

Din sökning på "*" gav 530373 sökträffar

Bioinspired Structural Hierarchy within Macroscopic Volumes of Synthetic Composites

A key challenge in developing bioinspired composites is the fabrication of well-defined 3D hierarchical structures ranging from nano to the macroscale. Herein, the development of a synthetic polymer-apatite composite realized by integrating bottom-up self-assembly and additive manufacturing (AM) is described. The resulting composite exhibits a bioinspired hierarchical structure over its 3D macrosc

Programmable controllers

Programmable logical controllers (PLCs) have been in use since the 1960s and are still the basis for the low-level control in many automation systems. Today PLCs can handle not only the lowest levels of control but also advanced control of hybrid systems, where time-driven continuous controllers have to be integrated with event-driven controllers. The state concept is of fundamental importance to

The descent of damselflies and variation in relation to sex

Vi har lyckan att leva i en föränderlig värld, och med förändringar följer variation. Den stora variationen i yttre egenskaper hos djur, och i synnerhet deras färger, fascinerar både forskare och lekmän. I den här avhandlingen utforskar jag flera aspekter på varför, och hur, färgvariation evolverar hos en karismatisk insektsgrupp. Dammflicksländor är färgglada, dagaktiva och visuellt drivna organiSexual conflict over mating shapes the interactions between males and females in many animals and is also responsible for dramatic adaptations in both sexes. In some species of pond damselflies (Odonata:Coeangrionidae), sexual conflict maintains discrete female-limited colour morphs over multiple generations and within populations. One of the female morphs is typically male-coloured and considered

Increased water-use efficiency and reduced CO2 uptake by plants during droughts at a continental scale

Severe droughts in the Northern Hemisphere cause a widespread decline of agricultural yield, the reduction of forest carbon uptake, and increased CO2 growth rates in the atmosphere. Plants respond to droughts by partially closing their stomata to limit their evaporative water loss, at the expense of carbon uptake by photosynthesis. This trade-off maximizes their water-use efficiency (WUE), as meas

Genetic Risk Score Is Associated With Prevalence of Advanced Neoplasms in a Colorectal Cancer Screening Population

Background & Aims: The presence of specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) can be used to calculate an individual's risk for colorectal cancer (CRC), called a genetic risk score (GRS). We investigated whether GRS can identify individuals with clinically relevant neoplasms in a screening colonoscopy population. Methods: We derived a GRS based on 48 SNPs associated with CRC, identified i

Comprehensive linkage map of bovine chromosome 27

The results of genotypic data contributed to the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) Bovine Chromosome 27 Workshop are presented. Eight laboratories contributed 23 261 informative meioses from 44 loci. Eighteen loci were typed by at least two laboratories and were used to construct a consensus linkage map. Twenty-one loci were subsequently incorporated into a comprehensive map. The se

Study of mapping QTLs for milk traits on the German dairy cattle

A total of 1 130 bulls belonging to 20 half-sib families of German dairy cattle were genotyped for 229 microsatellite markers on 30 chromosomes. The data were used in an attempt to map quantitative trait loci applying regression as multiple-marker regression. For association analysis with a granddaughter design, the estimated breeding values for 3 milk traits were used: milk production, fat produc

Observation of twin-free GaAs nanowire growth using template-assisted selective epitaxy

We report on the structural characterization of GaAs nanowires integrated on Si(001) by template-assisted selective epitaxy. The nanowires were grown in lateral SiO2 templates along [110] with varying V/III ratios and temperatures using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The nanowires have been categorized depending on the growth facets which typically consisted of (110) and (111)B planes. N

Differential effects of Nintedanib and Pirfenidone on lung alveolar epithelial cell function in ex vivo murine and human lung tissue cultures of pulmonary fibrosis 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1102 Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology 06 Biological Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal interstitial lung disease. Repetitive injury and reprogramming of the lung epithelium are thought to be critical drivers of disease progression, contributing to fibroblast activation, extracellular matrix remodeling, and subsequently loss of lung architecture and function. To date, Pirfenidone and Nintedanib are the only approved drugs kno

A comparing study between AHP, AHP-OWA and Fuzzy AHP-OWA multi-criteria decision making methods for site selection of residential complexes in Tabriz-Iran

A decision is the result of comparing one or more alternatives with respect to one or more criteria that we consider relevant to the decision. Decision making can be considered as one of the most important challenges that analysts and experts encounter to solve complex problems. In recent decades, different methods and algorithms have been presented to support decision making. Multi-criteria analy

Predictors of Bank Distress : The 1907 Crisis in Sweden

This paper contributes to literature on bank distress using the Swedish experience of the in- ternational crisis of 1907, often paralleled with 2008. By employing previously unanalyzed bank-level data, we use logit regressions and principal component analysis to measure the im- pact of pre-crisis bank characteristics on the probability of their subsequent distress. The crisis was characterized by

Helicobacter pylori outer membrane vesicles protect the pathogen from reactive oxygen species of the respiratory burst

Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) play an important role in the persistence of Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter OMVs carry a plethora of virulence factors, including catalase (KatA), an antioxidant enzyme that counteracts the host respiratory burst. We found KatA to be enriched and surface-associated in OMVs compared to bacterial cells. This conferred OMV-dependent KatA activity resulting

Bacteria display differential growth and adhesion characteristics on human hair shafts

Apart from the skin surface, hair represents a significant tissue component with a capacity of bacterial interactions. New information can be obtained about hair function through the characterization of bacterial adherence, colonization, and responses to hair shafts per se. In this proof-of-principle study, we examine the growth kinetics of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus ep

Combining synchrotron light with laser technology in catalysis research

High-energy surface X-ray diffraction (HESXRD) provides surface structural information with high temporal resolution, facilitating the understanding of the surface dynamics and structure of the active phase of catalytic surfaces. The surface structure detected during the reaction is sensitive to the composition of the gas phase close to the catalyst surface, and the catalytic activity of the sampl

Fermentation of oat fiber in the rat intestinal tract : A study of different cellular areas

Intestinal fermentation of dietary fiber from oat husk, bran, and white flour and a commercial oat bran was investigated through balance experiments in rats. Both solubility and monomeric composition of the fiber differed widely. Fiber from husk was only 0.5% soluble and nearly completely resistant to fermentation whereas fiber from bran (38% soluble) and white flour (24% soluble) was more ferment

What determines subjective socio-economic insecurity? Context and class in comparative perspective

The phenomenon of socio-economic insecurity is widely discussed in contemporary public and academic discourse. However, it is unclear how objective socio-economic and institutional conditions affect subjective feelings of insecurity. Based on a review of the relevant literature, we hypothesize that objective contextual factors of labour market characteristics, levels of social protection and level