

Din sökning på "*" gav 529676 sökträffar

The Curious Case of Universal Basic Income

This research focuses on universal basic income (UBI) and what potential societal effects an implementation of such a benefit could have. While many opinionated papers circulate within the academic debate, this thesis tries to systematically bring together, interpret and critically evaluate the scientific publications that are relevant to the analysis of the implementation of UBI. This in combinat

Utvärdering av ejektorbaserad flerstegsdestillation för produktion av sterilt vatten

Produktion av sterilt vatten är en energikrävande men essentiell process inom läkemedelsindustrin. Idag finns tre metoder för framställningen av sterilt vatten, nämligen flerstegsdestillation, mekanisk ångkompression och membranfiltrering. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka en ny teknik, termisk ångkompression, på uppdrag av Aqua-Nova AB. Den nya tekniken innefattar en ejektor som integreraProduction of sterile water is an energy demanding but essential process within the pharmaceutical industry. Today there are three methods for production of water for injection, these are multi effect distillation, mechanical steam compression and membrane filtration. The purpose of this report is to investigate a new technique, thermal steam compression, a mission given by Aqua-Nova AB. This new

Dynamically predicted shelf-life label in minced meat product: A consumer-driven design and analysis

Dynamically predicted shelf-life label (DPSL) has been discussed to be one of the solutions to curb meat waste. Therefore, the research about the DPSL label and the perceptible information obtained by minced meat consumers is conducted. The research purpose is to identify the critical factors to design a DPSL label for minced meat consumers, and to design and assess the label with the consumers. T

A Game of Loss: The Cost of Non- integration of People with Disabilities in the Jordanian Labor Market.

Jordan is a nation marked by an everchanging growing population primarily derived from its geographical position and relative political stability compared to its neighbouring countries, making it one of the primary recipients of refugees in the region. Population increases were marked by a vast boost in the number of disabled individuals in the country, especially individuals of working age, to th

Ecotourism and Residents’ Well-being: A Case Study from Monteverde, Costa Rica, during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The global COVID-19 pandemic is having tremendous adverse effects on human well-being and the tourism industry, revealing its high vulnerability, and putting the current system into question. A promising more sustainable tourism concept constitutes ecotourism albeit its impacts on residents’ well-being remain unexplored. Addressing this research gap, a qualitative in-field case study was conducted

Carbon price dynamics in the EU ETS - The impact of fuel switching

This paper examines the carbon price dynamics in the European Emission Trading System (EU ETS). It seeks to answer whether these can be explained by marginal emission abatement costs, as stated by theoretical propositions. The primary abatement method, fuel switching, and other potential determinants are examined to test their relative importance in carbon price dynamics. The results from the perf

Utvandrarna vandrar in i klassrummet. Värdegrunds- och litteraturarbete i gymnasieskolans svenskämne.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att, genom en pedagogiskt riktad textanalys, undersöka hur Vilhelm Mobergs Utvandrarna (1949/2020) kan användas i kunskaps- och demokratiutvecklande undervisning med fokus på värdegrundsfrågor i svenskundervisningen på gymnasiet, och med det kartlägga romanens didaktiska potential. Målet är även att bidra till att svensklärare kan använda uppsatsen praktiskt, och därförThe purpose of this essay is to explore the ways in which Vilhelm Moberg’s The Emigrants (1949) can be used in education merging the Swedish subject with the contents of the curriculum. This will be achieved through applying a pedagogically aimed textual analysis, which will demonstrate the novel’s didactic potential. Another objective is to show how teachers can use the essay’s findings practical

Functional connectivity analysis in the human brain using ultra-high field MRI

Introduction: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive method which uses a combination of a strong magnetic field and radio frequency pulses to image magnetic difference between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in the human brain. This contrast differences can be used to identify areas in the brain when subjects performing an active task in the MRI scanner. It is also possibl

I avtal med det allmänna - gråzonen mellan offentlig rätt & civilrätt

Den här uppsatsen beskriver och analyserar den gränsdragningsproblematik som kan uppstå när enskilda ingår avtal med det allmänna. Genom praxis som behandlas inom områden så som avgiftsskyldiga högskolestudenter, barnomsorgsavgifter, parkeringsavgifter och patientavgifter framgår det att rättsområdena ofta är sammanflätade och består av olika delar som samspelar med varandra. Uppsatsen ger en kortThis thesis will describe and analyze the boundary problems that can arise when individuals enter into agreements with the public authorities. Precedent cases dealt with in areas such as university student’s tuition fees, childcare fees, parking fees and patient fees show that legal areas between public law and civil law are often intertwined and consist of different parts that interact with each

Förändringar och Utmaningar Inom Knowledge Management till Följd av Ökat Distansarbete: Nya och förändrade processer inom IT-orienterat kunskapsarbete under Covid-19

Skapandet och delandet av kunskap inom en organisation är en nyckel till att vara konkurrenskraftig inom sin bransch och vara innovativ. En stor del av kunskapsutbyte sker dock i informella sammanhang som uppstår naturligt på grund av att man befinner sig på samma ställe. Vid en övergång till distansarbete, som den vi upplevt till följd av Covid-19, försvinner den möjligheten och vad händer då

Clothes Make the (Wo)man: A Qualitative Study on the Construction and Expression of a Green Identity through Second-Hand Clothing

Thesis Purpose: This study aims to deepen the understanding of green identity construction and expression among female Gen Z consumers in relation to second-hand clothing. Theoretical Perspective: By applying a sociological and a consumer perspective, identity construction and sustainability act as two research domains in which this study is positioned. The Processual Theory of Identity (PTI) by

Drudgingly the squirrel feeds itself- Performatively collective action influences oppressive norms: Mixed-Method Study on the Subversion of Oppressive Norms in Activist and Policy Discourse

Like a squirrel that slowly collects nuts for the winter, this thesis emphasizes the importance of small acts in the collective struggle for a just world. Currently, oppressive norms confine certain ways of being. Therefore, this feminist study addresses means to counteract these norms by analyzing activist discourse in ten environmental conflicts regarding food. Furthermore, I statistically exami

Kampen om Yahya Hassan : ”Jeg er bare en digter, der har udgivet en bog”

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och visa utvecklingen av Yahya Hassans författarskap samt vilka nyckelpersoner som deltog i hans etableringsprocess. Genom att göra studier om hur en författare utvecklas ger både författare och förlag kunskap om hur de själva kan påverka och styra sin position på det litterära fältet. Metoden för uppsatsen har varit kvalitativ forskning och ett stort materia

DEBATING DEMOCRACY. The Effect of Chile’s Democratization on Income Inequality, a Synthetic Control Approach.

How does democracy affect income inequality? Most would expect democracy to reduce income inequality. There is a general consensus that indeed democratizations in Europe during the nineteenth and early twentieth century did decrease income inequality. More recent democratizations, those countries that democratized during the 1970s-1990s, however, do not seem to have had the same effect. The body o

Back to Basics: How Trump’s Zero Tolerance Policy evidenced the Inefficiency of the Human Rights Framework, and the Urgency to re-center Human Dignity

In 2018, images of migrant children held in cages and sleeping on concrete floors while being held in immigration detention in the United States shocked the world. Within the framework of the zero tolerance policy on immigration mandated by President Trump, thousands of families have been separated at the border. The trauma borne out of these separations was purposefully capitalized upon to serve

The second life - Challenges of repurposing electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries

In the near future, electric vehicle battery waste will rapidly increase as a result of the growth of electrification of road transport. To address this challenge, repurposing of used EV batteries for a second-life application has gained more attention from battery-related stakeholders, such as manufacturers, recyclers, policymakers, etc. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to review current cha

Overlapping Memberships and Its Impact on Regional Trade

Regionalism in Africa has surged since post-colonial times in a shared aim to consolidate resources and integrate national markets into a common entity. However, intra-regional in Africa has stagnated for decades owing to various structural and procedural roadblocks. Literature discusses that multiple memberships that member states obtain from different regional trade blocs complicate the trading

Concept study of a new drive system for industrial folding doors

As technology advances and population rises, requirements for everyday doors change. In the industrial sector, companies have to keep up with the increase in supply and demand. A well-functioning industrial folding door contributes to a steady flow of goods. Folding doors come in many different sizes and are often installed in narrow spaces. In order for any door supplier to stay competitive, offe

Optimizing the usability of REST API reference documentation

Med allt större efterfrågan på tillgänglig data ökar antalet REST API:er markant världen över. Varje REST API har någon form av referensdokumentation, vilket är avgörande för förståelsen samt användandet av ett API. Samtliga API-leverantörer bör således överväga optimering av referensdokumentationens användbarhet för att underlätta inlärning och användning av sin produkt. Denna masteravhandling uWith an increasingly growing demand for accessible data, the amount of REST API:s worldwide is growing. All REST API:s come with some form of reference documentation, which is crucial for the comprehension and usage of the API. Every API provider should therefore consider the usability of their reference documentation, to facilitate the learning and usage of their product. This master's thesi

Constructing Controversy: The Case of the Danish Agricultural Industry

Due to a rising concern for the climate, more industries are becoming controversial due to their greenhouse gas intensive production. This study has looked into one of these industries, the agricultural industry in Denmark, and the controversy surrounding this industry. By adopting a critical discourse analysis (CDA) perspective, this study investigates the discursive construction of (de)legitimat