

Din sökning på "*" gav 532856 sökträffar

En Ex-Jobbares Rosa Guide till Tryggare (och Bättre) Bostäder

Enligt WHO är mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer ett av de allvarligaste hoten mot kvinnors hälsa. Medan det finns många aspekter att ha i åtanke i analysen av detta, kvarstår faktumet att det är i hemmet som våldet sker. Varför är det så? Många arkitekter och teoretiker har länge konstaterat hur våra städer är byggda olika väl för olika typer av kroppar, där möjligtvis vissa kroppar stöttas According to the WHO, domestic violence is one of the most dangerous threats to women’s health. Whilst there are more things to consider, truth is that the home is where all of this violent behaviour takes the stage. Why is that? Many architects and theorists have long made out that our cities are differently well-built for different kinds of bodies, where some are possibly better supported than o

Digital self-management of hip and knee osteoarthritis and trajectories of work and activity impairments

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the trajectories of work and activity impairments among people participating in a digital self-management program for osteoarthritis (OA).METHODS: We conducted an observational longitudinal study using data for baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months follow ups from people participating in a digital OA treatment between June 2018 and September 2021. The Work Productivity and Acti

Decision Support for Lake Restoration : A Case Study in Swedish Freshwater Bodies

A considerable number of lakes in Sweden have high phosphorus internal loading from the sediments which cause cyanobacterial blooms every summer. Due to potential risks with such blooms for human health, drinking water supply, and ecosystem services, measures need to be taken to control the phosphorus content. Measures to control the phosphorus input from the surrounding land has been in focus. Ho

Homography-Based Minimal-Case Relative Pose Estimation With Known Gravity Direction

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to two-view minimal-case relative pose problems based on homography with known gravity direction. This case is relevant to smart phones, tablets, and other camera-IMU (Inertial measurement unit) systems which have accelerometers to measure the gravity vector. We explore the rank-1 constraint on the difference between the euclidean homography matrix and th

Unga kvinnors motivation till ledarskap inom studentlivet

Vad har motiverat kvinnliga medlemmar inom Studentlund att ta sig an en ledarposition inom en studentorganisation och vad upplever deltagarna motiverar dem att leda? Fram till nyligen har forskning om ledarskap mestadels kopplats till maskulina egenskaper snarare än feminina egenskaper. Med detta i åtanke ville vi utforska vad som motiverar kvinnor att söka sig till ledarpositioner. Vi valde att uYoung female leaders are the future, but what motivates them to take on a leadership role? And what motivates them to lead? Until recently leadership research has been mostly connected to masculine traits rather than feminine traits. With this in mind we wanted to explore what motivates females to pursue a leadership role. We chose to specifically look at female leaders within student organization

Long-term outcome of lymph vessel transplantation after chronic lymphorrhea

A 52-year-old male patient developed a chronic fistula with excessive lymph leakage in the left axilla following removal of an enlarged lymph node with chronic local adipose tissue inflammation due to infection. After multiple surgeries, treatment with lymphatic vessel transplantation was successful. No recurrence occurred over 20 years of follow-up.

Wigner 6 j symbols for SU(N) : Symbols with at least two quark-lines

We study a class of SU(N) Wigner 6j symbols involving two fundamental representations and derive explicit formulas for all 6j symbols in this class. Our formulas express the 6j symbols in terms of the dimensions of the involved representations, and they are thereby functions of N. We view these explicit formulas as a first step toward efficiently decomposing SU(N) color structures in terms of grou

Co-design Process of a Digital Return-to-Work Solution for People with Common Mental Disorders : Stakeholder Perception Study

Background: Service users and other stakeholders have had few opportunities to influence the design of their mental health and return-to-work services. Likewise, digital solutions often fail to align with stakeholders’ needs and preferences, negatively impacting their utility. mWorks is a co-design initiative to create a digital return-to-work solution for persons with common mental disorders that

Identification and Mapping of Three Distinct Breakup Morphologies in the Turbulent Inertial Regime of Emulsification—Effect of Weber Number and Viscosity Ratio

Turbulent emulsification is an important unit operation in chemical engineering. Due to its high energy cost, there is substantial interest in increasing the fundamental understanding of drop breakup in these devices, e.g., for optimization. In this study, numerical breakup experiments are used to study turbulent fragmentation of viscous drops, under conditions similar to emulsification devices su

Assessing Climate Change Impact on Water Balance Components Using Integrated Groundwater–Surface Water Models (Case Study: Shazand Plain, Iran)

Assessing the status of water resources is essential for long-term planning related to water and many other needs of a country. According to climate reports, climate change is on the rise in all parts of the world; however, this phenomenon will have more consequences in arid and semi-arid regions. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of climate change on groundwater, surface water, and

Endocannabinoid System Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease

Background: Alterations in the endocannabinoid system (ES) have been described in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathophysiology. In the past years, multiple ES biomarkers have been developed, promising to advance our understanding of ES changes in AD. Discussion: ES biomarkers, including positron emission tomography with cannabinoid receptors tracers and biofluid-based endocannabinoids, are associated

Förgätmigej : En Iris Bure-deckare

Augusti. De första tecknen på höst smattrar mot rutorna när samtalet kommer. Iris kusin Ingrid är desperat, systerdottern Alva har inte återvänt från paddelturen med vännerna. När Iris inser att det finns paralleller till något hon och kusinen själva upplevde i tonåren kör hon raka spåret upp till Åmål för att hjälpa till att leta. Sökandet utvecklar sig snart till en utdragen katt-och-råtta-lek i

Oskuld och oleander

Iris Bure återhämtar sig som bäst från ett stort svek när dödsbudet kommer: Faster Irma har gått bort. Efter sig lämnar hon Iris barndomshem, huset på Ekerö. Med några semesterveckor till godo erbjuder sig Iris att röja upp och återvänder till platsen där hon växte upp. Men det som börjar som en enkel flyttstädning får snart mörkare karaktär. Vem var egentligen hennes faster? Vilka hemligheter bar

Automatic testing of optical sight adjustment screws by a robotic arm

In this thesis the automation of an optical sight validation process was studied. The goal was to find a solution for controlling the position of a red dot in a red dot sight. A red dot sight is a non-magnifying reflector sight in which the user sees a red dot instead of a reticle. The movement of the dot was performed by fastening and unfastening adjustment screws on the sight. A side goal was to

Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy vs non-surgical or sham treatment in patients with MRI-confirmed degenerative meniscus tears : a systematic review and meta-analysis with individual participant data from 605 randomised patients

Objective: To identify subgroups of patients with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-confirmed degenerative meniscus tears who may benefit from arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) in comparison with non-surgical or sham treatment. Methods: Individual participant data (IPD) from four RCTs were pooled (605 patients, mean age: 55 (SD: 7.5), 52.4% female) as to investigate the effectiveness of APM i