Din sökning på "*" gav 536395 sökträffar
The Formation of Giant Planets
Popular Abstract in Swedish Jätteplaneterna, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus och Neptunus, är de största planeterna i solsystemet. De ligger långt från solen och har alla betydande gasatmosfärer, upp emot hundra gånger mer massiva än hela jorden. Tack vare de tjocka gashöljena, med en sammansättning som liknar solens, kan man förstå att jätteplaneterna bildades i en gasskiva. Denna skiva kallas för solGiant planets form embedded in a protoplanetary disc around a young star. Close to the midplane a large fraction of the available mass in solids is found in particles of cm to dm in size, which drift towards the star due to friction with the surrounding gas. In paper I, II, III we describe a novel theory that explains how embryos, planetesimals larger than ~1000 km, grow efficiently by sweeping up
Cell division during growth and development in Streptomyces
Handbook of Tourism and Sustainablility
The measurement of tendon forces in Swedish reactor containments.
Diskriminerande föreställningar inom socialtjänsten
Flat wise green gluing of Norway spruce for structural application
Unseasoned (green) Spruce timber planks with dimensions25 x 150 x 5400 mm3 were flat-wise glued with a one-componentPUR adhesive, forming laminated beams with 150 x 300 mm2 crosssection.After curing, each beam was divided in two halves and subsequentlydried. The final cross-section of the beams was thus 50 x 300mm2. The evaluation of the beams included bending stiffness andbending strength in 4-po
A reconsideration of the Kitab al-Magdal
Not available.
Upplevelse av torgrum
Look! Women - On Black Women and the Paradox of Visibility
Abstract is not available
Frankrike redo backa upp ESS ekonomiskt
Victims of trafficking. Synthesis report
Från patient till kund : Intåget av marknadstänkande i sjukvården och förskjutningen av patientens position
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens forskningsfrågor är: ”Vad är det som har möjliggjort att det talas om sjuka som kunder, hur har en sådan förskjutning av föreställningen om den sjuke skett och vad medför en sådan förskjutning?” Marknadstänkandet har successivt introducerats inom sjukvården under de sista decennierna av 1900-talet. Marknadstänkandet försöker ersätta tidigare förvaltnings-Marketization of society has gradually transformed health care at the end of the 20th century. The conditions of possibility for this transformation have been the social impact of the market discourse and the discourse on patient rights. These discourses brought about a displacement of the discursive order in health care. One effect of this discursive break was that the view of the sick person was
”Musik, politik, romantik”
Språkinlärning, språkdidaktik och teknologi. Rapport från ASLA:s höstsymposium, Lund, 8-9 november 2007
Surface Sampling and Automated Liquid Membrane Extraction of Fungicides
A number of approaches for fungicide determination are presented. A surface sampling technique is utilised for the determination of fungicide foliar residues on greenhouse surfaces, mainly leaves. The procedure is based on solvation of the fungicides on the leaf surface with ethanol and HPLC analysis. It was applied to studies of the environment in greenhouses including investigations of decline r
Är hemslöjden en spettkaka?
Practical Robust Two-View Translation Estimation
Outliers pose a problem in all real structure from motion systems. Due to the use of automatic matching methods one has to expect that a (sometimes very large) portion of the detected correspondences can be incorrect. In this paper we propose a method that estimates the relative translation between two cameras and simultaneously maximizes the number of inlier correspondences. Traditionally, outlie