as a topic in the political debate. When a foreigner hands in their asylum application to the Swedish Migration Agency a decision must be made rather quickly. It has become a common issue for unaccompanied children to prove their identity. The part of the identity that matters the most for the Swedish Migration Agency is th

Dublinförordningen och ensamkommande barn

Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda Dublinförordningens reglering av ensamkommande barn. Genom att använda en rättsdogmatisk metod analyseras vad det innebär att den av EU:s medlemsstater som blir ansvarig för att pröva ett ensamkommande barns asylansökan ska fastställas som ansvarig under förutsättning att det är för barnets bästa. Även en EU-rättslig metod används då det mest centrala materialeThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the Dublin Regulation and unaccompanied minors. By using a legal dogmatic method the thesis analyses the meaning of the child´s best interest when determining which of the EU member states that is responsible for examining an unaccompanied minor´s asylum application. Legal material from the EU has been of significant importance for this thesis, and therefor

Trade and sustainable development mechanisms - beyond window-dressing and talking shops? The effectiveness of the institutional mechanisms in EU trade and sustainable development chapters

Labour and environmental provisions became a prominent feature in trade agreements nowadays. Since 2011, the European Union devotes a whole chapter in its trade agreements to these issues - the trade and sustainable development (TSD) chapter. This paper argues that an important aspect of the EU’s approach are the institutional mechanisms which monitor the implementation of the TSD chapter. Applyin

Let's talk about sex: En implementeringsstudie om rektorers arbete för sex-och samlevnadsundervisningen på svenska gymnasieskolor

This research studies problems in implementation principles can face when it comes to sexual education in Swedish high schools. Skolinspektionen recently published a report on sexual education in Sweden showing that sexual education is unequal amongst Swedish schools. One of the problems is that the principles rarely implement what should be implemented in the sexual education. This study aims to

Modeling, Analysis and Control of Underwater Vehicle SROV

A new type of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) has been designed by Marin Mätteknik (MMT) in cooperation with Reach Subsea and Kystdesign AS; the Surveyor ROV. Although MMT is successfully using the SROV in day-to-day operations, no mathematical model describing the system has previously been derived. In this thesis project, a mathematical model describing the SROV is developed through system ident

Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle Modeling in Modelica

Exchanging classical combustion motors in cars for more environmentally friendly solutions is a hot topic worldwide and this has currently been taken to a new dimension by the release of the first hydrogen driven vehicles on the world market. The objective of this master thesis has been to develop a Modelica model of an automotive hydrogen fuel cell system, which should be integrated in an already

Utvisning av svårt sjuka migranter - En kritisk granskning av skyddsomfånget i artikel 3 EKMR

Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda skyddsomfånget för artikel 3 i Europakonventionen i de fall svårt sjuka migranter riskerar utvisning till ett land som inte kan erbjuda tillräcklig vård. Med avstamp i artikelns ursprungliga förbud för stater att utsätta individer för tortyr och omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling, anläggs ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv på hur skyddet har utformats. Vidare appliceThe purpose of this essay is to investigate the scope of protection under article 3 of the European convention on human rights in cases where seriously ill migrants face expulsion to a country which cannot provide adequate health care. Starting with a presentation of the prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, the essay presents the development of the law regarding the scope of

”Vad kommer hända med slaktis?” - kulturens närvaro och framtida roll i stadsomvandlingen av Stockholms slakthusområde.

In the process of urbanization and growing cities the city´s limits are expanding, and as a result the industrial areas once located in the periphery of the city have now increased in interest. In recent decades there has been a change within cultural policy, which has altered the way in which we plan our cities and view the value of culture and creativity. This essay studies the culture within t

A Horn in the Side: A case study on why the EU has interfered in Somalia

This thesis asks why the EU has expanded its military interventions in Somalia to a broad, multifaceted engagement. The thesis is a theoretically-informed, empirically-driven case study. The analysis rest on three theoretical concepts of global justice. I have formulated assumptions from these conceptions of global justice, which direct the analysis in answering the research question. The primary

European Identity: The Turkish quest for EU membership within the context of Europe’s competing narratives

The relationship between Turkey and the EU is one that stands out as specifically unique due to a decades-long controversy about what constitutes European identity in relation to Turkey’s bid for EU membership. This long-standing debate about Turkey regards an identity based on two differing concepts of Modern Europe and Europe where Modern Europe is seen as the ‘inclusive’ and Europe is viewed as

Miljöpartiets inflytande över stöd till utsatta EES/EU-medborgare, i kommunalt styre.

During the last decade Sweden has seen rising immigration of vulnerable EEA/EU citizens. In many cases these individuals live in homelessness and difficult social conditions. In desperate situations municipalities can provide support. However, the level of support that is provided for EEA/EU citizens varies greatly between municipalities. This study examines if there’s a positive correlation betwe

Normalisering vadå? En studie om hur normalisering av högerpopulistiska partier bör förstås.

During the last two decades Europe has witnessed a change in the political landscape. Radical Right Populist Parties have grown increasingly strong in several European countries. In correlation with this change, many people in the public debate claim that these parties have been normalized or are in the process of normalizing, the question is what does normalized mean and how do we measure it? The


This study examines why a trade dispute between the United States (US) and China has developed after the US decision to impose steel and aluminum tariffs in March 2018. The study was conducted from a realistic point of view with the purpose to put the trade dispute in a broader context of the realistic theories. The study concludes that the theory of economic nationalism and protectionism, by its

Lobbyist, javisst? - En komparativ fallstudie med fokus på partitillhörighet och lobbyistisk verksamhet

Lobbyism is a central term in Swedish contemporary politics, as it affects political decisions in distinct ways. Lobbyism is a well-known force, yet it is operating on different levels of power than regular politics, in public as well as in more discrete contexts. Therefore, I find this complex phenomenon to be an interesting case to investigate due to the fact that the effect it has on citizens a

Tillbaka till framtiden

During the last 30 years the Swedish defence policy has shifted from a policy of neutrality to a policy of solidarity. In connection to this shift in policy the direction of the defence went from domestic to international and then back to domestic again. This paper seeks to examine how these shifts of direction has affected the methods of the military instrument of power. Through strategic theory,