

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

What determines unemployment in the long run? Band spectrum regression on ten countries 1913-2016

The rise in unemployment since the 1980s has been predominantlyunderstood as driven by short-term shocks, or long-run conditions in theform of rigid labor market institutions or 'jobless growth', mostly basedon studies on the period from 1960 onward. Aggregate demand is usu-ally assumed to have no long-run impact on unemployment, but recentcontributions call this into question. This paper adopts a

Semiarid ecosystems

• Semiarid regions control a large fraction of the interannual variability in the global terrestrial CO2 sink and of atmospheric CO2 growth rate. • Semiarid ecosystems are characterized by recurring disturbances that alter the regional C budgets. As disturbances are expected to become more frequent or intense in the future, quantifying their contribution to semiarid C balance is crucial. • We revi

On nanosecond plasma-assisted ammonia combustion : Effects of pulse and mixture properties

In this study, the effects of nanosecond plasma discharges on the combustion characteristics of ammonia are investigated over a wide range of mixture properties and plasma settings. The results reveal that the impacts of the plasma on ammonia combustion change non-monotonically by altering the reduced electric field value. Within the studied range of the reduced electric field, i.e., 100–700 Td, i

Reference evapotranspiration estimation in hyper-arid regions via D-vine copula based-quantile regression and comparison with empirical approaches and machine learning models

Study region: Two hyper-arid regions (Atbara and Kassala stations) in Sudan. Study focus: The study aims to evaluate the potential of the D-vine Copula-based quantile regression (DVQR) model for estimating daily ETo during 2000–2015 based on various input structures. Further, the DVQR model was compared with Multivariate Linear quantile regression (MLQR), Bayesians Model Averaging quantile regress

Multiscale Modelling of Atomistic Structure of Calcium Silicate Hydrate

The atomistic structure of calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) has been studied by applying force field simulations and quantum mechanical methods. Large number of crystallographically equivalent structures were used to account for the disordered nature of C-S-H. An extensive set of periodic structures of C-S-H (with a variation of chemical composition) has been generated and optimised. Special att

Cardiac Arrest Treatment Center Differences in Sedation and Analgesia Dosing During Targeted Temperature Management

Background: Sedation and analgesia are recommended during targeted temperature management (TTM) after cardiac arrest, but there are few data to provide guidance on dosing to bedside clinicians. We evaluated differences in patient-level sedation and analgesia dosing in an international multicenter TTM trial to better characterize current practice and clinically important outcomes. Methods: A total

Real-world Treatment Sequencing in Patients with Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer : Results from the Prospective, International, Observational Prostate Cancer Registry

Background: Prostate cancer has a multifaceted treatment pattern. Evidence is lacking for optimal treatment sequences for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Objective: To increase the understanding of real-world treatment pathways and outcomes in patients with mCRPC. Design, setting, and participants: A prospective, noninterventional, real-world analysis of 3003 patients with

S100A9 induces reactive oxygen species-dependent formation of neutrophil extracellular traps in abdominal sepsis

Recent evidence suggests that targeting S100A9 reduces pathological inflammation in abdominal sepsis. Herein, we investigated the role of S100A9 in neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation in septic lung damage. NETs were detected by electron microscopy in the lung and by confocal microscopy in vitro. Stimulation of isolated mouse bone marrow-derived neutrophils with S100A9 triggered formatio

The abortion divide: Exploring the role of exclusion, loss of significance and identity in the radicalization process

Introduction: Recently, the abortion issue has entered the spotlight in the USA, leading to potential radical actions. As the majority opinion on the abortion issue vary with state, some individuals will be in the numerical minority within their state, possibly evoking feelings of exclusion. Social exclusion can motivate a radicalization process. The aim of this paper is to explore how individuals

Polarization vision mitigates visual noise from flickering light underwater

In shallow water, downwelling light is refracted from surface waves onto the substrate creating bands of light that fluctuate in both time and space, known as caustics. This dynamic illumination can be a visual hindrance for animals in shallow underwater environments. Animals in such habitats may have evolved to use polarization vision for discriminating objects while ignoring the variations in il

Planning for sustainable urban livelihoods in Africa

This chapter explores the role, success and failures of spatial planning in shaping African cities and its influence on livelihoods. To date, planning in Africa has largely failed to address the needs and livelihoods of the poor and struggled to address wider issues such as spatial and economic inclusion, health inequalities, future pandemics and climate change. Planning for sustainable livelihood

Complete alignment of a KB-mirror system guided by ptychography

We demonstrate how the individual mirrors of a high-quality Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) mirror system can be aligned to each other to create an optimally focused beam, through minimizing aberrations in the phase of the ptychographically reconstructed pupil function. Different sources of misalignment and the distinctive phase artifacts they create are presented via experimental results from the alignment

Post-covid medical complaints following infection with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron vs Delta variants

The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant has been associated with lesssevere acute disease, however, concerns remain as to whether long-termcomplaints persist to a similar extent as for earlier variants. Studying 1 323 145persons aged 18-70 years living in Norway with and without SARS-CoV-2infection in a prospective cohort study, we found that individuals infected withOmicron had a similar risk

Comparison of Grand Canonical and Conventional Molecular Dynamics Simulation Methods for Protein-Bound Water Networks

Water molecules play important roles in all biochemical processes. Therefore, it is of key importance to obtain information of the structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of water molecules around proteins. Numerous computational methods have been suggested with this aim. In this study, we compare the performance of conventional and grand-canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) molecular dynamics (MD) simula

Agrar ojämlikhet i Sverige studerad med bevillningstaxeringen som källa, 1870–1920

This Swedish-language investigation concerns the usefulness of the Swedish property tax, introduced in 1862, as a source for studying wealth inequality in the agrarian sector. A one percent sample of all taxpayers in rural areas, following the original taxation lists archived at the National Archives in Stockholm, has been made for four counties in three years: 1870, 1900, 1920. The counties are M

Solidaritet för en levbar framtid

Antibiotikaresistens har länge utgjort en växande fara som innebär att enkla infektioner inte längre går att behandla. För att genomföra de nödvändiga förändringarna måste de mer välbeställda länderna bära en större del av bördan och kostnaderna än fattigare länder. Ett solidariskt förhållningssätt understryker vårt ömsesidiga beroende av varandra. Det ökar också möjligheten att antibiotika kommer

Evolvability and constraint in the evolution of three-dimensional flower morphology

Premise: Flower phenotypes evolve to attract pollinators and to ensure efficient pollen transfer to and from the bodies of pollinators or, in self-compatible bisexual flowers, between anthers and stigmas. If functionally interacting traits are genetically correlated, response to selection may be subject to genetic constraints. Genetic constraints can be assessed by quantifying standing genetic var

Menopause is associated with postprandial metabolism, metabolic health and lifestyle : The ZOE PREDICT study

Background: The menopause transition is associated with unfavourable alterations in health. However, postprandial metabolic changes and their mediating factors are poorly understood. Methods: The PREDICT 1 UK cohort (n=1002; pre- n=366, peri- n=55, and post-menopausal females n=206) assessed phenotypic characteristics, anthropometric, diet and gut microbiome data, and fasting and postprandial (0–6