

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Characterization and kinetic analysis of a thermostable GH3 beta-glucosidase from Penicillium brasilianum

A GH3 beta-glucosidase (BGL) from Penicillium brasilianum was purified to homogeneity after cultivation on a cellulose and xylan rich medium. The BGL was identified in a genomic library, and it was successfully expressed in Aspergillus oryzae. The BGL had excellent stability at elevated temperatures with no loss in activity after 24 h of incubation at 60A degrees C at pH 4-6, and the BGL was shown

Patient representatives' views on patient information in clinical cancer trials

Background: Patient enrolment into clinical trials is based on oral information and informed consent, which includes an information sheet and a consent certificate. The written information should be complete, but at the same time risks being so complex that it may be questioned if a fully informed consent is possible to provide. We explored patient representatives' views and perceptions on the wri

Resource Management on Multicore Systems: The ACTORS Approach

High-performance embedded systems require the execution of many applications on multicore platforms and are subject to stringent restrictions and constraints. The actors project approach provides temporal isolation through resource reservation over a multicore platform, adapting the available resources on the basis of the overall quality requirements. The architecture is fully operational on both

Historia på frukostbordet. Historiebruk i två nordiska dagstidningar 1987 och 2012

How frequently and in what ways does history figure in daily news media? This study revisits an investigation of history in two leading Scandinavian newspapers, the Danish Politiken and the Swedish Dagens Nyheter, which was undertaken in 1987. Twenty-five years later, the results of this study are compared to an investigation of historical content in the same two newspapers in 2012. The frequency

Orientation of shorebirds in relation to wind: both drift and compensation in the same region

Migratory movements in air or water are strongly affected by wind and ocean currents and an animal which does not compensate for lateral flow will be drifted from its intended direction of movement. We investigated whether arctic shorebirds during autumn migration in the region of South Sweden and the southern Baltic Sea compensate for wind drift or allow themselves to be drifted when approaching

Induction of Autophagy by Cystatin C: A Mechanism That Protects Murine Primary Cortical Neurons and Neuronal Cell Lines

Cystatin C (CysC) expression in the brain is elevated in human patients with epilepsy, in animal models of neurodegenerative conditions, and in response to injury, but whether up-regulated CysC expression is a manifestation of neurodegeneration or a cellular repair response is not understood. This study demonstrates that human CysC is neuroprotective in cultures exposed to cytotoxic challenges, in

Transport through (Ga, Mn) As nanoislands: Coulomb blockade and temperature dependence of the conductance

We report on magnetotransport measurements of nanoconstricted (Ga, Mn) As devices showing very large resistance changes that can be controlled by both an electric and a magnetic field. Based on the bias voltage and temperature-dependent measurements down to the millikelvin range we compare the models currently used to describe transport through (Ga, Mn) As nanoconstrictions. We provide an explanat

The effect of polycations on early cement paste

This paper studies the possibility for improving the ductility of cement based materials by means of oligocationic additives. Actually, the setting of cement is due to ionic correlation forces between highly negatively charged C-S-H nanoparticles throughout a calcium rich solution. The main drawback of this strong attraction is its very short range that results in low elastic deformation of hydrat

Population Landscape of Familial Cancer.

Public perception and anxiety of familial cancer have increased demands for clinical counseling, which may be well equipped for gene testing but less prepared for counseling of the large domain of familial cancer with unknown genetic background. The aim of the present study was to highlight the full scope of familial cancer and the variable levels of risk that need to be considered. Data on the 25

Myelotoxicity after high-dose methotrexate in childhood acute leukemia is influenced by 6-mercaptopurine dosing but not by intermediate thiopurine methyltransferase activity

Through enhancement of 6-mercaptopurine (6MP) bioavailability and inhibition of purine de novo synthesis, high-dose methotrexate (HD-MTX) may increase incorporation into DNA of 6-thioguanine nucleotides, the cytotoxic metabolites of 6MP. Patients with intermediate activity of thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMTIA) have higher cytosol 6-thioguanine nucleotide levels. We investigated toxicity followi

Swedish Offerkast and Recent Roadside Memorials

The erection of roadside memorials in Sweden is commonly considered a novel practice. However, it bears certain similarities with earlier traditions, especially, the so-called offerkast, a pile of sticks or stones thrown on the site of a death on the road.

Nature and Culture in Prehistoric Amazonia : Using G.I.S. to reconstruct ancient ethnogenetic processes from archaeology, linguistics, geography, and ethnohistory

Popular AbstractAvhandlingen undersöker sociokulturell och lingvistisk utveckling i det förkolumbianska Amazonområdet, med särskild fokus på perioden 500 f.Kr. till år 1500. Genom att sammanföra och analysera data från arkeologi, lingvistik, etnohistoria, etnografi och geografi i ett Geografiskt Informationssystem (G.I.S.) syntetiserar den stora mängder empiriska data från flera fält för att underThis thesis investigates the socio-cultural and linguistic development of pre-Columbian Amazonia, with a particular focus on the period between 500 BC and AD 1500. In assembling and analyzing data from archaeology, linguistics, ethnohistory, ethnography, and geography in a Geographical Information System (G.I.S.), it synthesizes large amounts of empirical data from several fields to facilitate lon

Immunosuppressive Myeloid Cells in Breast Cancer and Sepsis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Normalt sett skyddar immunförsvaret oss mot farliga och främmande ämnen. En cancercell uppfattas oftast som något defekt och farligt som måste elimineras. Men då och då lyckas cancerceller överleva och manipulerar då vårt immunförsvar till det sämre för oss. Cancer är ett samlingsnamn på sjukdomar orsakade av en ansamling av genetiska förändringar. Dessa förändringar Immune cells play paradoxical roles in cancer progression. On one hand, the immune system protects us against tumor development by recognizing and eliminating cancerous cells. On the other hand, tumor-associated immune cells can contribute to tumor progression by secreting growth factors as well as immunosuppressive, pro-angiogenic and/or pro-metastatic mediators. In this thesis we identified a f

Search for anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking with the ATLAS detector based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV

In models of anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB), the lightest chargino is predicted to have a lifetime long enough to be detected in collider experiments. This letter explores AMSB scenarios in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV by attempting to identify decaying charginos which result in tracks that appear to have few associated hits in the outer region of the tracking system. The search

Measurement of the inclusive and dijet cross-sections of b-jets in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The inclusive and dijet production cross-sections have been measured for jets containing b-hadrons (b-jets) in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of root s = 7 TeV, using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements use data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 34 pb(-1). The b-jets are identified using either a lifetime-based method, where secondary decay vertices of b

Predicted warming and browning affect timing and magnitude of plankton phenological events in lakes: a mesocosm study

1. Aquatic ecosystems in Northern Europe are expected to face increases in temperature and water colour (TB) in future. While effects of these factors have been studied separately, it is unknown whether and how a combination of them might affect phenological events and trophic interactions. 2. In a mesocosm study, we combined both factors to create conditions expected to arise during the coming ce

Study of a Pneumatic Hybrid aided by a FPGA Controlled Free Valve Technology System

Urban traffic involves frequent acceleration and deceleration. During deceleration, the energy previously used to accelerate the vehicle is mainly wasted on heat generated by the friction brakes. If this energy that is wasted in traditional IC engines could be saved, the fuel economy would improve. Today there are several solutions to meet the demand for better fuel economy and one of them is the