

Din sökning på "*" gav 478782 sökträffar

Moving towards a circular photovoltaic economy in Europe - A system approach of the status, drivers, barriers, key policies and opportunities

With the projection of a growing amount of waste from photovoltaic (PV) panels in coming years, experts and researchers have highlighted the importance of the circular economy approach to face this challenge. With this approach, risks linked to the composition of PV panels, such as pollution and wastage of valuable materials, can be reduced. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide a systematic view

Indoor Blimp Control

The purpose of this thesis is to model and develop a control law that lets an unmanned aerial vehicle of blimp type fly autonomously in three-dimensional space. There are several uses of the blimp type UAV including, but not limited to, cargo transportation and surveillance. The work done throughout the thesis includes optimization of actuator placements, modelling the blimp and simulating the pro

Den verkställande direktörens interna skadeståndsansvar - En jämförelse mellan Sverige och Tyskland

Svenskt företagande har historiskt haft en stark ekonomisk koppling till Tyskland. Den tyska marknaden ses ofta som en attraktiv plattform för svenska företag att etablera sig på och en möjlighet till expansion av bolagets verksamhet. Vid en etablering i Tyskland väljer många svenska aktiebolag att använda sig av bolagsformen Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, som också är den mest frekvent anSwedish entrepreneurship has historically had a strong economic connection to Germany. The German market is often seen as an attractive platform for Swedish companies to establish themselves on and an opportunity for expansion of the company's operations. When establishing in Germany, many Swedish limited companies choose to use the company form “Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung", wh

More than Rain - A modular rainwater harvesting solution.

This project documentation presents an overview of the design process of the master thesis of Elisabeth Langer and Lisa Laugs at Lund University, School of Industrial Design. The topic of the master thesis was rainwater harvesting, which was first explored through extensive research and analysis. This topic is highly relevant as several aspects such as population growth, urbanisation, and climate

Managing inventory of solar panels considering demand growth and the risk of obsolescence

Background – As E.ON’s solar panel business has grown significantly, they are interested in finding new methods of working with inventory management. Currently, it is controlled manually and without any support of structured analytical inventory control methods. Purpose – The purpose of this Master’s Thesis Project is to investigate and suggest a method suitable for inventory control of E.ON’s so

"Muskler är för män"

The study aims to explore how female weightlifters discuss and question the discourse ”muscles are for men” and other assumptions about body and gender norms in strength training. The study focuses on how the accounts, through commentary and appearance, put themselves against traditional gender norms and how strength training operates as a norm-breaking practice. Further, the essay analyzes the wi

"Det är någonting som bara sitter kvar i kroppen" - en narrativ intervjustudie med barncanceröverlevare och deras partner

This is a narrative study about being in a relationship with a child cancer survivor. Previous research in the field of partnership and cancer has focused on experiences of being a partner to a person who is currently in cancer treatment. There is a lack of knowledge regarding partnership to a person who has gone through a cancer treatment prior to being in the relationship. More children who are

Google Trends and Stock Returns

The purpose of this thesis is to use social data in the form of Google Trends for companies listed on the S&P 100 to see if they contain information that allows us to predict future returns in the stock market. Using econometric models and trading strategies, the predictive power of Google Trends is investigated both if it can predict future stock returns but also if this knowledge can be used

Punktlighet för pendeltågstrafik i Stockholm - Analys av förseningsdata och fordonsdata

Arbetet ämnar till att undersöka eventuella samband mellan fordonsdata och förseningsdata för att fastställa om fordonsdata kan användas för att förutse förseningar. Fordonsdata som genererats till följd av behov för kontrollundersökning, i.e. felkoder, har kombinerats med förseningsdata från Stockholms pendeltåg mellan 2017-01-01 och 2018-12-08. Statistiska beräkningsmetoder har använts för att aThis thesis intends to investigate possible connections between vehicle data and delay data to determine whether vehicle data can be used to predict delays. Vehicle data generated as result of the need for inspection, that is, event codes, has been combined with delay data from Stockholm’s commuter trains between 2017 -01-01 and 2018-12-08. Statistical calculation methods were used to determine po

Chinese FDI and its effect on trade for the five African countries Angola, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe

This thesis evaluates the effect of Chinese Foreign direct investment (FDI) on exports and imports for the five African countries: Angola, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe using the gravitational model. The gravitational model will analyze how both inward FDI investments and Chinese investments impact import and export by using a sample of 166 partner countries over the period 2003-2012.

Design of a radial-inflow microturbine for combined heat and power generation unit

This project aims to design a radial inflow microturbine that will be part of a system to generate both heat and electricity. Considering the specific power and the mass flow rates involved with the system, a radial inflow turbine was chosen. This type of turbine provides much larger power density in a single stage compared to the other types.

Outcomes of intelligent logistics in retail organizations

The efficiency of retail organizations has been improved with the help of internet technology, using big data, cloud computing, and other technologies to upgrade the supply chain, marketing, and logistics of goods and other models. Among these areas, intelligent logistics has played a significant role in the development of retail organizations. This article studies the benefits and challenges of t

Den digitala kommunikativa organisationen

I denna abduktiva kvalitativa studie har tolv medarbetare från två sydsvenska kommuner intervjuas för att förstå upplevelser av omställningen från fysiskt kontorsarbete till hemarbete under Coronapandemin, samt hur det har påverkat upplevelsen av medarbetarengagemang i och med den digitaliserade informella kommunikationen. Genom tidigare forskning och teorier kopplade till organisationsförändring,In this abductive qualitative study, twelve co-workers from two Swedish public organizations are interviewed to understand their experiences of shifting from office based work to working from home, and how this shift enforce the experience of engagement through digitalized informal communication. Through previous research and theories on organizational change, change communication and sensemaking,

”All Roads Lead to Beijing” En förklarande idéanalys av The Belt & Road Initiative som bärare av ideologiska tankegods

Over the last three and half decades, China has seen a rapid economic and political advancement in the world. Taking an ideological approach to evaluate China’s quest for soft power, the primary aim of this essay is to investigate whether the Chinese initiative “The Belt and Road Initiative” aims to position China as the worlds next superpower. Building on Joseph Nye ́s thoughts about soft power,

Meeting Forest Futures with Payments for Ecosystem Services? Assessing Payment for Ecosystem Services’ potential for co-financing forest biodiversity preservation and climate change mitigation in Germany.

German forests are in a deteriorating state. The effects of climate change are increasingly showing and presenting society, and also forest owners, with the challenge of restructuring forests to become more climate resilient. At the same time there is a need to halt forest biodiversity loss and to further provide renewable resources that can be used to decarbonise its economy. At present forests’

Mobilising the Lebanese Diaspora in Times of Political Turmoil at “Home” : Investigating online engagement practices and the roles of the alternative online medium Thawra Chronicles in the context of the Lebanese Revolution 2019

This research focuses on the contemporary case study of the Thawra Chronicles, founded by three London-based members of the Lebanese diaspora in the wake of the Lebanese Revolution in early October 2019 to support the social movement from afar, targeting non-Lebanese individuals as well as Lebanese within and beyond its borders. Thawra Chronicles is a multifaceted, independent alternative online o

Barriers and Drivers Influencing the Commercialization of Sustainable Innovations - A Case Study on Skosh

The sociotechnical systems that present societies operate within fail to address sustainability which contributes to the exacerbation of environmental, societal, and economic injustices. Sustainable innovations are considered a potential solution pathway. Nevertheless, to have large scale impact, they need to commercialize successfully. Scholars agree that sustainable business models are essential

Relating land-use and plant biodiversity in Scanian semi-natural grazing lands

Climate change and biodiversity loss are amongst the most pressing environmental issues internationally, with far-reaching impacts that place natural and semi-natural habitats at ever greater risk of degradation. My project explores the effects of land-use on plant biodiversity in semi-natural grazing lands using datasets covering Sweden’s southernmost region, Scania. Comparative analyses were pe