

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

Att göra region genom stadspolitik - America's Cup och gränslöshetens gränser

This article is based on a study of the sailing event America’s Cup in Malmö in the late summer of 2005. It serves the purpose of exemplifying a project of urban governance. Urban governance means that municipalities are engaged in implementing different strategies in order to strengthen their own position in the competition between cities and regions. The article’s main theme is the relation betw

Music in motion. Diversity and dialogue in Europe.

How are musical traditions of minorities integrated in education and the public music life? Can music facilitate transcultural dialogue? And to what extent do musical practice and performance reassert the own cultural tradition in a foreign environment? Answers to those and similar questions as well as a review on what can be observed in the 21st century Europe are gathered in various thematic app

Why Are Some Nations More Successful Than Others in Research Impact? A Comparison Between Denmark and Sweden

Bibliometric impact analyses show that Swedish research has less international visibility than Danish research. When taking a global view on all subject fields and selecting publications cited higher than the 90th percentile, i.e., the Top 10 %—publications, the Swedish Research Council shows that although Sweden ranks 15 % above world average, Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland rank 35–40 %

Consequences of bushmeat hunting in tropical forests

Popular Abstract in English This thesis presents data from rainforests of southeastern Nigeria. Pairs of protected and hunted of study sites were established in three different but adjacent protected areas: 1. Mbe Mountain Community Forest (MMCF, total area 80 km2); 2. Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary (AMWS, total area 100 km2); and 3. Okwangwo division of the Cross River National Park (CRNP), totaThis thesis evaluates the effect of bushmeat hunting in southeastern Nigerian rainforests on: 1) adult tree, seedling, and animal community compositions 2) germination and survival among seedlings in association with competition 3) changes in community composition at multiple trophic levels 4) leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC), leaf mass per area (LMA) and stem specific density (SSD) 5) on human r

Phylogeny of Artiodactyla and Cetacea - based on mitochondrial genomes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Artiodactyla (partåiga hovdjur) är uppdelad i tre underordningar, Suiformes (grisar och flodhästar), Tylopoda (kameler och lamor) och Ruminantia (kor, hjortar, antiloper och giraffer). Studien syftade till att analysera släktskapen mellan de olika underordningarna och ordningen Cetacea (valar) genom att sekvensera mitokondrie DNA och jämföra sekvenserna. I våra släktskArtiodactyla (eved-toed ungulates) and Cetacea (whales) are two mammalian orders that are commonly recognised as sistergroups. Recently it has been suggested that Cetacea originated within Artiodactyla, but the relationships among the different artiodactyl lineages and Cetacea have not been conclusively established. In the present study the mitochondrial genome of the pig (Sus scrofa), the hippopo

Lauro, myrto et buxo frequentata. A study of the Roman garden through its plants

The plants in the ancient Roman garden were chosen with deliberation. These choices were ruled by the meaning and associations the plants conveyed to the garden visitors. Through a close reading of Latin literature and epigraphic sources (used here for the first time in relation to Roman gardens), as well as an examination of the archaeological record from Campanian garden excavations, I deal with

”Och deras skott långt fjärran eko väckt.” : Historiebruk och The Minute Man

Alltsedan amerikanska frihetskriget har så kallade Minute Men varit högt skattade, då deras insatser bidrog till seger över de brittiska kolonialtrupperna. Framför allt har orterna Corcorde och Lexington varit centrala i minnesceremonier. I artikeln analyseras olika historiebruk i anslutning till monument över och ceremonier till minne av The Minute Man.

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Instructions for the treatment of the insane Duke Magnus of Östergötland (son of Gustav Vasa). Latin text and translation into Swedish