Logistik i försörjningskedjor
Boken behandlar teorier, metoder och praktiska tillämpningar för att åstadkomma effektiva logistiklösningar i försörjningskedjor.
Boken behandlar teorier, metoder och praktiska tillämpningar för att åstadkomma effektiva logistiklösningar i försörjningskedjor.
To obtain knowledge about combustion mechanisms operating in the ammoxidation of toluene, the formation of carbon oxides was studied over a Ti02(B)-supported vanadium oxide catalyst with monolayer loading. The partial pressures of reactants were varied and kinetic rate expressions, completely describing experimental data, were derived. A comparison of the expressions obtained with those for the fo
The paper discusses the concept of explanation in metaphysics. Different types of explanation are identified and explored. Scientific explanation is compared with (alleged) metaphysical explanation. The comparison illustrates the difficulties with applying the concept of explanation in metaphysics.
Due to increasing oil demand and serious global warming, a green power generation system is urgently requested in transportation. Electric/hybrid vehicles (EV/HEV) have been considered as a potential solution with great promise in achieving high energy/power efficiency and a low environmental impact. The important electric and electronic equipment in EV/HEV are the battery, inverter and motor. How
Andelen av de polisanmälda hatbrotten med antiromska motiv som personuppklarats var 2 procent år 2012 och 3 procent år 2013. Denna rapport syftar till en analys över faktorer som ligger bakom att antiziganistiska hatbrott inte uppklaras i högre utsträckning än vad som sker utan istället i stor omfattning läggs ned. Studien ska mot denna bakgrund också ge förslag på åtgärder hur tillgången till rät
Inehåller cirka 1.200 termer och begrepp som används inom logistikområdet. Betydelsen av varje term och begrepp finns förklarad. Likaså dess engelskspråkiga motsvarigheter. Boken är framtagen med stöd av en referensgrupp på c:a 20 personer från svenska industriföretag.
To fulfill increasing requirements within the manufacturing sector, highly flexible and adaptable automation systems are needed. It is desirable to have one integrated approach that stretches from the process planning phase, through the implementation phase and all the way to the phase for execution of the process control logics. One promising approach is to use the concepts of service-oriented ar
Study of the reception of Shame against the background of the Vietnam war.
In this thesis, I have focused on five main research areas: 1). A new type of imprinted polymer has been developed, namely the amide MIP. The amide functional monomers showed better hydrogen bonding capabilities in polar organic solvents and the resulting polymers exhibited good enantiomeric recognition properties in organic media. Furthermore, by using the amide monomers instead of the carboxyl m
Popular Abstract in Swedish Balansen mellan våra energibehov och den energi som konsumeras är ej längre i jämvikt. Därför är jakten på alternativa energikällor nödvändig. Hållbara energikällor erbjuder ett bra alternativ till fossilbränslen. Bland många typer av hållbara energikällor erbjuder solenergi möjligheten för mer energi än dagens konsumtion. Solceller är de smarta verktyg som omvandlar ljThe balance between our demands of energy and the energy we are consuming is not in equilibrium anymore. Therefore, the search for other energy resources is indispensable. Sustainable energy sources offer the alternative to the fossil fuels. Within many types of sustainable energy sources, solar energy offers more than the total global energy consumption. Solar cells are the smart conversion tools
Respiratory minute volumes and instantaneous breath flow rates were measured in 8 subjects during treadmill work using (a) a particle filter respirator(Sundstroem SR200) and (b) a control breathing mask (Metamax I, Cortex). Work comprised five consecutive bouts of walking at 5 km/h with an increase in elevation of the treadmill by 5 % every 5 minutes. Minute ventilationincreased in a curvilinear m
Emergent behaviour has become a plague of automation systems based on communication networks. Centralized monitoring of the network comes generally to late to sup-press unwanted behaviour. It is required to mark the ten-dency towards state changes in a decentralized manner. The paper discusses the role of local awareness by inspection of the model learning behaviour of feed-forward networks. The c
Purpose of this paper The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of using the smart goods on traceability information and consequently on the carried out activities for different actors of the fresh food supply chains. Identification of the valuable traceability information types in fresh food supply chains is conducted as the first step to reach the purpose. Design/methodology/approa
The aim of the thesis is to study the change in the Scanian rural society and landscape during the time of the radical enclosure reform "Enskifte" (Sw.) in the early 19th century and the decades therafter up until c 1850. Seven parishes on the southern plain of the province of Scania are studied in more detail, while the province itself is the study area in two of the nine chapters. The theoretica
Colour is disregarded in the analysis of the grammar of a building façade. Contemporary architecture, as well as traditional historical architecture, is built on a relation between colours. Colour schemes of vernacular architecture is a part of the local regional heritage.A re-established exterior colour scheme in rural areas would strengthen the local identity. In Sweden the dominating part of ve