

Din sökning på "*" gav 529825 sökträffar

Accelerated lifetime testing of reinforced polymer gears

The main advantages of polymer gears in comparison to metal gears are low manufacturing costs for mass production, vibration damping and no need for lubricant. In the literature and guidelines, the allowable gear endurance limits for bending and contact stresses are mainly given for polyamides (PA) and polyacetals (POM). The large number of suitable polymer gear materials is available, but the sta

Narrow proofs may be spacious : Separating space and width in resolution

The width of a resolution proof is the maximal number of literals in any clause of the proof. The space of a proof is the maximal number of clauses kept in memory simultaneously if the proof is only allowed to infer new clauses from clauses currently in memory. Both of these measures have previously been studied and related to the resolution refutation size of unsatisfiable conjunctive normal form

Design and performance of a silicon–tungsten calorimeter prototype module and the associated readout

We describe the details of a silicon–tungsten prototype electromagnetic calorimeter module and associated readout electronics. Detector performance for this prototype has been measured in test beam experiments at the CERN PS and SPS accelerator facilities in 2015/16. The results are compared to those in Monte Carlo Geant4 simulations. This is the first real-world demonstration of the performance o

Workplace violence : A threat to autonomy and professional discretion

Det finns många teorier och mycket tidigare forskning om autonomi och professionellt handlingsutrymme, men kunskapen om i vilken utsträckning rädslan för att utsättas för arbetsrelaterat våld begränsar denna autonomi och handlingsutrymme är begränsad. Denna artikel bygger på en enkätstudie (N =1,236) och jämför svenska socialarbetares, lärares och journalisters erfarenheter av arbetsrelaterat våldAlthough many theories have been developed and a great amount of research has been conducted on autonomy and professional discretion, knowledge on the extent to which fear of being subjected to workplace violence might restrict such autonomy and professional discretion being used is limited. This article draws on a survey study (N=1,236) and compares the experiences of workplace violence of Swedis

On the Mechanism of Self-Assembly by a Hydrogel-Forming Peptide

Self-assembling peptide-based hydrogels are a class of tunable soft materials that have been shown to be highly useful for a number of biomedical applications. The dynamic formation of the supramolecular fibrils that compose these materials has heretofore remained poorly characterized. A better understanding of this process would provide important insights into the behavior of these systems and co


En översikt av häxförföljelser från antiken till nutiden, med fokus på europeisk tidigmodern tid.

Lilian Andersson (1937-2019) in memoriam

Minnesord över en förgrundsfigur inom den svenska sexarbetarrörelsen. Andersson var en av medgrundarna till Sexualpolitisk Front, Nordens första sexarbetarorganisation. Under hela sitt vuxna liv arbetade hon för att sexsäljares situation i samhället skulle förbättras, och 2017 tilldelades hon Jasminepriset, föreningen Rose Alliances pris för arbete mot våld mot sexarbetare,

On the virtue of succinct proofs : Amplifying communication complexity hardness to time-space trade-offs in proof complexity

An active line of research in proof complexity over the last decade has been the study of proof space and trade-offs between size and space. Such questions were originally motivated by practical SAT solving, but have also led to the development of new theoretical concepts in proof complexity of intrinsic interest and to results establishing nontrivial relations between space and other proof comple

On the relative strength of pebbling and resolution

The last decade has seen a revival of interest in pebble games in the context of proof complexity. Pebbling has proven to be a useful tool for studying resolution-based proof systems when comparing the strength of different subsystems, showing bounds on proof space, and establishing size-space trade-offs. The typical approach has been to encode the pebble game played on a graph as a CNF formula an

Chronological age assessment in young individuals using bone age assessment staging and nonradiological aspects : Machine learning multifactorial approach

Background: Bone age assessment (BAA) is used in numerous pediatric clinical settings as well as in legal settings when entities need an estimate of chronological age (CA) when valid documents are lacking. The latter case presents itself as critical as the law is harsher for adults and granted rights along with imputability changes drastically if the individual is a minor. Traditional BAA methods

Familial risks between giant cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis and other autoimmune diseases in the population of Sweden

Giant cell arteritis (GCA, also called temporal arteritis) is a rare and Takayasu arteritis (TA) is an even rarer autoimmune disease (AID), both of which present with inflammatory vasculitis of large and medium size arteries. The risk factors are largely undefined but disease susceptibility has been associated with human leukocyte antigen locus. Population-level familial risk is not known. In the

Clinical profiles of post-load glucose subgroups and their association with glycaemic traits over time : An IMI-DIRECT study

Aim: To examine the hypothesis that, based on their glucose curves during a seven-point oral glucose tolerance test, people at elevated type 2 diabetes risk can be divided into subgroups with different clinical profiles at baseline and different degrees of subsequent glycaemic deterioration. Methods: We included 2126 participants at elevated type 2 diabetes risk from the Diabetes Research on Patie

Typical models of product data integration in small and medium companies

Many small companies ask themselves how and when to begin participating in the information revolution, and what changes this may bring to their business operation. Five typical models of product data integration were designed to help users to create a comprehensive view of the problems of technical information systems in companies. It was found that setting up an information system is a dynamic pr

Critique of Exaggeration : Thinking Beyond

This study examines the function of exaggeration for thinking beyond the current concepts of God and the human. An example of thinking beyond in philosophy is the exaggeration “beyond being” in Plato’s Republic. In the philosophy of religion, generally, we deal with the questions of God. The present study discerns as an instance of thinking beyond the thinking about God and the human. The study ai