

Din sökning på "*" gav 529639 sökträffar

The potential role of energy communities in Sweden

Är energigemenskaper ett lämpligt verktyg för att nå 100% förnybar energi till 2040? Den överhängande klimatförändringen innebär att människan står inför hennes kanske viktigaste vägskäl någonsin. Det börjar låta som en trop, men om vi inte börjar leva mer hållbart kommer våren kanske tystna för evigt. Energisystemet är en fundamental del i övergången till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Därför har To combat the ongoing climate change, a sustainable energy system is essential. In recognition of this, Sweden has set a national goal of 100% renewable energy by the year 2040. However, to reach this goal, it is important that efficient tools are utilized. The EU suggests that energy communities can act as one such tool. While research has shown that energy communities can entail several opportun

Through the Eyes of Their Children: Hmong American Experiences of Resettlement and Integration in the Central Valley Region of California

The Refugee Act of 1980 was passed in the United States over 40 years ago. This increased the number of Southeast Asian refugees, such as the Hmong in resettling into the United States. These refugees were escaping the effects of the Vietnam War and the internal conflict of the Secret War in Laos. By examining the legal environment surrounding the resettlement and integration process, this study l

Är det ens ensemble? En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om ensembleundervisning på distans ur ett elevperspektiv

I och med Covid-19-pandemin fick alla gymnasieskolor i Sverige övergå till distansundervisning, vilket ledde till nya utmaningar för både lärare och elever. Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om elevers perspektiv på ensembleundervisningen på distans. Studien kommer undersöka vilka undervisningsmetoder skånska elever redogör att de har haft samt hur elevernas motivation har påverkats tilDuring the Covid-19 pandemic, all Swedish high schools had to shift their education to distance learning, which led to new challenges for both teachers and students. The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge about students’ perspective of distance ensemble education. This study will investigate which teaching methods students from Skåne report that they have encountered during their dista

Why Recommend Cashless - A Quant Study Exploring The Determinants of The Intention To Recommend Mobile Payment System

The purpose of this thesis is to explore antecedents of recommendation intention for the mobile payment system. The research design was cross-sectional, thus allowing to make associations and patterns. Further, structural equation modeling is used to analyze the relationships between the antecedents and intention formation. The thesis uses the theory of planned behavior as a guiding framework and

Modelling Time-Dependent Effects for Segmentally Constructed Prestressed Concrete Bridges

Tidsberoende effekter, såsom krypning, krympning och stålrelaxation, är ofta svåra att prediktera när det kommer till förspända betongkonstruktioner. Krypning som ett fenomen är komplicerat och förenklas därför i gällande byggnormer (Eurocode), för att underlätta konstruktörens arbete. När det gäller etappvis spännarmerade betongbroar har dessa förenklingar visat sig ge felaktiga prognoser av de tLong-term effects, such as creep, shrinkage, and steel relaxation, are often difficult to predict for prestressed concrete structures. Creep as a phenomenon is complicated to describe and is therefore simplified in the current building standards, to better accommodate the designer. When dealing with segmentally constructed prestressed concrete bridges, these simplifications have shown to provide i

The fate of stars born in gas-rich high redshift galaxies

One of the greatest challenges astronomers are facing today is understanding how galaxies form. We know that the Milky Way is a spiral disk galaxy, similar to many others we see in the sky, therefore the Milky Way is a benchmark for understanding the inner workings of disk galaxies. The task of unraveling the mystery of the formation of the Milky Way has been given to astronomers, who attempt to c

A sovereign abode – Democracy, discipline and deliberation in a Swedish housing association from 1943 to the present

Since its inception, the discipline of sociology has struggled to bridge the gap between structure and agency. How is it that individuals can be free whilst also part of a larger context that determines their actions? This study aims to make a small contribution towards solving this conundrum. It departs from the theories of Habermas, Arendt and Machiavelli, and ventures into an archival study of

Pilot Redundancies Related to Covid19

As of January 2021 Covid19 had left more than half the world’s pilots unemployed (Reuters, 2021). This paper aims to investigate how pilots are affected in terms of attitude and new career choices following a redundancy caused by Covid19 and use these insights to help future pilots be better prepared to handle similar crises. This qualitative study interviewed five former Norwegian Air Shuttle pil

Value Creation in Multinational Business-NGO Partnerships

The overall aim of this paper is to understand why Swedish MNEs engage in cross-sector collaborations and what value is gained from it. The collaborative value creation framework by Austin and Seitanidi was used as a theoretical basis for comprehension and further analysis. To gain insights into the motives and values of current partnerships three semi-structured interviews were conducted with sus

Living In The In Between: Transforming The Urban Fringe in Bettahalsuru, Bangalore

India is and has always been an agricultural country. The country’s Agri-exports touched Rs 2.52 lakh crores (about USD 35 billion) in the financial year 2019-20 (Sally, 2021), out of a total income from exports of around USD 300 billion (Sally, 2021). This makes rural regions and agricultural lands incredibly important to the country. The urban regions in India are valued for their urban infrastr

Vad säger vi egentligen? En kvalitativ studie om sångterminologi och dess påverkan på sångpedagogiken inom eftergymnasiala utbildningar

Efter många år av sångstudier upplever vi att terminologi inom sångundervisning behöver förtydligas. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur olika sångpedagoger på eftergymnasiala utbildningar arbetar med olika sångregister samt sångterminologi, med störst vikt på kvinnorösten och mellanregistret. Vidare undersöktes om det finns problematik kring varierad sångterminologi. För att genomföra sAfter many years of vocal studies we have experienced that the terminology within vocal education needs to be clarified. The purpose of this study was to research how different voice pedagogues in post-secondary school work with vocal registers and voice terminology, focusing on the female voice and the middle register. Further investigated was whether there are problems regarding the variation wi

Conspiracy Theories and the Polarized Polish Press : Systemic and Event Conspiracy Narratives in Polish Daily Newspapers during the Presidential Election Campaign in 2020

This master’s thesis takes its cue from Polish sociologist Franciszek Czech (2019), who argued that the saturation of Polish magazines with conspiracy narratives suggests a deep polarization of the Polish society on a political level. Systemic and event conspiracy narratives frequently featured in media outlets both associated with the ruling Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS) and its opposition Platfor

Barnmorskans erfarenhet av att bevara den normala förlossningen normal

Bakgrund: I Sverige saknas det idag ett nationellt styrdokument/riktlinje för normal förlossning vilket innebär att barnmorskor beroende på arbetsplats har olika förutsättningar för att handlägga normal förlossning. Normal förlossning är ett subjektivt begrepp och det finns ingen konsensus gällande innebörden vare sig nationellt eller globalt. Det medför utmaningar för alla personalkategorier inom

Arbetet med digitala tester vid rekrytering

I takt med rekryteringsprocessens digitala transformering har det blivit vanligare att fler verksamheter väljer att ta hjälp av digitala tester. Testerna hjälper verksamheter att kartlägga kandidaters kompetenser och på så sätt underlättar de urvalsprocessen. Däremot finns kriterier som organisationer bör ta i åtanke när dem ska använda digitala tester. Vi har med hjälp av litteratur beträffat fem

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda akut sjuka barn

Varje år är barn i åldern 0–18 år i behov av akutsjukvård. Både i den prehospitala vården och på akutmottagningar är barn en sällsynt patientkategori, vilket medför att omhändertagandet av barn ofta upplevs mer utmanande och komplext. Syfte: Beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att vårda akut sjuka barn på akutmottagningar och prehospitalt arbete. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturstudie med kval

‘Can we talk about redesigning the fashion system without challenging capitalism itself?’ A Critical Discourse Analysis of Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry

The fashion industry accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions and has significant sustainability problems. To reduce those, a shift towards a Circular Economy is promoted as a holistic approach to system change. In order to show how the discourse, as opposed to this claim, reproduces the dominant structures of the fashion industry, a Critical Discourse Analysis is applied. Taking a political ec