

Din sökning på "*" gav 535426 sökträffar

Large-scale climatic drivers of regional winter bird population trends

Aim: Changes in climate and land use practices have been found to affect animal populations in different parts of the world. These studies have typically been conducted during the breeding season, whereas the non-breeding season (hereafter ‘winter’) has received much less attention. Changes in regional winter abundances could be caused by changes in overall population sizes and/or redistribution o

Clonal conversion of B lymphoid leukemia reveals cross-lineage transfer of malignant states

Even though leukemia is considered to be confined to one specific hematopoietic cell type, cases of acute leukemia of ambiguous lineage and patients relapsing in phenotypically altered disease suggest that a malignant state may be transferred between lineages. Because B-cell leukemia is associated with mutations in transcription factors of importance for stable preservation of lineage identity, we

Comparative study of five preoperative methods for the localization of accessory pathways in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

One hundred and thirty-four cases of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome were studied to evaluate the relative usefulness of electrocardiography (ECG), electrophysiological studies (EPS), body surface mapping (BSM), gated blood-pool phase analysis (nuclear studies), and vectorcardiography (VCG) in the localization of the accessory pathway (ACP). In comparison with the final localization verified by int

Parity, breastfeeding and risk of coronary heart disease : A pan-European case-cohort study

Objective There is uncertainty about the direction and magnitude of the associations between parity, breastfeeding and the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). We examined the separate and combined associations of parity and breastfeeding practices with the incidence of CHD later in life among women in a large, pan-European cohort study. Methods Data were used from European Prospective Investigat

Calibration, Positioning and Tracking in a Refractive and Reflective Scene

We propose a framework for calibration, positioningand tracking in a scene viewed by multiple cameras, througha flat refractive surface and one or several flat reflective walls.Refractions are explicitly modeled by Snell’s law and reflectionsare handled using virtual points. A novel bundle adjustmentframework is introduced for solving the nonlinear equationsof refractions and the linear equations

Governance of higher education – implementation of project governance

This article focuses on coordination between governance actors in higher education. The object of the study is a department at a public university, seen as a multi-project environment. The purpose of this article is to illustrate and analyze project governance as a tool that allows departmental management to coordinate with the authorities, the board and the management at different levels at the u

Structure, Dynamics and Phase Behaviour of Charged Soft Colloidal Dispersions

Inom fysiken används ofta hårda sfärer som modellsystem för att beskriva beteenden och strukturer hos grundläggande byggstenar såsom atomer och molekyler. Dessa sfärer kan ses som en samling biljardbollar och kan därav bara organiseras på ett begränsat antal sätt. Med den ökade förståelsen för många komplexa fysikaliska fenomen och den snabbt växande utvecklingen av nya material behövs modellsysteSoft and deformable ionic microgels such as poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid), PNIPAM-co-AA, microgels have shown to be a versatile alternative to the already well-established hard sphere model systems. Their tuneable interaction potential makes them well suited as model systems to study the phase behaviour found for particles interacting via a soft isotropic potential. This stems from t

Post-Islamism and fields of contention after the Arab Spring : feminism, Salafism and the revolutionary youth

In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, conflicts in Egypt and Tunisia over the authority to rule and the role of religion in society raised questions about these societies’ capacity for reconciling differences. In retrospect, the conflicts also raise questions about the theoretical tools used to analyse regional developments. In particular, the ‘post-Islamism’ thesis has significantly changed the de

Eliminating hydrolytic activity without affecting the transglycosylation of a GH1 β-glucosidase

Unveiling the determinants for transferase and hydrolase activity in glycoside hydrolases would allow using their vast diversity for creating novel transglycosylases, thereby unlocking an extensive toolbox for carbohydrate chemists. Three different amino acid substitutions at position 220 of a GH1 β-glucosidase from Thermotoga neapolitana caused an increase of the ratio of transglycosylation to hy

Equilibria, Kinetics and Mechanism for Rapid Substitution Reactions trans to Triphenyl Silyl in Platinum(II) Complexes

Fast substitution of chloride for bromide and iodide trans to triphenylsilyl in trans-PtCl(SiPh3)(PMe2Ph)2 has been studied by stopped-flow spectrophotometry in acetonitrile solution. Substitution is reversible with an observable solvent path via the solvento complex trans-[Pt(SiPh3)(MeCN)(PMe2Ph)2]+, which has also been synthesized and characterized in solution. Rate constants for the forward and

Subintimal Recanalization of an Occluded Common Iliac Stent : A Case Report

The purpose of this report is to describe a minimally invasive alternative endovascular technique for the treatment of chronically occluded stents when it is not possible to cross them endoluminally. A 71-year-old patient with recurrent severe lower limb claudication due to occlusion of a stent placed in the common iliac artery 5 years earlier underwent subintimal recanalization of the stented seg

Food safety and ethical responsibility in a globalized world - the role of private standards

Rules and guidelines on food safety and ethical aspects of production, such as animal welfare and labour conditions, have traditionally been a matter of national legislation. However, in recent years, powerful retailers and food processors have started to impose requirements on downstream producers through private standards. Since private standards are used by private actors and not by states, the

Association of Radical Local Treatment with Mortality in Men with Very High-risk Prostate Cancer : A Semiecologic, Nationwide, Population-based Study

Background: Current guidelines recommend androgen deprivation therapy only for men with very high-risk prostate cancer (PCa), but there is little evidence to support this stance. Objective: To investigate the association between radical local treatment and mortality in men with very high-risk PCa. Design, setting, and participants: Semiecologic study of men aged

Increased survival of embryonic nigral neurons when grafted to hypothermic rats

Hypothermia can reduce neuronal death caused by ischemia and traumatic brain injury. We therefore investigated whether mild hypothermia in rats receiving a transplant of embryonic mesencephalic rat tissue increases survival of the implanted dopaminergic neurons. Mild hypothermia (32-33°C) during graft implantation and for the following 90 min significantly increased the survival of transplanted do

Flow-induced structures observed in a viscoelastic reverse wormlike micellar system by magnetic resonance imaging and NMR velocimetry

The aim of the present work is to illustrate and discuss an application of rheo-NMR techniques in the investigation of the flow micro-morphology of a rheo-thinning fluid. The viscoelastic material is composed by weakly hydrated nonionic Wormlike Micelles (WM), stabilized by the biocompatible phospholipid in an organic solvent (lecithin organogel). By applying rheo-NMR techniques, such as micro-ima