

Din sökning på "*" gav 531269 sökträffar

Imaging in gynecological disease (7): clinical and ultrasound features of Brenner tumors of the ovary

Objectives To describe clinical and ultrasound features of Brenner tumors of the ovary. Methods In this retrospective study, the databases of the International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) studies and one tertiary center were searched to identify patients who had undergone an ultrasound scan before surgery for an adnexal mass that proved to be a Brenner tumor. Twenty-eight patients with 29 Brenne

Generating regionalized neuronal cells from pluripotency, a step-by-step protocol.

Human pluripotent stem cells possess the potential to generate cells for regenerative therapies in patients with neurodegenerative diseases, and constitute an excellent cell source for studying human neural development and disease modeling. Protocols for neural differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells have undergone significant progress during recent years, allowing for rapid and synchroniz

Hur kan man göra för att effektutvärdera små behandlingsinsatser? : En randomiserad kontrollerad pilot studie genomförd i kommunal regi som exempel

Detta working-paper kom till efter att företrädare inom Individ och familjeomsorgen i Hässleholms kommun ville effektutvärdera sin familjeverksamhet. Ett samarbete påbörjades mellan Socialhögskolan och Familjebehandlingsenheten i Hässleholm.Papret är ett försök att genom föra små effektstudier i hög vetenskaplig design. Det finns flera små behandlingsenheter inom socialförvaltningar runt om i Sver

Philopatric predisposition to predation-induced ecological traps: habitat-dependent mortality of breeding eiders

Because population size is sensitive to changes in adult survival, adult survival may be buffered against environmental variability. Philopatry may be adaptive in changing environments, but it could also constrain breeding habitat selection under changing conditions such as shifting predation regimes. Habitat preference and quality could become decoupled in long-lived philopatric species that evol

Carotenoid-protein interaction alters the S-1 energy of hydroxyechinenone in the Orange Carotenoid Protein

The Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) is a photoactive water soluble protein that is crucial for photoprotection in cyanobacteria. When activated by blue-green light, it triggers quenching of phycobilisome fluorescence and regulates energy flow from the phycobilisome to the reaction center. The OCP contains a single pigment, the carotenoid 3'-hydroxyechinenone (hECN). Binding to the OCP causes a con

Combination of the proliferation marker cyclin A, histological grade, and estrogen receptor status in a new variable with high prognostic impact in breast cancer.

Global gene expression profiles, consisting mainly of genes associated with proliferation, have been shown to subdivide histological grade 2 breast cancers into groups with different prognosis. We raised the question whether this subdivision could be done using a single proliferation marker, cyclin A. Furthermore, we combined cyclin A (CA), histological grade (G), and estrogen receptor-ER (E) into

A dynamic object-oriented model for efficient simulation of microbial reduction in dispersed turbulent flow

To account for microbial reduction and food quality changes, first-order chemical reaction was added to a model for axial-dispersed plug flow (ADPF), which was recently developed for efficient (In the terminology of this paper, efficient is related to computation time for a given level of accuracy.) computation of time-dependent, large flow systems. It was shown that the extended ADPF model gives

What Is a Quantum-Mechanical "Weak Value" the Value of?

A so called "weak value" of an observable in quantum mechanics (QM) may be obtained in a weak measurement + post-selection procedure on the QM system under study. Applied to number operators, it has been invoked in revisiting some QM paradoxes (e.g., the so called Three-Box Paradox and Hardy's Paradox). This requires the weak value to be interpreted as a bona fide property of the system considered

The role of higher-order protein structure in supporting binding by heteroclitic monoclonal antibodies: The monoclonal antibody KIM185 to CD18 also binds C4-binding protein

Heteroclitic monoclonal antibodies are characterized by the ability to bind multiple epitopes with little or no similarity. Such antibodies have been reported earlier, but insight into to the molecular basis of this propensity is limited. Here we report that the KIM185 antibody to human CD18 reacts with the plasma protein C4b-binding protein (C4BP). This was revealed during affinity purification p

Performance analysis of sign-based pre-FFT synchronization in OFDM systems

This paper treats the feasibility to use only the sign bit of the in-phase and quadrature components when estimating time and frequency in OFDM systems. Using only the sign bit is shown to result in a frequency dependent bias, which can be easily compensated. The approach is evaluated for LTE and DVB-H, where the estimation is performed using the cyclic prefix, and for WLAN 802.11g, where the estim

Theme vowels in North Sámi : Spanning and maximal expression

In North Sámi, certain verbal derivations can be expressed as a change of theme vowel. An investigation of these derivations leads to the conclusion that spanning, i.e. one vocabulary item spelling out two or more terminal nodes, should be included in the toolbox of Distributed Morphology. It follows that com¬petition between vocabulary items is resolved according to the Principle of Maximal Expre

Mätinstrument för uppföljning av transporthållbarhet i svenska kommuner

I det moderna samhället är en välplanerad infrastruktur med fungerande transporter och pendling en självklarhet. Transportsystemet har inverkan på fysisk och social miljö och det finns ett stort behov av att minska de negativa effekterna. Förutom tillgänglighet och minskad miljöpåverkan betonas ofta vikten av kostnadseffektivitet. Denna rapport beskriver ett verktyg framtaget inom ramen för HASTA

Fusion and fission of catanionic bilayers

We herein report the reversible formation of a planar lamellar phase as an intermediate structure in a vesicle-micelle transition induced by temperature, for a salt-free catanionic surfactant-water system. Turbidity, small-angle neutron scattering, dynamic light scattering and microscopy data altogether demonstrate that the vesicles formed by hexadecyltrimethylammonium octylsulfonate (TA(16)So(8))

Measuring sustainable development - Nation by nation

Sustainable development represents a commitment to advancing human well-being, with the added constraint that this development needs to take place within the ecological limits of the biosphere. Progress in both these dimensions of sustainable development can be assessed: we use the UN Human Development Index (HDI) as an indicator of development and the Ecological Footprint as an indicator of human

A-TAC - The Autism–Tics, ADHD and other Comorbidities inventory: studies in reliability and validity

Introduction: Reliable, valid, and easy-to-administer instruments to identify possible “caseness” and to provide proxies for clinical diagnoses are needed in epidemiological research on child and adolescent mental health. The Autism–Tics, ADHD and other Comorbidities (A-TAC) inventory was developed to be used as a comprehensive interview to evaluate neurodevelopmental problems (NDPs), e.g. autism

Value of post-operative reassessment of estrogen receptor alpha expression following neoadjuvant chemotherapy with or without gefitinib for estrogen receptor negative breast cancer

The NICE trial was designed to evaluate the possible benefits of adding epidermal growth factor receptor targeted therapy to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with estrogen receptor alpha (ER) negative and operable breast cancer. Preclinical data have suggested that signalling through the ErbB receptors or downstream effectors may repress ER expression. Here the authors investigated whether gef

Seeing through the white gaze : racialised markings of (un)familiar bodies in Swedish transnational adoption policy

This paper will explore racialised markings of transnational adoptees and adoptive families in current Swedish transnational adoption policy. Policy statements about transnational adoptees’ physical appearance, and the significance ascribed to it in adoptive family relations and everyday life make up the empirical data. Drawing on critical social policy, postcolonial feminism, critical whiteness s

Application of hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction for pinic acid and pinonic acid analysis from organic aerosols.

A method based on hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) for analysis of pinic acid and pinonic acid was developed and for the first time successfully applied to ambient aerosol samples. In this method, the aerosol samples were dissolved in 0.05M H(2)SO(4) and the solution was extracted using three-phase HF-LPME where donor phase was 0.1M (NH(4))(2)CO(3). Different parameters like typ

"Paradoxalt berättande" i litteraturundervisning på gymnasiet

Denna artikel knyter an till temat i Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap 2010:3-4, ”Litteraturvetenskap och didaktik”. Artikeln är ett inlägg i debatten kring läsarorienterad respektive textnära litteraturundervisning. Jag presenterar två undervisningsmoment där jag tagit upp exempel på det som kallas paradoxalt berättande, det vill säga verk innehållande berättartekniska grepp som på ett eller annaThis article relates to the subject of the journal "Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap 2010:3-4", which was ”Literature and didactics”. The article is a contribution in a debate about teaching literature according to the reader oriented respectively close reading approach. I describe two classroom situations where I took up examples of so called paradoxical narrative, that is works containing narra