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Sjuk-Sverige: Försäkringskassan, rehabilitering och utslagningen från arbetsmarknaden
Sweden has experienced an increase in the number of individuals on long-term sick leave between 1997 and 2004. This occured along side changes in the social insurance system and led to an increase in the number of individuals permanently excluded from working life. Rehabilitation and activation measures which should have helped people back to work have instead increased the length of sick leave as
Fine Arts Photography
Sankt Petersburg i det svenska historiemedvetandet
Dags för en ny kreditpolitik
Svensk aktiebolagsrätt
Hommage à Wlodek; 60 Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz - published as web resource only
Bijective thin-plate spline mappings with applications in computer vision
[abstract missing]
EuroPsyT. A framework for education and training for Psychologists in Europe. Report by Project EuroPsyT, funded by the Leonardo da Vinci programme
Report of a trans-european research project that has taken place over two years (1999 – 2001) involving 15 partners from 10 EU countries, one EFTA and one non-EU country, and a European federation. On the basis of empirical and conceptual work the project proposes a common framework for education and training with a duration of six years. It is intended to be used to: Assess the adequacy of existi
The Political Conditions for Free Agency. The Case of Mary Wollstonecraft
In this chapter it is argued that the feminist pioneer Mary Wollstonecraft regarded moral agency as an exercise of freedom; a person who is unfree cannot perform acts that are moral in the proper sense. There are three aspects to this deprivation: first, the psychological effects of oppression; second, processes of deliberation and reasons for action, and third, the moral character of an act, such
Computer use @ work : Psychosocial work environment and attitudes toward computers from a work content perspective
Popular Abstract in Swedish Utgångspunkten för denna avhandling har varit att studera användningen av datorer i arbetet utifrån ett mer holistiskt perspektiv än vad som varit brukligt i tidigare traditionell hälsoforskning om datoranvändning, genom att även inkludera arbetsinnehållet som inte utförs med hjälp av datorn. Avhandlingens ansatts skiljer sig således från tidigare traditionell hälsoforsThis thesis aims at investigating computer use at work from a more holistic work content perspective by also studying non-computer work content, in contrast to the previous approach in occupational health research that focused almost solely on computer work content. It was argued here that non-computer work content has also become significant to the overall work situation for computer users. This
Regional varieties of Swedish: models and synthesis
Retoriska strider : Konkurrerande sanningar i dövvärlden
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste par decennierna har en specifik tolkning av döva och dövhet blivit alltmer etablerad på det ”officiella” dövområdet i Sverige, tillika anammat av såväl professionella som föräldrar till döva barn. Döva ska enligt detta synsätt hellre betraktas som tillhörande en kulturell och språklig minoritet än som handikappade. Medicinska strävanden att “laga defektIn the last couple of decades a particular interpretation of deaf and deafness has been established in ‘official’ arenas in Sweden. Deaf individuals, according to this view, should not be seen as disabled, but rather as belonging to a cultural and linguistic minority. Such views find expression in a locally established usage that may be termed a deaf culture discourse. Discourse can be seen as a
Dagspress, sport och doping : Medieskandaler i ett samtida Sverige
Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen beskrivs och analyseras den svenska dagspressens hantering av doping och dopingöverträdelser inom internationell elitidrott. Artiklarna studeras med hjälp av följande tre frågeställningar: (1) Vad utmärker medieinnehållet om sport och doping? (2) Vilken bild av den sociala ordningen skymtar fram i detta mediematerial? (3) Vad berättar medieskandaler kringThe study analyses how the Swedish press dealt with doping and transgressions of the doping rules within international professional sports between 1996 and 2004. Three main research questions have been used in the research process: (1) What characterizes these media texts about sports and doping? (2) How is the social order pictured in the media texts? (3) What do media scandals about sport stars
Evaluability : an alternative approach to polarity sensitivity
Based on Brandtler (2012), this paper argues that polarity items are sensitive to evaluability, a concept that refers to the possibility of accepting or rejecting an utterance as true in a communicative exchange. The main distinction is made between evaluable and non-evaluable utterances. The evaluable category comprises any clause that asserts, presupposes or entails the truth of an affirmative o
Utveckling av Byggnadsintegrerade Solenergisystem för Energieffektiva Hus
En solfångarhybrid har utvecklats och utvärderats på avdelningen för Energi och ByggnadsDesign på Lunds Tekniska Högskola, LTH. Solfångarhybriden, ”Solfönstret”, består av solcellslaminerade absorbatorer placerade i ett fönster bakom glasrutorna. Solfönstret finns byggt i ett enfamiljshus, Solgården, i Älvkarleö utanför Gävle. För att minska investeringskostnaderna för solel har reflektorer placerA PV/T collector has been developed and evaluated at the department of Energy and Building Design at the Technical University of Lund, LTH in Sweden. The PV/T, a “solar window” made of PV cells laminated on solar absorbers is placed in a window behind the glazing. The solar window is built into a single family house, Solgården, in Älvkarleö outside Gävle in the eastern part of Sweden. To reduce th