Din sökning på "*" gav 535416 sökträffar
Ethopoeia and Ovid
Evaluation of the Sound Generated by an Unsteady Flow Field, Using a Hybrid Method
Intermediate concepts in normative systems
In legal theory, a well-known idea is that an intermediate concept like 'ownership' joins a set of legal consequences to a set of legal grounds. In our paper we attempt to make the idea of a joining between grounds and consequences more precise by using an algebraic representation of normative systems earlier developed by the authors. In the first main part the idea of intermediate concepts is pre
Dimensioneing av utspädning för skydd mot brandgasspridning
Om konsten att gå i takt med tre ben. Utvärdering av Equal-projektet "Mångfald som personalidé"
Field Application of Resistivity and Spectral Time Domain IP to Investigate Geoelectrical Signatures of Free-phase PCE
Soils beneath former dry cleaning sites are often contaminated with the chlorinated hydrocarbons PCE and its degradation products, which are highly toxic and cancerogenic. In this study, resistivity and time domain induced polarization (DCIP) were measured at a former dry cleaning site in order to investigate if the source contamination of PCE could be detected. 80 meter long 2D-profiles were meas
Dramatikanalys. En introduktion
I Dramatikanalys. En Introduktion presenteras en uppsättning analysredskap som författaren använt under de år hon undervisat som lektor i Teatervetenskap på Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen vid Lunds universitet. ”Redskapen” består av ett femtontal ”startpunkter” som växlar mellan dramats helhet och delar. I demonstrationen av analysredskapet förtydligas varje steg med exempel från världsdra
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Att översätta en dikt av den syriske poeten Muhammad al-Maghut (1934-2006)
"Translating a poem by the Syrian poet Muhammad al-Maghut (1934-2006)." A contribution to the 28th Conference of the International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) held in Lund, Sweden, 2010.
Energianvändning. Konsumenters beslut och agerande.
Skriften inleds med en genomgång av kunskapsläget kring faktorer som påverkar kunders attityder, beteende samt faktorer kring beslut om inköp av vitvaror och investeringar i ny uppvärmningsteknik eller byggnadsåtgärder i bostaden. I översikten presenteras även kortfattat resultat kring ett antal svenska och internationella interventionsprojekt för energieffektivisering i hushåll. Forskningen i det
Diagnostics and Treatment of Tumours using Laser Techniques
Laser spectroscopy techniques can be used for tumour detection as well as for localised therapy of malignancies. Laser-induced fluorescence with or without exogenously administered tumour seeking agents is a promising technique for real-time detection of atypical cells and dysplasia before the diseased areas can be visualised by the naked eye. Tumour borders can also be delineated towards normal n
Simulation and experimentation of a single-phase claw-pole motor
This paper focuses on the evaluation of static and dynamic characteristics of a single-phase claw-pole motor using soft magnetic composite (SMC) for the stator core. On the basis of the static characteristics, which are measured and obtained from a series of 3D FE magnetostatic solutions, the dynamic characteristics are simulated according to a proposed control strategy. The same strategy is teste
Academic papers and theses - to write and present and to act as an opponent
An educational method that is becoming all the more common at colleges and universities is that of the seminar. In the seminar, students write academic papers and reports, present them, and act as opponents on each other’s work. The book covers all the sections that are normally included in the seminar. The learning environment of the seminar is based on a scientific way of thinking and on scienti
CFD Modeling of Jet Impingment during Heating and Cooling of Foods
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En kvinnlig läsare - kvinnan som medlem i Månadens bok under 1970-talet
Enabling design
Designed to meet the diverse needs of therapists, this book presents a new approach to rehabilitation that integrates ergonomics concepts to address the wide range of problems commonly encountered by professionals. The first section addresses general concepts such as anthropometry and tissue mechanics. The next section explores whole body biomechanics, demonstrating the ergonomic effects of physio
Optimal lead configuration in the detection and subtraction of QRS and T wave templates in atrial fibrillation
An in-house written software package was used to generate templates of QRS complexes and T waves using self-similarity techniques, and leave a residual signal representing only atrial activity. The templating performance differences between individual ECG leads were tested. The mean number of templates in each of the 3 ECG leads was 8±4, 2±1, 7±5 for the QRS complexes, and 11±5, 11±8, 10±5 for the