

Din sökning på "*" gav 525983 sökträffar


This study examines how Norway, through development cooperation with Bangladesh, complies with and implements the CRC’s article 28 and 29: The Right to Free Universal Education,. Examples are from cooperation with two NGOs in Bangladesh; the BRAC and YWCA of Bangladesh, which provides primary education programmes with support from Norway. I conducted fieldwork both in Bangladesh and in Norway, whe

Mindfulness och tillämpad avslappning – En studie av hälsoeffekter vid kort daglig träning under en månad

Studiens syfte var att undersöka den påverkan 15 minuters självständig daglig träning i mindfulness har på upplevd medveten närvaro, ohälsa och välbefinnande. Undersökningen utfördes under 30 dagar på 28 psykologstudenter. En experimentgrupp utan teoretisk introduktion till begreppet medveten närvaro genomförde övningar som fokuserade på att använda sin uppmärksamhet avsiktligt, nyfiket och icke-d

Risks in using CFD-codes for analytical fire-based design in buildings with a focus on FDS:s handling of under-ventilated fires

The use of CFD-models as an engineering tool for fire based analytical design of buildings has increased over the last few years. The reason for this is partly that the legislation allows for analytical dimensioning but also because the legislation demands a high degree of verification for the analytical dimensioning. The biggest reason is, however, that the computer power has increased and reache

Benchmarking inom komunal verksamhet

Som vi antydde i inledningen finns det hinder för en lyckad implementering. Vi har i vår studie lyft fram en del faktorer som ligger till grund för detta. För att lyckas väl med implementering av en förändring krävs det ett tydligt och engagerat ledarskap, en god informationsspridning i organisationen, en uppföljning av förändringar i verksamheten och ett arbete för att motivera de anställda. Det

Sänkta energikostnader för Trioplast Landskrona AB och Trioplanex International AB

This thesis describes an energy mapping of the factory of Trioplast Landskrona AB och Trioplanex International AB and suggestions on how to make it more energy efficient. The purpose is to lower the company's energy utilization and costs. This is done by doing the energy mapping through ocular surveys, interviews, studies of literature and gathering of information from the staff of the factory

Combustion Characteristics of MCV/LCV Fuels - A Numerical Chemical Kinetics Study at Gas Turbine Conditions

The purpose of this Master’s Thesis is to develop a model for numerical simulations in order to kinetically characterize different Medium Calorific- Low Calorific Value (MCV-LCV) fuel gas mixtures. Adding fuel components with a very low heating value or inert species affect the stability of the standard gas turbine combustor design. Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (SIT) believes that increasing

Idag känner jag mig emo : en studie av föraktet för ungdomsstilen emo baserad på foucaultiansk diskursanalys & kleiniansk psykoanalys utifrån internettexter

Ungdomsstilen emo är en ny subkulturell livsstil, framsprungen ur musikstilen emo. Emo är en förkortning av emotionell och anhängarna eftersträvar emotionell ärlighet. Emo-anhängarna associeras ofta med självdestruktivitet och kan av den anledningen väcka föraktfulla känslor. Syftet med studien är att tolka föraktet riktat mot anhängarna och dess sociala konsekvenser samt att tolka möjliga bakomliThe youthstyle of emo is a new subcultural lifestyle, evolved from the style of emo music. Emo is short for emotional and the supporters strive for emotional honesty. Emo-supporters are often associated with self-destructivity and may for that reason cause feelings of contempt. The aim of this study is to interpret these feelings of contempt against the supporters and their social consequences, an

Diversifiering mot tillväxtländer utifrån en svensk investerares perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to examine a Swedish investor’s possibility to diversify into Emerging markets. This is done by investigate if correlations between Sweden and 24 Emerging markets is higher in bear market than during other market conditions. In the next step a multi index model is used to check if volatility affects correlation between the markets. Finally four ex ante portfolios were

Det komplexa bemötandet - röster från en familjerätt i södra Sverige

The aim of this study is to describe and analyze encounters between clients and social workers in a municipality in the southern part of Sweden. Our questions are, what is a social workers opinion of a good encounter; which personal characteristics clients think are most important for social workers in a good encounter; do social workers and clients have a unanimous view of which personal characte

Differentiation in the European Integration Process - The path to harmonisation is flexible and open-ended

This paper establishes the difference between process and outcome differentiation, claiming that the former seems to have become reality in the European integration process. Concerning the outcome, the author claims that thus far the Union is legally defined by its actors to be a harmonisation project, serving the interests of EU citizens by means of an economic and increasingly political Union of

Restructuring the State - EU Police Missions and the Consequences of Discourse

The purpose is to answer the question: what are the consequences of the EU discourse on civilian crisis management for the social structures? Critical discourse analysis has been used, both as theory and as method together with social constructivism and the concepts of power and policing. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews with 16 Swedish police officers with experience from EU missions were

The EU Foreign Policy: Discursive Impact and ’Actorness’. Analysis of the EU-Russia Negotiations over the Conflict in Georgia

This study is about rigorously motivating dynamics of the European Union – its discursive capacity to effectuate change as a sui generis actor in foreign policy. It builds on the case study of the conflict between Russia and Georgia, involvement in which proved to be one of the most successful diplomatic endeavors of the EU. It opened the door for a new political dimension to the east of its borde

Does Self-Perception Affect EU Council Presidency Performance? .

Studies of the European integration reveal that EU Council Presidency is an institution, whose vision of Europe defines and shapes ongoing and future integration processes. In times of deadlocks, it is the Presidency that is expected to exhibit leadership and guide the integration process towards new goals (Elgström 2003: 1). In the thesis we shall try to find out whether there are variations in g

An opportunity to go "here and there" on the empowering vehicle of education -A minor field study of women’s empowerment through education in Gerupuk, Indonesia

By utilizing the concept of empowerment and how education can serve as an empowering tool for women, this bachelor thesis aims to examine women’s empowerment through education in the village of Gerupuk in south Lombok, Indonesia. The thesis is based on empirical material consisting of interviews with women from Gerupuk and representatives from Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), United Nation (UN

Användargränssnitt för HAAS CNC maskiner

Our work is based on making a User Interface for CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines manufactured by HAAS. The machine uses a programming language called G-Code, which for the ordinary lathe-operator is difficult to learn. This discourages many operators, who have only used manual machines, to convert to CNC. Our task is to make the transition from manual to automatic machines easy. We and o

Det sköra stålet - En politisk ekonomisk analys av de amerikanska ståltullarna 2002 - 2003

Denna studie ämnar att förklara vad som låg bakom införandet av ståltullar på den amerikanska marknaden under 2002 samt utvärdera vilka effekter dessa resulterade i. Genom att analysera den amerikanska stålindustrins egenskaper observeras att denna stämmer väl överens med de attribut som är avgörande för storleken av ett tullskydd. Trots att dessa, i flertalet avseende, överensstämde avvek observa

Stoppa FRA-Lagen - En argumentationsanalys av bloggsfärens påverkan på Riksdagsdebatte den 17 juni 2008

This paper takes its starting point with the enormous public attention that blogs got in 2008 regarding the “FRA” debate. In the media there is a consensus that the blogs influenced the parliamentary debate concerning the new law proposal. This essay intends to investigate the bearing of this consensus by comparing the debate in the blog sphere and the debate in the parliament and searching for si

Som privat eller professionell? En uppsats om medias gestaltning av aktörerna i ministerkrisen 2006

This study aims to present the media coverage of the period shortly after the Swedish parliamentary elections of 2006. It soon turned out that five of the newly appointed Swedish Ministers of government had committed immoral acts prior they were appointed Ministers. The basis for this study is a hypothesis that media tends to picture politicians in the context of different normative logics. The

Egypt 2.0

Blogging as a phenomenon has spread far from its initial western context and provides new interesting research topics on the implications of the blogosphere in more authoritarian states. We however face many problems when trying to connect the technological complexity of the new information era and the social scientific theories of our discipline. By applying a framework designed to bring order an

Någonting nytt? En studie av LommaPanelen som kunskapsförmedlare

This thesis aims to examine what significance the output of a citizen panel constitutes to a municipality’s administration. Citizen participation projects have increased in popularity due to decreasing electoral participation and fewer members in political parties. This constitutes a democratic problem as well as a problem of weakened information channels for the decision makers. There is a need f