Din sökning på "*" gav 535464 sökträffar
The international court of justice in furthering the justiciability of human rights
This collection is intended to serve as a thematic textbook on the institutions and procedures devoted to the national implementation of human rights and to the international monitoring of State performance. Albeit not exhaustive, the coverage extends to most of the monitoring instances available at intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations: complaints, fact-finding and investigative pr
Detection and intervention of health problems after stroke – a nurse-led follow-up program
The Cluster Benchmarking Project
The pilot project report outlines how clusters can be benchmarked in the knowledge based economy. The main conclusion is that it is possible and feasible to build a model for benchmarking clusters. 4 methodologies for mapping are examined in detail as well as current projects of analysing and benchmarking clusters. The cluster benchmarking model is outlined and finally data considerations are pre
Regime Stability and Foreign Policy Change : Interaction between Domestic and Foreign Policy in Hungary 1956-1994
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inrikes- och utrikespolitik kan inte alltid hållas åtskilda. Ett regeringsskifte på nationell nivå kan påverka landets utrikespolitik. På samma sätt kan ett lands utrikespolitiska agerande få inrikespolitiska återverkningar. De kopplingar som finns mellan inrikes- och utrikespolitik kan såväl underlätta som försvåra arbetet för en regering som, per definition, befinner Domestic and foreign policy cannot always be kept apart. A change of Government at national level may impact on foreign policy, and foreign policy adventures sometimes translate into consequences at home. Links between domestic and foreign policy may be limiting as well as enabling factors for Governments who find themselves at the cross-roads between national and international power. This study c
Muntlig historia i grundutbildningen. Exemplet Malmö högskola
Why Solar Panels Don't Grow on Trees: Technological Utopianism and the Uneasy Relation between Marxism and Ecological Economics
Förvandlande ögonblick. Gudsuppenbarelser i vår tid
This study is based on questionnaires, letters, and short biographies written by 92 ordinary Swedish citizens. Most of them had visions of Jesus or of angels and "divine light". The questionnaires focus on changes concerning religious activity, attitude towards the Bible, concept of God and religious orientation. The author has chosen to describe 35 cases in the form of short biographies (4-6 page
A New Perspective on the Jesus Tradition: Reflections on James D. G. Dunn’s Jesus Remembered
Orden som fjärmar oss: Ekologi, mening och språk
Managing in the Turbulent World Economy. Corporate Performance and Risk Exposure
Traditionsarkiv och datakommunikation
Den demokratiske terroristen (1992)
Statistical and Functional Analysis of Genomic and Proteomic Data
High-throughput technologies have led to an explosion in the availability of data at the genome scale. Such data provide important information about cellular processes and causes of human diseases, as well as for drug discovery. Deciphering the biologically relevant results from these data requires comprehensive analytical methods. In this dissertation, we present methods for gene and protein expr
Inference to the best explanation (IBE) is theoretically interesting in that it promises to throw new light on what an explanation is. IBE challenges the standard view of the relation between inference and explanation. But sometimes it seems that previous explanation is more independent of inference than IBE suggests. Sometimes we have explanation before inference (EBI) which is not IBE. This chap
Fichte om uppfordran, erkännande och kroppen
Rabbit & Blixten - Sagobok, dataspel, tittsaga, saga att berätta
A platform for Packaging Logistics Development: a systems approach
Packaging Logistics is a concept that recognises the need for coordination of the packaging system and its manifold functions throughout a package’s life cycle. Packaging Logistics is an area in need for substantial theoretical building. This dissertation elaborates on its underpinnings and suggests conceptual models that should be useful in better understanding the core of the concept, its undere
Flaggan framför allt
Artikel om de berömda fotografierna från Iwo Jima respektive Berlin med den amerikanska respektive sovjetiska flaggan i fokus.