Din sökning på "*" gav 526186 sökträffar
She is in science to stay!
New Insight on Tuning Electrical Transport Properties via Chalcogen Doping in n-type Mg3Sb2-Based Thermoelectric Materials
n-type Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5 has recently been discovered to be a promising thermoelectric material, yet the effective n-type dopants are mainly limited to the chalcogens. This may be attributed to the limited chemical insight into the effects from different n-type dopants. By comparing the effects of different chalcogen dopants Q (Q = S, Se, and Te) on thermoelectric properties, it is found that the chal
A cappella : 25 körledares röster
Hur ser dagens körledare och dirigenter på körverksamhet? Varför är det angeläget att hålla på med kör? Hur arbetar man konstnärligt och pedagogiskt för att utveckla kören och sig själv som körledare? Vad är viktigt att satsa på i utbildningen av nya körledare och körsångare? Hur kan körlivet utvecklas i Sverige och hur ser framtiden ut? I denna bok möter vi tjugofem framstående körledare från oli
Channel capacity analysis of different mobile antenna array topologies in the outdoor urban environment for 5g mm wave system
The 15 and 28 GHz frequency bands have been identified as interesting candidates for future 5G cellular communication systems. In this paper, based on ray-tracing simulations, we investigate the channel capacities at 15 and 28 GHz for a number of different array processing techniques, including beamforming, spatial multiplexing, and two types of hybrid beamforming. This is done for an 8x32 multipl
Spelmansfamiljen Berndtsson : Vad hände sen?
System requirements-OSS components: matching and mismatch resolution practices – an empirical study
Developing systems by integrating Open Source Software (OSS) is increasingly gaining importance in the software industry. Although the literature claims that this approach highly impacts Requirements Engineering (RE) practices, there is a lack of empirical evidence to demonstrate this statement. To explore and understand problems and challenges of current system requirement–OSS component matching Developing systems by integrating Open Source Software (OSS) is increasingly gaining importance in the software industry. Although the literature claims that this approach highly impacts Requirements Engineering (RE) practices, there is a lack of empirical evidence to demonstrate this statement. To explore and understand problems and challenges of current system requirement–OSS component matching
"Gud naade oss alle Danske, Svenske och Norske" : Om nordisk identitet i senmedeltidens och 1500-talets Norden
Endogenous insensitivity to the Orco agonist VUAA1 reveals novel olfactory receptor complex properties in the specialist fly Mayetiola destructor
Insect olfactory receptors are routinely expressed in heterologous systems for functionalcharacterisation. It was recently discovered that the essential olfactory receptor co-receptor (Orco)of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Mdes), does not respond to the agonist VUAA1, whichactivates Orco in all other insects analysed to date. Here, using a mutagenesis-based approach weidentified three res
The hidden genomic and transcriptomic plasticity of giant marker chromosomes in cancer
Genome amplification in the form of rings or giant rod-shaped marker chromosomes (RGMs) is a common genetic alteration in soft tissue tumors. The mitotic stability of these structures is often rescued by perfectly functioning analphoid neocentromeres, which therefore significantly contribute to cancer progression. Here, we disentangled the genomic architecture of many neocentromeres stabilizing ma
Idiosyncratic volatility puzzle : influence of macro-finance factors
We analyze the cross-sectional relation between expected idiosyncratic volatility and stock returns. The expected idiosyncratic volatility is conditioned on macro-finance factors as well as traditional asset pricing factors. The macro-finance factors are constructed from a large set of macroeconomic and financial variables. Our results show that the negative relation between expected idiosyncratic
The impact of product architecture on global operations network design
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore how integral and modular product architectures influence the design properties of the global operations network. Design/methodology/approach: The authors perform a multiple-case study of three global manufacturing companies, using interviews, seminars and structured questionnaires to identify ideal design properties. Findings: The authors find that
TGFβ attenuates tumour response to PD-L1 blockade by contributing to exclusion of T cells
Therapeutic antibodies that block the programmed death-1 (PD-1)-programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) pathway can induce robust and durable responses in patients with various cancers, including metastatic urothelial cancer. However, these responses only occur in a subset of patients. Elucidating the determinants of response and resistance is key to improving outcomes and developing new treatment strat
Accident Information from six European Countries Based on Self-reports
A questionnaire survey has been conducted in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Spain and Sweden in 20162017. Once every third month through one year respondents have received a link to an online questionnaire which asked them about information on any traffic accidents they might have experienced in the period. The questionnaire contains questions on various aspects related to the accidents that
The Gaia -ESO Survey : Lithium enrichment histories of the Galactic thick and thin disc
Lithium abundance in most of the warm metal-poor main sequence stars shows a constarnt plateau (A(Li) ~ 2.2 dex) and then the upper envelope of the lithium vs. metallicity distribution increases as we approach solar metallicity. Meteorites, which carry information about the chemical composition of the interstellar medium (ISM) at the solar system formation time, show a lithium abundance A(Li) ~ 3.
Dermal fibroblasts from patients with Parkinson's disease have normal GCase activity and autophagy compared to patients with PD and GBA mutations
Background: Recently, the development of Parkinson's disease (PD) has been linked to a number of genetic risk factors, of which the most common is glucocerebrosidase (GBA) mutations. Methods: We investigated PD and Gaucher Disease (GD) patient derived skin fibroblasts using biochemistry assays. Results: PD patient derived skin fibroblasts have normal glucocerebrosidase (GCase) activity, whilst pat
Exploration of a method to validate surrogate safety measures with a focus on vulnerable road users
Background. Traditional crash-based analysis of road safety at individual sites has its shortcomings due to low numbers and the random nature of crashes at individual sites and the related statistical issues, as well as the under-reporting of crashes and lack of information on contributing factors and the process preceding crashes. To get around the problem, road safety analysis based on surrogateAbstract Background. Traditional crash-based analysis of road safety at individual sites has its shortcomings due to low numbers and the random nature of crashes at individual sites and the related statistical issues, as well as the under-reporting of crashes and lack of information on contributing factors and the process preceding crashes. To get around the problem, road safety analysis based on