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Stock Performance Differences in Swedish Life Science Companies with or without Research-based Science Park Affiliation

Stock Performance Differences in Swedish Life Science Companies with or without Research-based Science Park Affiliation Seminar date 2018-06-01 Course BUSN 79 Business Administration: Degree Project in Accounting and Finance - Master Level, 15 ECTS Authors: Eric Isacsson and Liana Trichkova Advisor: Håkan Jankensgård Key words: Science park affiliation, university ownership, life science, lon

Öresunds Skattesystem - En analys av policyprocessen

Öresundsregionens skatteavtal har under en längre tid varit föremål för diskussioner och kritik. Skatteavtalet mellan Danmark och Sverige genomgick större förändringar år 1996 och år 2003. Dessa avtal har fått stora konsekvenser för flera olika berörda parter, vilket väckt debatten kring avtalet som en policy. Genom att undersöka policyprocessen som lett fram till hur avtalen är utformade idag sam

T-Cell Development: Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation in BCL11B Activation

Haematopoietic stem cells are the source of all blood components including T-cells. When the T-cell programme is initiated in these cells, the expression of T-cell associated genes such as TCF7 is up-regulated, while genes opposing this fate are turned off. Subsequently, epigenetic marks on the gene BCL11B and its regulatory elements, disabling the expression of the gene, are removed and the trans

Gendering Normative Power Europe in practice: A study of the European Union’s implementation of the Women, Peace and Security-agenda

UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace and Security agenda has been in place since year 2000, yet women’s participation in conflict resolution processes remains low and they are still largely being excluded from deciding how their future society is going to look like. The European Union is known for being a normative actor in international politics, with gender equality being one of their core norms. As

Den svenska modellen i gungning : en kritisk textanalys av Socialdemokraternas invandringsdiskurs 2013 och 2017

I studien granskas invandringsdiskursen i Sverige under en tid då högerextremism växer. Ett politiskt klimat som resulterat i ett hårdare språk och hårdare attityder mot flyktingar. Studien granskar förändringen i Socialdemokraternas språk vad gäller invandringsfrågan genom en undersökning av kongressprotokollen och de politiska riktlinjerna 2013 och 2017. Med hjälp av metodologiska verktyg, hämta

Bacterial water quality in recirculating and conventional showers from a stagnated building

The modern shower was invented in the middle of the 19th century and is by far the most popular personal cleaning method in the west. One of the shortcomings of the conventional shower is that a majority of the water consumed is not dirty but goes out the drain all the same. Orbital systems AB has developed a recirculating shower as a modern and environmentally friendly alternative to the conventi

Modeling of a stand-alone liquid air energy storage

Ett problem som uppstår med ökningen av förnybara energikällor är att det oregelbundna beteendet, hos framförallt sol och vindkraft, gör det svårt att styra produktionen utifrån efterfrågan på energi. En potentiell lösning på detta problem är att lagra energin i flytande luft. För att undersöka hur denna metod lämpar sig för energilagring har en modell av ett fristående energilagringssystem med flThe aim of this project was to create a model of the stand-alone LAES for use in future work at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery (SIT). The model was created in IPSEpro with components developed from the software's standard library of power plant components. Required fluid properties were obtained from the Refprop DLL. This was accessed through the development of a DLL, functioning as a link

Social enterprise and stakeholder relationships in Vietnam’s social innovation

This thesis aims to investigate the role of social enterprise in coordinating stakeholder relationships to develop social innovation through the lens of stakeholder theory and its conceptual framework in sustainability management. Social enterprises are believed to feature the ability to establish and manage collaboration between stakeholders in the entrepreneurial process, therefore they are seen

Development of Interface for Replaceable Toothbrush Head

This master thesis aims to explore the possibility of creating a toothbrush made from renewable raw materials by developing a toothbrush handle consisting of wood. The content in this master thesis covers a product development process of a toothbrush and has been executed in collaboration with TePe Munhygienprodukter AB, at Lund University. The majority of the process has involved concept developm

Has Quantitative Easing Affected the Predictive Power of the Yield Curve? Evidence from Nine Advanced Economies

Since the global financial crisis in 2007-2008 several central banks around the world have introduced Quantitative Easing. Earlier literature has proven that this has caused significant downward pressure on yields in many economies. This study examines if the introduction of Quantitative Easing has changed the predictive power of the yield curve on future economic activity in nine advanced economi

The impact of Target’s ESG and ESG Gap on shareholder value creation

The aim of this paper is to cover a gap identified in the literature by finding empirical evidence explaining the relationship between the target firm’s ESG score and ESG Gap and the abnormal returns registered by the acquirer. The paper uses a cross-sectional dataset based on an international sample of 171 merger and acquisition transactions, occurred between 2002 and 2020. The even-study metho

The Postfeminist Paradox – A qualitative case study critically analysing postfeminism through a female student career network

The study analyses postfeminism in an organisational context from a critical feminist perspective by exploring the contemporary perceptions of gender and gender equality in a female student career network. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate how these perceptions are projected and how they relate to organisational values, principles and processes of the organisation. Hence, How does postfem

Rätten som orättvis: en rättssociologisk studie om samspelet mellan politik och juridik inom jämkning av brottsskadeersättning

The Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority follows and implements the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act with the purpose to offer support and help to individuals whom have suffered from crimes. However, the question regarding victim compensation and its purpose have been discussed frequently by the Swedish government as well as researchers who primarily discussed how to decide the correc

"En pedagogisk fuling" : svensklärares syn på bedömning av multimodala texter

Syftet med denna studie är att klargöra vad som försvårar svensklärares bedömning av multimodala texter eftersom bristfällig bedömning hämmar elevernas möjligheter att utveckla sin digitala kompetens och exkluderar elevernas textvärldar. För att undersöka lärarnas bedömningssvårigheter intervjuade vi sex svensklärare på gymnasienivå angående deras bedömningsstrategier. Intervjun avhandlade multiThe purpose of this study is to elucidate what it is that obstructs Swedishteachers assessment of multimodal texts since inadequate assessments hinders students from developing their digital competence and excludes students’ textworlds. In order to find these assessment obstructions we interviewed six upper-secondary Swedishteachers about their assessment strategies in regards to multimodal text

Silk's sweet spot: untangling the requirements for artificial silk extrusion using a biomimetic approach

Up to this date, only a few silk hydrogels were reported to be injectable. Of these, none are truly biomimetic, and are instead comprised of blends with limited amounts of silk. Hence, no truly silk-based hydrogels exist as of today. From the reported injectable matrices, only a few have considered the natural progressive acidification to which silk proteins are exposed before spinning. Adding to

How soon is now? Exploring mitigation of short-lived greenhouse gases in the landscape of climate risk and policies on metrics

Klimatfrågan är komplex, men handlar i grunden om hur vi människor påverkar jordens atmosfär genom utvinning av fossila bränslen, användning av mark och våra konsumtionsmönster. Källorna till klimatpåverkan är många, vilket vi bland annat kan se i termer av att olika växthusgaser frigörs genom olika typer av mänsklig aktivitet. Växthusgaser har olika egenskaper vad gäller deras potential som pådriIn the collected efforts towards understanding earth’s climate system, and acting on climate change, the time dimension is of central importance. When humanity’s collected activity is carbon-neutral, and how the trajectory towards such a state might look, is a tough question to answer. One thing which does however stand out clearly is the fact that the common practice of having CO2-equivalents be

Extreme value modeling of wind effect on dune erosion on the Coast of ̈Angelholm

The movement of the coast line, due to erosion in one direction or aggregation in theother is a natural process as waves, wind as well as the geological nature of the coast itselfare affecting it. Sand dunes are the main protection coasts have at their disposal againstfloods during storm surges or from more passive but long range rainfalls. As many of the coastal areas have a dense population and

Validation of Catalyst HD™ positioning performance using a deformable phantom

Idag får ca hälften av alla patienter i Sverige med en cancerdiagnos strålterapi som en del av sin behandling. Med strålterapi vill man bestråla cancerogen vävnad samtidigt som man vill undvika att skada intilliggande frisk vävnad. Innan behandlingen gör man en datortomogra, en 3D bild av kroppen, med denna bild planeras strålbehandlingen med avseende på isocenter. Isocenter är den position vilkenAim: The overall purpose for this master thesis was to evaluate the deformable algorithm of the optical surface scanning system Catalyst HDTM . The aim was to develop a method to evaluate the non-rigid registration algorithm using a deformable phantom and with it investigate the positioning accuracy of the depth calculation. Materials and Methods: As deformable phantom a modified breast implant w

Remotely sensed estimation of shrub encroachment : a case study on the Great Alvar, Öland, Sweden

The increase of shrub extent in arid and semi-arid environments is reducing the species richness all over the globe. This process of shrub encroachment was found to result from changes in anthropogenic land use, especially from too high or too low grazing intensity. The Great Alvar on the island Öland, Sweden, is a unique grassland ecosystem with a high species richness. Changes in land use patte