

Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar

Contact Allergy to Dental Materials and Implants

Dental professionals and dental patients are exposed to the same sensitizers, but the outcome is very different. Dental professionals suffer predominantly from irritant contact dermatitis and to a lesser degree from allergic contact dermatitis to acrylates and rubber products. Dental patients rarely have allergic contact stomatitis. In this chapter, the reader will learn about the multiple factors

Characterization of a highly conserved MUC5B-degrading protease, MdpL, from Limosilactobacillus fermentum

MUC5B is the predominant glycoprotein in saliva and is instrumental in the establishment and maintenance of multi-species eubiotic biofilms in the oral cavity. Investigations of the aciduric Lactobacillaceae family, and its role in biofilms emphasizes the diversity across different genera of the proteolytic systems involved in the nutritional utilization of mucins. We have characterized a protease

S taphylococcus aureus bacteraemia, cardiac implantable electronic device, and the risk of endocarditis : a retrospective population–based cohort study

Patients with cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) and Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) are at risk of having infective endocarditis (IE). The objectives were to describe a Swedish population-based cohort of patients with CIED and SAB, to identify risk factors, and to construct a predictive score for IE. Patients over 18 years old in the Stockholm Region identified to have SAB in th

Identification of Asthma Phenotypes in the Spanish MEGA Cohort Study Using Cluster Analysis

Introduction: The definition of asthma phenotypes has not been fully established, neither there are cluster studies showing homogeneous results to solidly establish clear phenotypes. The purpose of this study was to develop a classification algorithm based on unsupervised cluster analysis, identifying clusters that represent clinically relevant asthma phenotypes that may share asthma-related outco

Affective Interventions and ‘the Hegemonic Other’ in Runestones from Västergötland and Södermanland, Sweden

In the eleventh century AD, the Scandinavian countries were in the final stage of the pro-cess of conversion to Christianity. Local and regional processes of negotiations towards aChristian hegemony took various courses in different parts of Scandinavia. There are fewsubstantial indications that social tensions resulted in violence. Rather, archaeological evi-dence indicates a gradual change. This

Beyond Urban Sketching: Ethnographic Drawing as a Visual Analytical Method

starting point. Through active participation as an urban sketcher through digital publishing,dialogue and interaction, I analyze my analytical process and urban sketching practice. Theaim is to examine ethnographic drawing as a visual cultural analytical method. My contributionis based the connection between urban ideals and innovative, creative environments in alocal context. An overall knowledgeIn this article I have chosen a contemporary phenomenon, urban sketching, as an empirical starting point. Through active participation as an urban sketcher through digital publishing, dialogue and interaction, I analyze my analytical process and urban sketching practice. The aim is to examine ethnographic drawing as a visual cultural analytical method. My contribution is based the connection betwe

Gesture analysis in second language acquisition

When we speak, we typically also gesture. Gestures are an integral part of language use in both production and comprehension. They are therefore also vital in second language (L2), foreign language (FL), and bilingualism studies since they can open new windows on cognitive processes, interaction practices, and learning. This entry discusses methods and tools for studying second language users' and

Organiserande av stöd och service till barn med funktionhinder: Om projektnät, språkliga förpackningar och institutionella paradoxer

Avhandlingen är en studie av hur stöd och service organiseras kring fyra barn med funktionshinder och deras familjer. I denna service är normalt flera olika formella organisationer involverade, som barnhabilitering, förskola/skola/särskola, hjälpmedelscentral, assistentorganisationer, sjukvård m fl. Dessutom kan barnets och familjens situation vara komplicerad på många sätt. Själva funktionshindreThis study explores the organising of services for disabled children and their families in Sweden. It is based on 83 interviews with parents and involved staff surrounding four disabled children, with both physical and intellectual disabilities, and between two and nine years old. Further, 15 meetings between parents and staff were observed, primarily serving as background material. The service pr

Klimatpolitiska rådets rapport 2023

Stigande halter av växthusgaser i atmosfären har rubbat balansen i jordens klimatsystem vilket har medfört en snabbt stigande global medeltemperatur. Den globala uppvärmningen ligger nu på drygt 1,1 grader jämfört med förindustriell tid. Utöver högre temperaturer har detta lett till fler extrema väderhändelser, smältande isar och stigande havsnivåer. De ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala effektern

Yes Indeed, Evolutionary Biologists Should Pay More Attention to History : A Commentary on Smocovitis

Vassiliki “Betty” Smocovitis has done a thorough and admirable job in highlighting the complex history the Modern Synthesis (MS) or the Evolutionary Synthesis (ES) as she prefers to call it. Her interesting contribution should hopefully increase awareness that the history of evolutionary biology is important even for researchers today who are mainly interested in solving practical questions of mor

Learning insertion of a Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) catheter : Is clinical experience necessary? A prospective trial

Background: Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) is an emerging and potentially life-saving procedure, necessitating qualified operators in an increasing number of centres. The procedure shares technical elements with other vascular access procedures using the Seldinger technique, which is mastered by doctors not only in endovascular specialties but also in trauma surg

The Definitive Account of Early Mediumship : A review of The Heyday of Mental Mediumship: 1880s-1930s: Investigators, Mediums and Communicators, by Alan Gauld.

Following his acclaimed earlier study on mediumship and survival, Alan Gauld providesa more complete account of about 50 years of early studies on mediumship with a select group ofmediums (e.g., Mrs. Piper, Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Dowden). He describes in detail why many if not mostof the criticisms against extraordinarily accurate accounts by these mediums do not hold waterwhen analyzed in detail. Gau

The effects of individual and organizational interventions on space tourism : applying EMGB and fsQCA

There is limited theoretically informed research on sustainability in the space tourism market. An extended model of goal-directed behaviour (EMGB) is created and verified with individual and organizational interventions, comparing space tourism experienced and non-experienced travellers. Results revealed that individual intervention has fully significant effects on all MGB constructs, while organ

Impact of Quantization in Decentralized Processing for Large Multi-Antenna Architectures

The demand for an increased number of antennas at base stations is driving research on decentralized processing schemes aimed at reducing the information volume that has to be transferred to, and processed at, a central processing unit (CPU). Some of these schemes can reduce the dimensions of the data while achieving information-lossless processing with respect to centralized architectures. Howeve

Small Island Societies, Livelihoods, Challenges and Opportunities during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sweden

Covid-19 increased the social and economic vulnerability of island societies. Swedish islands are key tourism destinations but are also home to many island residents. Previous studies have high-lighted the impact of Covid-19 on core areas, but our knowledge of its impact on island communities is lac-king. We use phenomenology to analyse how communities in small Swedish islands perceive the impact