

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Formal Subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch : A Summary

The Holocene Series/Epoch is the most recent series/epoch in the geological timescale, spanning the interval from 11,700 yr to the present day. Together with the subadjacent Pleistocene, it comprises the Quaternary System/Period. The Holocene record contains diverse geomorphological, biological, climatological and archaeological evidence, within sequences that are often continuous and extremely w

Emergency management in the Swedish electricity market : The need to challenge the responsibility gap

A secure energy supply is a basic need of society. Along with electricity market deregulation, a responsibility gap has arisen, where private energy companies lack economic incentives to invest in an electricity distribution grid that is secured to the level desired by society. This article discusses the emergency management strategies of municipal authorities for securing the electricity supply,

District heating as a secure heat supply - A question of regulation

The trend in the district heating industry is toward increased privatization and openness to competition, which bring with them other phenomena associated with civil law, such as bankruptcies. Vingåker was one of six Swedish municipalities whose district heating companies went bankrupt in 2004. The bankruptcy caused major disruptions in Vingåker, not least as a result of the unregulated legal fram

Development of sustainable energy systems in Swedish municipalities : A matter of path dependency and power relations

Case studies of two Swedish municipalities indicate that the general energy area was divided into three independent policy areas: One dealing with supply, one with conservation and one with environmental questions related to the Agenda 21 vision of an ecologically sustainable energy system. However, the dominant energy policy area in the municipalities was supply policy. This article discusses why

Laser-wakefield accelerators for high-resolution X-ray imaging of complex microstructures

Laser-wakefield accelerators (LWFAs) are high acceleration-gradient plasma-based particle accelerators capable of producing ultra-relativistic electron beams. Within the strong focusing fields of the wakefield, accelerated electrons undergo betatron oscillations, emitting a bright pulse of X-rays with a micrometer-scale source size that may be used for imaging applications. Non-destructive X-ray p

Using micro-CT techniques to explore the role of sex and hair in the functional morphology of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) ocelli

Many insects have triplets of camera type eyes, called ocelli, whose function remains unclear for most species. Here, we investigate the ocelli of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, using reconstructed 3D data from X-ray microtomography scans combined with computational ray-tracing simulations. This method enables us, not only to predict the visual fields of the ocelli, but to explore for the first

Shape and shell structure of lighter (N?90) neutron-rich nuclei based on a phenomenological Woods-Saxon potential

By using a phenomenologically successful Woods-Saxon potential, I study the shape and shell structure of (A) neutron drip line nuclei with 10≤N≤60, (B) neutron-rich nuclei related to the r process with 40≤N≤90, and (C) one-particle spectra in the potential provided by the nucleus Fe70 as a representative of so-called N=40 "island of inversion" (IoI) nuclei. First, the shell structure that is uniqu

Native aortic versus mitral valve infective endocarditis : A nationwide registry study

Background Native aortic and mitral valve infective endocarditis (AVE and MVE, respectively) are usually grouped together as left-sided native valve infective endocarditis (LNVE), while the differences between AVE and MVE have not yet been properly investigated. We aimed to compare AVE and MVE in regard to patient characteristics, microbiology and determinants of survival. Methods We conducted a r

Who is governing what? Governing local technical systems - An issue of accountability

The article discusses accountability in governance of local energy and IT systems. The aim is to focus on accountability of local policy making regarding technical systems by comparing consequences when new forms of governance are developed. Governance steering demands and ensures a clear division of responsibility regarding what a network is responsible for, but not regarding who is accountable f

Owls lack UV-sensitive cone opsin and red oil droplets, but see UV light at night : Retinal transcriptomes and ocular media transmittance

Most diurnal birds have cone-dominated retinae and tetrachromatic colour vision based on ultra-violet/violet-sensitive UV/V cones expressing short wavelength-sensitive opsin 1 (SWS1), S cones expressing short wavelength-sensitive opsin 2 (SWS2), M cones expressing medium wavelength-sensitive opsin (RH2) and L cones expressing long wavelength-sensitive opsin (LWS). Double cones (D) express LWS but

Towards a Theory of Pure Procedural Climate Justice

A challenge for the theorising of climate justice is that even when the agents whose actions are supposed to be regulated are cooperative and act in good faith, they may still disagree about how the burdens and benefits of dealing with climate change should be distributed. This article is a contribution to the formulation of a useful role for normative theorising in light of this bounded nature of

Fabrication of Nanoemulsions by High-Pressure Valve Homogenization

High-pressure valve homogenization is a standard technique for nanoemulsion formation in low-viscosity formulations. It is applied extensively in industrial applications and in academic research. This chapter summarizes the scientific-based knowledge in terms of principal mechanisms of operation and practical applicability of the methodology. It is concluded that high-pressure valve homogenization

Indoctrination or education? Intention of unqualified teachers to transfer consumption norms in home economics teaching

Almost two thirds of home economics (HE) teachers in Sweden are formally unqualified (FU). Historically, HE has focused more on fostering and prescribing the 'right' choices whereas the modern (2011-) curriculum focuses on teaching consequences of choices and giving students tools for assessing alternatives. Restraining from prescribing norms requires a high degree of professionalism. The objectiv

Humanitarian Reason in the Shadows. Transit Migration Politics and Human Rights Defenders in Mexico

Despite the high degree of complexity that marks the migratory flows transiting the country they have historically been perceived as labour and voluntary migrations and used in the production of “illegality”. “Illegality” demarcates and ‘invisibilises’ individuals eligible for protection. Incidents such as death, rape, kidnappings and other types of abuse faced by transit migratory flows across bo

Time-variant reliability of timber beams according to Eurocodes considering long-term deflections

In order to achieve a consistent level of failure probability, structural design codes are optimized using probabilistic methods. This optimization process traditionally focuses on the ultimate limit states (ULS). However, in the design of timber structures the performance of the structural members is often governed by the serviceability limit state (SLS) associated with different load levels than

Flaunting our assets. Making the most of the Nordic registry goldmine : Cerebral palsy as an example

Aims:To describe the early experiences of a Nordic multidisciplinary cerebral palsy (CP) registry research program combining data from national medical quality registries, follow-up programs and cohort data, in addition to data from other national registries; to explore the scientific and practical uses of such research, and provide recommendations for facilitating similar work in the future. Meth