

Din sökning på "*" gav 529676 sökträffar

VD-ersättning i relation till genomsnittlig lön - En studie på hur kvoten förhåller sig till ekonomisk prestation hos företag listade på OMXS30.

Examensarbetets titel: VD-ersättning i relation till genomsnittlig lön - En studie på hur kvoten förhåller sig till ekonomisk prestation hos företag listade på OMXS30. Seminariedatum: 04-06-2021 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i Finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 poäng. Författare: Filip Bolling, Maj Lundgren & Felix Winstedt Blom Handledare: Lars Oxelheim Nyckelord: Aktiekurs, Kvot, OMXS3

Power of Your Choice - An Empirical Study of Origin-Specified Electricity Contracts in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to study some aspects of origin-specified electricity contracts in Sweden. Consumers may choose a contract for which the electricity is specified to originate from for example renewable resources, or from one exclusive energy source such as solar, wind, hydroelectric or nuclear power. The study is mainly based on data over supplied electricity contracts for households

Urban Flight & the Pandemic - A study of the drives behind urban emigration in Sweden in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic

In March 2020 the Swedish public health authorities imposed the first of many restrictions on social interaction, as a way to limit the spread of the covid-19 pandemic. Coinciding with this is a new standard to work from home, as well as increased waves of migration out of Sweden’s major cities. This thesis aims to gain an understanding of current trends of urban emigration in relation to the Covi

Heteronormativity at Work: A case study of the workplace experience of queer employees

Queer employees are experiencing heteronormativity in the Swedish workplace. The aim of this thesis is to examine how queer lives are limited at work by the social norms regulating sex, gender and sexuality. The object of this study is an international Swedish industrial company where I have conducted interviews with queer employees. From a poststructural standpoint I am conducting queer research

"Tanken har inte slagit honom att detta var något verkligt": En kvalitativ studie av tilltalades förklaringar till sina gärningar i barnpornografibrott och utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering

I princip all befattning med barnpornografi är kriminaliserat då detta skildrar olika övergrepp på barn. Utnyttjande av barn för sexuell posering är ett brott likt barnpornografibrott där ett barn förmås att utföra handlingar med sexuell innebörd framför kamera eller andra människor. Intresse för sådant material skapar en efterfrågan som kan bidra till att fler övergrepp dokumenteras och sprids, v

Cross-National Differences in Risk Preferences

Purpose: This research aimed to investigate cross-national differences in risk preferences to uncover whether risk appetite, consisting of perceived and actual risk, differs amongst demographics. This paper aims to understand whether Polish and Dutch business students differ in their risk preferences and how this impacts strategic management. Methodology: This research adopts a non-experimental

Airbnb in Copenhagen, Denmark: The Short- Term Rent Gap, Gentrification & the Housing Market

Short-term tourists visiting formerly residential areas are a potential source of conflict as the short-term tourists change the place they are visiting and represent an inconvenience to residents. This research uses a mixed methods approach with the short-term rent gap framework introduced by Wachsmuth and Weisler (2018) as the quantitative and an additional online expert interview as the qualita

”Håller inte jag, så hjälper inte jag någon annan heller” - Upplevelsen av emotionshantering och emotionellt stöd hos socialsekreterare inom barn- och familjeenheten

Emotions play an important role in social work, including child welfare. Child welfare workers interact daily with clients in difficult life situations, in which strong, negative emotions are common. As a professional, a child welfare worker cannot express too many emotions, but is expected to show a calm and objective expression. This makes child welfare workers at risk to experience emotional st

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av kv. Niagara, Malmö Universitet

I denna rapport har brandskyddet i kv. Niagara i Malmö undersökts och utvärderats. Syftet med rapporten har varit att bedöma personsäkerheten i byggnaden kv. Niagara i händelse av brand. Detta har gjorts genom att utvärdera det befintliga brandskyddet och utrymningsmöjligheter. Målet har sedan varit att fastställa om det befintliga brandskyddet är skäligt med hänseende på personsäkerhet, med fokusThe purpose of the following report was to assess human safety in kv. Niagara, Malmö, by evaluating the existing fire protection of the building. An understanding of the current fire protection was formed by making a virtual visit to the building as well as studying the provided fire protection documentation. Values for critical conditions were assumed for temperature, radiation, visibility and to

Företagsekonomiska värderingsmetoder i civilprocessen - Om processrättsliga kategoriseringsfrågor i tvister om påstådd rörelseskada vid obefogad uppsägning av lokalhyresavtal

Enligt 12 kap. 58 b § andra stycket JB har en lokalhyresgäst rätt till ersättning från hyresvärden för rörelseskada vid obefogad uppsägning av hyresavtalet. För att beräkna omfattningen av rörelseskadan använder hyresgästen ofta en eller flera företagsekonomiska värderingsmetoder. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda huruvida de företagsekonomiska värderingsmetoderna som används vid tillämpning av bA tenant, who is running a business on the premises that he is renting, is entitled to compensation from the landlord in the event of unjustified termination of the lease according to Chapter 12 Section 58 b, second paragraph Code of Land Law. A business valuation method is often used to calculate the extent of the damage caused by the termination. The purpose of this essay is to investigate wheth

”Än slank hon dit och än slank hon dit, och än slank hon ner i diket” – En rättshistorisk studie av fylleribrottet och dess avskaffande

1977 avkriminaliserades fylleri på allmän plats i svensk rätt. Brottet har sina anor i kungliga förordningar från 1700-talet. Från början klassificerades förseelsen som ett sedlighetsbrott och sedan som ett brott mot den allmänna ordningen. Brottet var förenat med böter och den som påträffades berusad på allmän plats kunde bli föremål för omhändertagande av ordningsmakten. Runt förra sekelskiftet In 1977, drunkenness in public spaces was decriminalized in Swedish law. The crime had its roots in royal decrees from the 18th century. The crime was first categorized in the former penalty law as an offense against decency but became later reclassified as a crime against the public order. The punishment was a fine and a person that was intoxicated in public spaces could be arrested and placed in

Simulation of GPHE diagonal based on full material history

The objectives for this thesis is to further develop a finite element analysis methodology where the material history is evaluated in every step. The processing of the plate from coil to fully formed plate mounted in a heat exchanger should be taken into consideration. Material phenomena such as necking and springback are important to capture. The first attempt was to do the simulation in ANSYS.

Destructive Conflicts Generating Reconstructive Empowerment of Women and Opportunities for Peace?

Conflicts are destructive for humans and societies, but are openings for rebuilding a more inclusive and sustainable society presented in the aftermath of conflict? This paper contributes to the growing research field and examines the link between conflict and window of opportunity for development, through a gender lens. Further, this study seeks to understand how conflict affected women’s socio

Reflections of the Image

The world stands often in the face of moral contentions, determining certain people or events as worthy of security whilst ignoring others. The conscience of watching silently as the genocide in Rwanda unfolded has weighed heavily on the international community’s shoulders, seemingly not heavy enough to refrain from repeating the same mistake however. The role “the visual” plays in framing securit

Kraftvärme - En förbisedd grundpelare i morgondagens förnybara elsystem

The Swedish power system, similar to those of other European countries, is currently transitioning from fossil to renewable. Simultaneously the electrification and digitalization of societies all over the world sets high standards for the availability of power. As a result the power systems experience certain limitations and issues. This can partially be accredited to the decline of available disp

Användning av Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance för barn med Developmental Coordination Disorder

Bakgrund: Developmental Coordination Disorder [DCD] är en motorisk funktionsnedsättning som påverkar förmågan att utföra vardagliga aktiviteter, vilket kan leda till aktivitetsbegränsningar och delaktighetsinskränkningar. Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance [CO-OP] är en arbetsterapeutisk, uppgiftsorienterad intervention med fokus på kognitiva strategier för ett förbättrat aktiBackground: Developmental Coordination Disorder [DCD] is a motor-based impairment that affects the ability of individuals to perform tasks, which can lead to occupational limitations and participation restraints. Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance [CO-OP] is a task-oriented intervention focusing on cognitive strategies to enhance occupational performance. Aim: To describe how

Vårdnadsöverflyttningar för barn placerade i familjehem. En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares bedömningar av barnets bästa.

The aim for this study was to explore how social workers describe their work with children’s placed in foster care when it comes to making desicions about custody transfer to foster parents. The law regulates that a custody transfer should be based on the best interests of the child which requires that an assessment is made by the social worker about the needs of the specific child. The method use

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Sonys kontor i Lund

Denna rapport har gjorts i syfte att utvärdera brandsäkerheten på Sonys kontorsbyggnad i Lund med fokus på personsäkerhet. Skador på egendom och miljö samt ekonomiska förluster behandlas därför inte. Byggnaden består av två huskroppar med sex plan som är sammanbundna med ett stort atrium. För tillfället bedriver Sony sin kontorsverksamhet i ena delen medan den andra delen står tom i väntan på nya The purpose of this report was to evaluate the building’s fire protection system and propose safety measures if personal safety cannot be achieved. An acceptable personal safety is considered to be achieved when every person is able to evacuate safely. To ensure a safe environment a scenario analysis was performed, where a number of possible fire scenarios were identified, of which three of thes

The Populist Crackdown on Human Rights Organizations in Hungary

During recent years, the world has experienced a trend of diminishing freedoms. The failure of governments around the world to tackle polarization and inequality has resulted in a discontent amongst people. A discontent which has been exploited by autocratic and populist leaders claiming to have the right answers. Such a development has occurred in Hungary, where the Fidesz government has transfor