

Din sökning på "*" gav 533789 sökträffar

Extended Flipped Classroom - using peer dynamics for integrative learning

The Extended Flipped Classroom (EFC) concept was developed for and applied to a selected group of students studying at the Technology Management programme, a cross-disciplinary master programme at Lund University, Sweden, in 2014. The main driving force for its development was a strong believe that the university can provide the students with, not only knowledge in various subject fields, but also

A simplified non-linear model of a drum boiler - turbine unit

In the analysis of power systems it is highly desirable to have models of the different power generators. In this paper we present, a model for a drum boiler whose purpose is to describe the gross behaviour of the boiler. The major control variables are fuel flow and control valve setting. The output variables are drum pressure and active output power. The model is verified by experiments on a 160

Nutrigenetics of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes has become a leading health problem throughout the world. The escalating epidemic of type 2 diabetes is believed to result from a collision between inherent biological susceptibilities (genotypes) and a shift toward dietary habits and lifestyle that promote obesity over the past several decades; the transition from “traditional” to modern “obesogenic” lifestyles is characterized by

Storage stability of freeze-dried, spray-dried and drum-dried skim milk powders evaluated by available lysine

Formation of Maillard products and the influencing factors, which are of crucial importance for both manufacturers and consumers, are still not fully understood. Thus in this study available lysine was used as a marker to monitor the extent of Maillard reactions in freeze-dried, spray-dried and drum-dried skim milk powders during 200 days of storage at highly controlled atmospheres. Storage variab

A new tomographic technique for absolute measurements of white and gray matter blood flow

The integrity of the white matter is as important as that of the gray matter and white matter pathology has commonly been reported in elderly subjects and in patients with organic dementia. The aim of the present study is to develop and evaluate an improved method for reliable tomographic measurements of absolute white and gray matter blood flow. The new tomographic method (modified Xe-SPECT) is b

Ischemic Stroke and Six Genetic Variants in CRP, EPHX2, FGA, and NOTCH3 Genes : A Meta-Analysis

Background: Ischemic stroke (IS) is a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. As genetic heritability for IS is estimated at about 35%-40%, the identification of genetic variants associated with IS risk is of great importance. The main objective of this study was to carry out a meta-analysis for polymorphisms in CRP, EPHX2, FGA, and NOTCH3 genes and the risk for IS. Methods: Literature se

A dynamic algorithm for palmprint recognition

Most of the existing techniques for palmprint recognition are based on metrics that evaluate the distance between a pair of features. These metrics are typically based on static functions. In this paper we propose a new technique for palmprint recognition based on a dynamical system approach, focusing on preliminary experimental results. The essential idea is that the procedure iteratively elimina

Measuring factor IX activity of nonacog beta pegol with commercially available one-stage clotting and chromogenic assay kits : A two-center study

Essentials: Validated assays are required to precisely measure factor IX (FIX) activity in FIX products. N9-GP and two other FIX products were assessed in various coagulation assay systems at two sites. Large variations in FIX activity measurements were observed for N9-GP using some assays. One-stage and chromogenic assays accurately measuring FIX activity for N9-GP were identified. Summary: Backg

Prevalence of Dementia With Lewy Body Symptoms : A Cross-Sectional Study in 40 Swedish Nursing Homes

Objectives: To investigate and establish the prevalence of dementia with Lewy body (DLB) symptoms in all nursing home (NH) residents in Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden. DLB is a neurocognitive disorder with core features, such as parkinsonism, visual hallucinations, and fluctuating cognition/excessive daytime sleepiness, and supportive features, such as rapid eye movement sleep behavior di

The fan-like forms in the southern margin of the Mazovian Lowland area (Central Poland) : a new high-resolution textural-timing study

An optically stimulated luminescence technique with a high-resolution sampling strategy, as well as a set of multiple proxies such as grain size distribution, shape, surface and microstructures of quartz grains, along with mineral composition of light and heavy fractions was used to investigate the age and origin of fan-like forms at the southern margin of Mazovian Lowland, Poland. The predominanc

Ultrasound imaging in reproductive medicine

One in six couples seeks help for infertility during their reproductive years. Subfertility investigations should be performed without delays (because female fertility decreases with age) and should be as noninvasive as possible. Many fertility clinics use diagnostic hysteroscopy to assess the uterine cavity and evaluate the tubal ostia. Laparoscopy is also often used to examine internal pelvic or

Mariarufs och Rhett Butler-hatt. Biogående och populärkultur som drivkraft på modets marknad

I detta kapitel illustreras relationen mellan populärkultur och marknad ur ett historiskt perspektiv via ett äldre material om biogående och biosituationen på 1940- och 50-talen. Jämförelse görs mellan nu och då i syfte att se både kontinuitet och förändring. Historiskt perspektiv används som metodologiskt grepp för att se vår egen tid genom att visa på det populärkulturella kretsloppets betydelse

RIO Country Report : Sweden 2015

The report offers an analysis of the R&I system in Sweden for 2015, including relevant policies and funding, taking into account the priorities of the European Research Area and the Innovation Union. The report was prepared according to a set of guidelines for collecting and analysing a range of materials, including policy documents, statistics, evaluation reports, websites, etc. The quantitat