

Din sökning på "*" gav 525983 sökträffar

FGM/C, identitet och ”annanhet”. En kritisk diskursanalys av den svenska FGM/C-diskursen

Abstracts The purpose of this paper is to examine if the Swedish discourse concerning FGM/C can be seen as a link in the shaping of ones own identity. To investigate if this is the case I have used critical discourse analysis influenced by Norman Faircloughs three-dimensional model. I’ve also used postcolonial feminism as a kind of lens through which I’ve looked at the discourse. The discourse in

The man, the myth and human merchandises - A qualitative study of the trafficker image in popular culture

The purpose of this study is to analyse the common representation of the trafficker, namely the offender of human trafficking, by examining newspaper articles, novels and film. The crystallised image is compared to recent statistics and in relation to this an explanation of the image of the trafficker inspired by discursive perspectives will be offered. The study concludes that the prevalent image

The Wayúu People and el Cerrejón in Colombia An Investigation of Indigenous and Environmental Rights and economic development

The purpose of this paper is to study the impact the coal industry in el Cerrejón has had on the indigenous Wayúu population at the north of Colombia. The issue is addressed in through a human right lens discussing the importance of environmental and indigenous rights, which are not yet included in any legal document of the United Nations. The topic of environmental and indigenous rights is furthe

Elitklassers vara eller icke vara - Om särbegåvade elevers rätt till utbildning

In October 2008, the Swedish government made a resolution about a testing period for advanced classes in some of the Swedish high schools. After about a year the Swedish minister of education, Jan Björklund, made a statement that he wished that the try with the so called elite classes be extended to the primary schools. The purpose of my paper it to analyse the Swedish debate about elite classes i

Festivaler - skillnader i kultutövande mellan män och kvinnor

The Attic year started around midsummer, and the year was full of festivals in honor of the gods. The festivals were all performed in different ways and each festival had its particular god or goddess as its main deity. All Athenians thought that when he watched the comedies or tragedies during Lenaia or City Dionysia, the god Dionysus was also there taking pleasure of the plays, and when the Athe

“We need to cut the unnecessary charges, like rape.” En fallstudie av the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) och dess problem med att utreda sexuellt våld mot kvinnor

The essay focuses on international law and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) from a feminist perspective. My position is that these institutions are founded on patriarchal structures that oppress women and women’s experiences in favour for men and men’s experiences. My intention is therefore to investigate how the ICTR has failed to address crimes of sexual violence and rape an

Alternativ utformning av brandskydd vid särskilt boende för personer med vårdbehov

The report presents four different alternative designs for a nursing home or an accommodation for elderly people (special housing) that are possible to use with the installation of an automatic sprinkler system. The conclusion of the performed simulations and the subsequent discussion is that under certain conditions may be possible to integrate the lounge with corridors and that automatic door cl

Klassmedvetande och mänskliga rättigheter

The purpuse of this thesis is to examine what kind of relation there is between theories of class consciousness and human rights. Can human rights play a part in the class consciousness of the working class? I have chosen to compare three western marxists, G. Lukács, E.P Thompson and W. Reich and their theories of class consciousness. Their analysis of class consciousness derives from three perspe

Another side of Child Trafficking - Children versus cultural manifestations in Niger

This study is about child trafficking and how it is manifested in one of the poorest and least developed societies in the world, namely Niger. A child perspective, understood as the best interest of the child, serves as the starting point for this study. The purpose is to use the situation of the trafficking victims in Niger as a backdrop in order to discuss the Nigerien culture. Universalism and

Företagande och Corporate Social Responsibility - en utredning om CSR och dess framtid i dagens företagande

The aim of this study is to examine the prospects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becoming a permanent variable in the way that companies and enterprises work. This is done through an analysis of altruism, self-interest and egoism in the business enterprise and its aims in the capitalistic market economy of today. Examined are both the company from the inside, with conflicts of interest a

Hur upplever personer som lever med höftledsartros att det påverkar deras dagliga aktiviteter?

Artros är något som drabbar många, men är vanligast över 50 års ålder. Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka hur personer med höftledsartros upplever att detta påverkar de dagliga aktiviteterna. En kvalitativ metod med intervjuer på sju personer med höftledsartros gjordes. Resultatet visade att höftledsartros påverkade flera av de dagliga aktiviteterna. Tre kategorier bildades av det insamlade m

Svårigheter i dagliga aktiviteter för personer med nydebuterad Reumatoid artrit

Reumatoid artrit, RA orsakade tidigare omfattande aktivitetsproblem för den drabbade personen men idag finns läkemedel som i högre grad än tidigare kan påverka sjukdomsförloppet i gynnsam riktning. För att utreda vilka dagliga aktiviteter en person upplever som svåra används bedömningsinstrument som exempelvis Evaluation of Daily Activity Questionnaire, EDAQ. Syftet med denna studie var att identi

En studie om orsaker till överskuldsättning

The purpose of this study and the overall question was to find reasons why individuals become overindebted. The main method has been record research. Application forms from 60 individuals regarding debt adjustment have been examined and analyzed. Functionalistic and marxistic theories have been used to achieve an overall understanding for the phenomenon. On a concrete level, theories by Peter Dell

Mr Gatsby's Illusory Greatness

This essay explores the theory that Nick Carraway is an unreliable narrator, who creates the "greatness" of Mr Gatsby, based on the hypothesis that Carraway is partial to Gatsby for various reasons.

"Man måste vara väldigt uppfinningsrik" - Vårdpersonalens beskrivningar av kommunikationsstrategier vid språkbarriärer inom äldreomsorgen

In the last decades Sweden has become a multicultural country. The immigrants come from many different places all-around the world and many have arrived to Sweden, during the 90´s, when they were relatively old. Many of those can not speak Swedish at all or only speak a few words. This demands specific qualifications when it comes to the caregivers, who take care of the elderly. Our purpose with t

Bland biblar och heliga kor - om barn och unga som far illa inom den sociala barnavården

Author: Anja Ferhatovic and Therese Stridh Title: Among bibles and holy cows - about maltreatment of children and youth in child welfare. [translated title] Supervisor: Claes Levin Assessor: Eva-Malin Antoniusson The purpose of this study was to examine social workers experiences of maltreatment of children and youth in child welfare. More specifically, our aim was to find out how social worke

Old Traits and New Fiction, The Role of the Contemporary Bildungsroman in Contemporary Fiction : A Comparison Based on Hanif Kureishi's The Buddha of Suburbia and Charles Dickens' Great Expectations

The aim of this essay is to study the key characteristics of the Bildungsroman and examine if the same traits still are in use in contemporary fiction and what values that are being mediated. The aim is also to focus on the style in which the pedagogical message is being delivered thus highlighting the possible differences and similarities between an old-fashioned Bildungsroman, Charles Dickens’ G

Drivers and Barriers to Rural Bioenergy Entrepreneurships - The Case of Biogas in Vietnam

Poverty reduction, first on the list of Millennium Development Goals, requires access to modernized, stable energy to be realized. Rural areas are especially vulnerable, which is why renewable energy technologies (RETs) illustrate a promising solution for modernized energy access. Entrepreneurs play an important role in these sustainable development projects by helping build up an entire sector of

Bioenergy Entrepreneurship in Rural China

The Chinese Central Government has made the promotion of industrial utilization of bioenergy one of the priorities in the national plans on renewable energy. However, there is a general lack of understanding on how bioenergy entrepreneurship works on the ground level in China, particularly in rural areas. This thesis therefore aims to investigate the emergence and development of rural bioenergy bu

Communicating CSR Between Businesses - Where do reports fit in?

The successful implementation of CSR depends on the ability to ensure that the communication efforts associated with the programme are effective. As more and more companies practice CSR reporting, it is interesting to look at how CSR reports can have a potential to become useful in the b-t-b communication realm. With implications that relate to the core motivations of CSR implementation; enhanced