

Din sökning på "*" gav 533449 sökträffar

Implementation of an OFDM Synchronization Algorithm

In this paper, a implementation of an OFDM synchronization algorithm is presented. Both time and frequency offsets are estimated simultaneously, using the cyclic prefix. The algorithm is implemented on a commercial DSP, an FPGA and as an ASIC. It is shown that although the algorithm is too complex to be implemented on a standard DSP, a hardware architecture that is optimized for the algorithm can

Clause-final subjects in English and Scandinavian

In English and in Scandinavian, presentational expletive constructions with clause-final subjects can be derived by moving the subject to a Spec position in the C-domain, and then raising the remainder of the clause across the subject to an even higher position. The discourse properties of the clause-final subjects then follow without further stipulations. Moreover, the view that the clause-final

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The aim of the present work is to describe the semantics and the discursive functions from a general cognitivist point of view of the usage of the Present Perfect in the spoken Spanish of Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is argued that cross-linguistic values that prevailing theories often ascribe to perfect, such as continuity, current relevance and recency to the speech time –ST– do not offer a c

Redox Regulation and Stress Responses - Studies in Bacillus subtilis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Redoxreaktioner är centrala i många livsnödvändiga funktioner såsom anabol och katabol metabolism. Det är därför viktigt att känna av och reglera cellens redoxstatus. En viktig komponent som påverkar detta är tillgången på syre. När syretillgången förändras så förändras den intracellulära redoxstatusen, vilket genererar en stress för cellen. Denna stress leder till ett Redox reactions are central to all organisms to sustain life. Both anabolic and catabolic metabolism depends on them. It is thus vital to sense and adjust the redox balance in the cell. One major factor affecting the redox status is the level of oxygen present. Transitions between different oxygen concentrations change the redox status and among other things, confer a stress upon the cells. This s