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Remissyttrande: Översyn av Lex Laval (SOU 2015:83)
AI-teknologin måste gå att lita på
DEBATT Den snabba utvecklingen inom artificiell intelligens ger stora utmaningar, vilket kan skada tilliten till AI, skriver fyra forskare. I en nyligen publicerad rapport har de presenterat såväl problemområden som förslag till lösningar.
Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability
Losses and gains in species diversity affect ecological stability1–7 and the sustainability of ecosystem functions and services8–13. Experiments and models have revealed positive, negative and no effects of diversity on individual components of stability, such as temporal variability, resistance and resilience2,3,6,11,12,14. How these stability components covary remains poorly understood15. Simila
Höjningen borde ha föregåtts av en etisk analys
Remissyttrande: Promemorian Några frågor om arbete mot skattebrott
Drinking stories as a narrative genre : The five classic themes
Drinking stories feature widely in Western societies. Many people eagerly share their stories in the aftermath of drinking events. These stories are also common in books, movies, music and the media. Based on qualitative interviews with 104 young Norwegian heavy episodic drinkers, the article seeks to establish drinking stories as a distinct narrative genre. We argue that this narrative genre of d
Departies : conceptualizing extended youth parties
Every year, millions of young people travel away from home to party for days or weeks on end in permissive environments, such as music festivals, dance parties, and nightlife resorts. The studies that have been conducted on these extended youth parties have focused primarily on specific risk-taking behaviors, such as drug use and violence. Here, we scrutinize the research on extended youth parties
The Influence of Guides on Alcohol Consumption among Young Tourists at a Nightlife Resort
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess how participation in party activities with guides affects alcohol consumption among young tourists at an international nightlife resort. Methods: Prospective survey of 112 Danish tourists in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, who were asked about their drinking and activities with guides on three separate nights out. Results: Participation in party activities wit
Sexy substances and the substance of sex : Findings from an ethnographic study in Ibiza, Spain
Purpose – This article aims to offer an ethnographic account of substances and sex and how they are interrelated in the context of one holiday destination popular among British youth. Current research on British youth abroad and their use of substances is based almost exclusively on survey methods. Similarly, the same research works do not explore, in sufficient detail, sexual relations outside of
Release of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and fullerenes by cosmic rays from interstellar dust Swift heavy ion irradiations of interstellar carbonaceous dust analogue : Release of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and fullerenes by cosmic rays from interstellar dust Swift heavy ion irradiations of interstellar carbonaceous dust analogue
Context. Top-down chemistry is believed to be responsible for the formation of the large molecular compounds such as the polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbon-like molecules and the fullerenes observed in the interstellar medium. The release of these large molecules fromthe parent grains remains an important issue to be investigated.Aims. Cosmic rays irradiate the dust grains during their journey in the
Retinopathy and Visual Acuity in People with Diabetes Mellitus and Hard-to-Heal Diabetic Foot Ulceration
The Coagulopathy of Acute Type A Aortic Dissection : A Prospective, Observational Study
Objective: To evaluate the hemostatic system in patients undergoing surgery for acute type A aortic dissection (ATAAD) compared with those undergoing elective aortic procedures. Design: This was a prospective, observational study. Setting: The study was performed at a single university hospital. Participants: Twenty-five patients with ATAAD were compared with 20 control patients undergoing electi
Varför man kan dra paralleller mellan ett svenskt folkbibliotek och Matrix-trilogin : Peter Alsbjergs blogg
Ecological opportunity and predator-prey interactions : Linking eco-evolutionary processes and diversification in adaptive radiations
Much of life’s diversity has arisen through ecological opportunity and adaptive radiations, but the mechanistic underpinning of such diversification is not fully understood. Competition and predation can affect adaptive radiations, but contrasting theoretical and empirical results show that they can both promote and interrupt diversification. A mechanistic understanding of the link between microev
The Latitudinal Diversity Gradient : Novel Understanding through Mechanistic Eco-evolutionary Models
The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is one of the most widely studied patterns in ecology, yet no consensus has been reached about its underlying causes. We argue that the reasons for this are the verbal nature of existing hypotheses, the failure to mechanistically link interacting ecological and evolutionary processes to the LDG, and the fact that empirical patterns are often consistent with
Pub crawls at a Bulgarian nightlife resort : A case study using crowd theory
Drawing on the classical crowd theories of Tarde, Le Bon, Durkheim, and Canetti, this article examines pub crawl crowds at the Bulgarian nightlife resort, Sunny Beach. The article argues that there are elements in classical crowd theory which can be used to advance the current research on tourist crowds such as those at pub crawls. The main strength of the theories lies in their ability to bring u
A Low Latency FFT/IFFT Architecture for Massive MIMO Systems Utilizing OFDM Guard Bands
A considerable part of latency in the baseband of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems is introduced by orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) (de)modulation. To address the low-latency demand of massive MIMO systems, a fast Fourier transform (FFT) processor and corresponding reordering scheme are proposed, which reduce the processing latency and reordering latency of O
Marchantiana asserigena comb. nov., a possible European immigrant from Australia
Caloplaca asserigena is known to have a secondary compound different from other species of Teloschistaceae in the Northern Hemisphere. Studies of the secondary chemistry of the Australian Teloschistaceae have revealed the same compound to be present in Marchantiana michelagoensis and Caloplaca marchantiorum. Subsequent molecular studies based on three genes support the affinity of C. asserigena an