

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

Framtidens undervisning i engelska : enspråkig, tvåspråkig eller flerspråkig?

Här presenteras det nystartade projektet Flerspråkiga praktiker i engelskundervisningen, finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet, samt forskning om flerspråkighet som ligger till grund för projektet. Vi kommer att undersöka hur och varför lärare och elever använder andra språk än engelska i engelskundervisningen. Vilken betydelse har användningen av elevers starkaste språk för deras lärande och inkludering

Long Lost : The emotional side of identification - Complementing SIT with psychoanalytic insights

In this essay, I aim to complement social identity theory (SIT) concepts of identification with insights from psychoanalysis to address three problematic aspects: (a) SIT emphasizes cognition and often neglects emotions, (b) emotions—if mentioned —are primarily positive, and (c) SIT-based concepts can be used to inspire simplified ideas of identification management. I argue that psychoanalytic ins

TRMM-3B43 Bias Correction over the High Elevations of the Contiguous United States

Precipitation can be quantified using a rain gauge network, or a remotely sensed precipitation product. Ultimately, the choice of dataset depends on the particular application, the catchment size, climate and the time period of study. In a region with a long record and a dense rain gauge network, the elevation-modified ground-based precipitation product, PRISM, has been found to work well. However

Malaria, Immunity, and Immunopathology

Malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes, and it is a major global cause of morbidity and mortality. Most of the deaths in malaria are caused by the Apicomplexan parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Immunity against the disease is dependent on repeated exposure, and it usually takes several years to develop. Antibodies against different antigens are an important part of immunity, but cellular immunity

Digitally Enabled Engagement and Witnessing: The Sichuan Earthquake on Independent Documentary film

This article builds on recent works on witnessing, socially engaged documentary filmmaking and studies on the role of new digital technologies for witnessing trauma, recording memories and enabling activism. In a devastating earthquake in Sichuan province on 12 May 2008, almost 90,000 people, at least 5000 of them being children, died. Parents and bystanders provided the first footage of the earth

Special Section: Media Industries and Engagement: Introduction

The aim of this special section is to critically analyse the complex issues at workin understanding the theories, processes and practices of engagement as itrelates to media industries. There is a need to open up the notion of engagementas a concept that captures subjective and shifting relations with media. In sucha way, this section focuses on media engagement within the industry as multifaceted

Multi-species PLIF study of the structures of turbulent premixed methane/air jet flames in the flamelet and thin-reaction zones regimes

Simultaneously planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) measurements of OH, CH, CH2O and toluene are carried out to investigate the structures of turbulent premixed methane/air jet flames in the flamelet regime and the thin-reaction zones regime. A premixed flame jet burner of an inner diameter of 1.5 mm is employed. Stoichiometric methane/air mixtures introduced as a jet are ignited and stabilize

Avian diversity in Norway spruce production forests – How variation in structure and composition reveals pathways for improving habitat quality

Forests used for timber production provide essential ecosystem services to society, as well as potential breeding habitat for bird communities. In southern Sweden, 90% of productive forest land is used for timber production and stands dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies) constitute approximately 40% of the forested area. Due to their homogeneous structure, these spruce production forests are o


Krönikas om tv-serien "Bosch" efter Michael Connellys romaner.