

Din sökning på "*" gav 495782 sökträffar

Brottsbekämpning och personlig integritet – EU-rättens inverkan på datalagring i svensk och tysk rätt

Uppsatsens syfte är att fördjupa förståelsen för den svenska lagstiftarens avvägning mellan personlig integritet och de brottsbekämpande myndigheternas behov av datalagring hos telekommunikationsbolag. Den nationella rätten styrs av EU-rätt på det här området och därför ingår i syftet att redogöra för det nationella och EU-rättsliga regelverket rörande dels datalagring av brottsbekämpande skäl, deThis thesis aims at providing an in-depth study of the balancing act made by the Swedish legislator between the rights to privacy and data protection on the one hand, and the retention of data generated in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications networks on the other hand. The latter aspect is something that is made in order to ensure that the data are availab

Is Peru progressing towards an Open Access Order society? Doorstep Conditions, Social Capabilities and Resilience to Economic Shrinking in Peru (1970-2018)

From 1970 to 2018 Peru has transitioned between periods of high and low frequency of shrinking. This thesis performs a qualitative analysis on quantitative trends and determines that the improvement of social capabilities was determinant to develop resilience to economic shrinking. Moreover, it finds that the most critical capability for breaking the shrinking cycle was the social stability capabi

Digitalisation of sourcing processes – A case study at Axis Communications AB

Title: Digitalisation of sourcing processes – A case study at Axis Communications Authors: Elaine Nilsson & Josefine Westberg Supervisor: Karin Forsberg, Commodity Manager, Axis Communications AB Daisy Wang, Project Purchaser, Axis Communications AB Louise Bildsten, Department of Industrial Management & Logistics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Examiner: Jan Olhager, Departmen

Binuclear zinc transcription factors and the regulation of patulin biosynthesis in the filamentous Ascomycete Penicillium expansum

Alla levande varelser har metabolism och då även metaboliter, som är ämnen som produceras och konsumeras under metabolismen. En del av dessa produceras konstant, som när vi bryter ner mat vi äter eller när vi ska röra på oss. Det finns också metaboliter som vi inte har, men finns i till exempel svampar. De kallar vi sekundära metaboliter. De är viktiga för hur svamparna beter sig och interagerar mThis thesis investigated the regulation of patulin production in Penicillium expansum in relation to fungal global regulators as well as the cluster-specific binuclear zinc transcription factor (BZTF) patL in silico. It also explored the state of BZTF research in filamentous ascomycetes fungi, and questioned if results in Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be freely translated to other taxonomic groups.

A new, fast, and efficient automatic tuner for the ABB AC 800M family of controllers

The most common controller in the process industry today is the PID controller due to its simple structure. A regular factory may have thousands of different PID controllers in use where each of them has to be tuned to work satisfactory. Doing this manually can become both a difficult and time consuming task where some knowledge for each process is required. Therefore, it is highly beneficial to h

Green travel onboarding – An exploration of the environmental value co-creation in tourism transportation online platforms from the millennial's perspective

The carbon emissions from tourism transportation have been a significant environmental issue. Studies have tried to investigate the impacts of sustainability initiatives provided by tourism transportation on travellers, but the target group and the types of transportation are limited. Therefore, the thesis aims to understand the environmental value co-creation process of sustainability options pro

Kulturens påverkan på Vogues internationella inbound marketing

Title: Kulturens påverkan på internationell inbound marketing Seminar date: 2/6/2021 Course: Bachelor's Thesis in Marketing, 15 credits Supervisor: Nikos Macheridis Keywords: Inbound marketing, Content marketing, Social media, Cultural dimension, Vogue, Cultural behavior, Culture, Color psychology, Luxury fashion. Purpose: Examine whether the content of Vogue's digital articles and Vogue&#

Begreppet skada - Tolkningsskillnader av 16 § 1 st. LSU och dess påverkan på ungdomar på slutna ungdomshem

One of the alternate necessary conditions that must be met in order to be able to deny or restrict the use of electronic communication systems for youths at closed youth homes is that such use must be deemed harmful for the youth him or herself, or for another person. This necessary condition is stipulated in 16 § 1 st. Lag (1998:603) om verkställighet av sluten ungdomsvård. The aim of this bachel

Traits of peat- and upland-derived stream dissolved organic carbon in the permafrost region around Abisko, northern Sweden

Climate change-induced thawing of permafrost mobilizes previously frozen carbon of high potential reactivity, thereby, fuelling microbiological production of greenhouse gases. For this work, an analysis of the quantity, quality, and bioreactivity of DOC in streams from the Stordalen discontinuous permafrost catchment was carried out with stream water samples during the relatively warm summer of 20

Environmentally Induced Inter-Municipal Migration: The Case for Guatemala

This paper examines the impact of climate variability on inter-municipal household migration in the Guatemalan Dry Corridor (GDC) between 2013 and 2018. Monthly georeferenced precipitation and temperature data are used to build a climate shock variable that captures prolonged exposure to droughts and heatwaves at the municipality level. The data is used to understand if the occurrence of a shock a

Det villkorade hemmahörandet: en kritisk diskursanalys av integration och medborgarskap i jämlikhetskommissionens betänkande "En gemensam angelägenhet"

Uppsatsens mål är att utifrån ett feministiskt och postkolonialt perspektiv belysa den diskursiva konceptualisering av integration som artikuleras i jämlikhetskommissionens betänkande. Vidare är målet att undersöka vilka idéer om det svenska medborgarskapet som betänkandets konceptualisering av integration bygger på och ger upphov till. Genom att belysa och undersöka detta ämnar uppsatsen begripliThis master thesis in gender studies analyses how integration and Swedish citizenship are conceptualised in the official governmental report A Common Concern (SOU 2020:46), written by the Commission on Equality. Feminist and postcolonial theories on citizenship and belonging are used in combination with previous research on Swedish integration politics and inequalities in the welfare state. Norman

Oil: a curse for gender equality? Evidence from Latin America

Latin America is considered the most unequal region of the world - and also, its second largest oil producer. Using prior research on resource curse and its potential effects on democracy in the mentioned area, combined with research on gender equality in the Middle East - this paper aims to explore the existence of a potential statistical relationship between oil and gender equality. The author u

Bidders earn nothing in acquisition deal”– does it apply in an emerging market?

This paper investigates whether the convention about wealth distribution in an M&A deal holds true for Acquirers of TMT-sector companies in Russia. The convention can be formulated as: In an M&A deal, bidders earn nothing, while targets enjoy wealth increase on average. The wealth effect on acquirers is measured by means of event study approach. The central tendencies of abnormal return an

Intra and interspecific variation in metabolic rates of Odonata: in search for metabolic allometry

Trollsländors metabolism ger svar på djurs utveckling Ett djurs energibehov Alla djur förbrukar energi för att kunna växa, reproducera sig och överleva. Eftersom energi är en begränsad resurs är vi tvungna att noggrant fördela den till olika konkurrerande energikrävande behov. Energi för livsnödvändiga processer prioriteras i jämförelse med icke-livsnödvändiga processer som till exempel reprodukt

Detection of allele-specific expression of TLR2 in a wild rodent using Real-Time qPCR and TaqMan probes

Förändrat uttryck av den muterade immunförsvars-genen TLR2 kan bidra till ökad resistens mot borrelia – en studie på immunförsvaret hos vilda gnagare Skogssorkar (Myodes glareolus) och andra vilda gnagare utgör de huvudsakliga bärarna av bakterien Borrelia afzelii. Dessa bakterier kan orsaka sjukdomen borrelia och sprids vanligen från gnagare till andra däggdjur via fästingar. Trots att sorkarna

Designing gamification to increase engagement for the software solution KLAR

Med den ökande portföljen av olika lösningar när man letar efter nya mobilappar och webbverktyg finns det ett behov att utmärka sig. En av de möjliga lösningarna för att fånga och hålla fast användarna är genom att införa gamification som motiverar användaren och ger dem möjlighet att känna sig mer engagerade med ens produkt. Detta examensarbete undersöker en möjlig gamification-design för mjukvarWith the increasing portfolio of options when looking for new mobile apps and web tools their is a need to excel. One of the possible solutions is to capture and hold on to the users by introducing gamification that motivates the user and gives them the opportunity to feel more engaged with a product. This master thesis examines a possible gamification design for the software solution KLAR. KLAR c

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av etiska dilemman inom palliativ vård En Litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor inom palliativ vård arbetar utifrån ett holistiskt perspektiv som beaktar patientens fysiska, psykiska, sociala samt existentiella behov. Etiska dilemman uppstår då sjuksköterskor ställs inför ett svårt val där alla alternativ utmanar sjuksköterskans moraliska principer. Syfte: Att belysa och sammanställa vilka etiska dilemman som förekommer inom palliativ vård för vuxna p

Navigating Bi+ Belonging: Everyday Experiences of Bisexual, Pansexual and Queer Individuals in Lund, Sweden

People who desire more-than-one gender are still facing social exclusion as well as exclusion from LGBTQ communities. Moreover, specific bi+ spaces are rare and bisexuals are often not part of them. Where, then, do bisexuals belong? In order to answer this question, this thesis explores the everyday experiences of bi+ people using Relief Maps and in-depth interviews. I build on theories around emo