

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Kommunikation inom operationsteamet utifrån operationssjuksköterskans perspektiv: En patientsäkerhetsfråga

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kommunikationen inom operationsteamet utifrån operationssjuksköterskans perspektiv. Bakgrund: Flera studier visade att kommunikationsmisstag bidrar till att patientsäkerheten äventyrades och det var ett vanligt problem inom vården. Brister inom kommunikation kunde vara att informationen inte meddelades, fel information kommunicerades eller att ofu

Ska jag bli av med min medicin för att jag visar symptom på den sjukdom jag en gång fått medicinen för? - Röster från personer i läkemedelsassisterad behandling vid opiatberoende

The aim of this study is to explore the system of maintenance treatment for opiate addiction from a patient’s perspective. Six semi structured interviews were performed with persons who are or have been engaged in maintenance treatment. The majority of them had experienced discharge from the program. Our results show that discharge may result in harsh consequences; relapse in heroin use or other i

Positivism and Muslim Minority Law in Europe: Rethinking Legal Pluralism

How can we reconcile Muslim minority law with state law in the European Union and its member states? This essay seeks to analyse and dismantle the concepts of ‘secular’ law and ‘religious’ minority law in the context of the European Union and within the theoretical framework of Sociology of Law. France and the UK shall serve as locations for contextualised comparison, assisting us in making sense

Den uteblivna dialogen

Denna uppsats är skriven med syftet att undersöka Malmö stads arbete med symmetrisk och dialogisk kommunikation med sina medborgare i sociala medier. Med uppsatsen hoppas vi nyansera bilden av de organisatoriska krav som ställs på organisationer för att kunna bedriva symmetrisk tvåvägskommunikation. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt utfört textanalyser av MalmöThis study intends to research the city of Malmö’s work with symmetrical and dialogical communication with its citizens in social media. With this study, we hope to nuance the image of the organizational demands put on organizations to be able to manage symmetrical two-way communication. To reach our purpose, we have with a hermeneutical approach conducted document analyses of the city of Malmö’s

Open source på IT-företag

Open source är idag ett vida känt begrepp och det finns numera ett open source alternativ till nästan varje mjukvara av proprietär sort. Med en växande användarbas och en kostnad som nästan alltid är obefintlig är det naturligt att företag ser open source som ett alternativ till att köpa proprietär mjukvara. Genom denna uppsats undersöker vi därför vilka egenskaper hos open source som är viktiga o

Empowerment for sustainability : empowering women in rural communities in Georgia using participatory action research

I examine if participatory action research can be used to launch processes in women’s action groups in rural areas of a lower middle income country, which can lead to empowerment of the organization. Participatory action research conducted in Western Georgia was designed to investigate marginalization of rural women and whether a researcher can intervene by taking on a role of an external change-m

Development of an MK-801 Hyperactivity Model in Zebrafish Larvae - Analysis of Locomotor Activity and Brain Neurotransmitters

Popular science summary: An MK-801 Hyperactivity Model in Zebrafish Larvae Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by psychosis, depression and cognitive impairments. The severity of this disease is easily underestimated, since the manifestations are not consequently lethal. Additionally, Schizophrenia is correlated with a 50 times increased risk of attempted suicide. Considering that a

Nedskrivning av Webben : en mediearkeologisk analys av Heritrix

There is no doubt that the the Web constitutes an important channel and platform for public discourse and cultural exchange, and that our times will be remembered by accessing the archives of the Web. This is also to say, that perception of the web – present and past – is shaped and governed by the media we and our machines perceive it with. So with what media do we archive it? Recording media is

Minority Participation in the Public Sphere – A Critical Analysis of Claim-Making on Muslim Rights and Islam in Swedish News Media

As Muslim communities have become more permanently established in Western European societies, debates around the public practice of Islam in these societies have become more prevalent, while the “global war on terror” rhetoric has aided the construction of Muslim minorities into “Others” along lines of religious and cultural differences. Based on theories of minority participation in the public sp

A New Approach For Detecting Strong Reflections In Rooms

In this thesis the influence of strong reflections in rooms is investigated. A strong reflection can have a negative influence on speech or music that is transmitted from the source to the receiver. Impulse responses including different strength of a reflection are modelled using a statistical model. From the impulse response, different parameters describing the strength of the reflection can be c

Discussing the Complex Relationship between the Mouridiyya Order and the Jamatou Ibadou Rahmane Association in Senegal

This paper discusses the relationship between the Mouridiyya order and the Jamatou Ibadou Rahmane Association- two significant and quite different Muslim organizations in Senegal. This case is illuminated in order to help explain why supposedly opposed groups entertain peaceful relationships. The data analyzed derives from nine interviews conducted between January 2014 and March 2014, in Dakar, Se

Fotbolls-EM och turism

Policy makers and national football associations often emphasize potential benefits of mega-events like the FIFA World Cup or UEFA EURO on tourism (or the economy in general), but empirical studies show no support for this. The effects on tourism, especially of the EUROs, are not well documented in the academic community and it is the purpose of this paper to provide some empirical evidence of the