

Din sökning på "*" gav 526417 sökträffar

A simulation model for embedding the transistor bias

A simulation model for embedding the bias of a transistor is presented. The model exploits the simulator equilibrium point calculation to set the bias point of the transistor. The model uses negative feedback to set the bias point according to what the designer desires. When the simulator goes into its main analyses, the negative feedback is broken and embedded bias sources are added. This way it

Dynamics and Atomic Processes in the Symbiotic Star AG Peg as Derived from Its Emission Line Spectrum

Popular Abstract in Swedish Något som kan låta motsägelsefullt är att en stjärna fungerar som en svartkropp. Med svartkropp menas ett objekt, vilkens energiförlust i form av elektromagnetisk strålning bestäms av föremålets temperatur och storlek. Våglängderna på strålningen som lämnar ett objekt bestäms däremot endast av temperaturen. En snöboll med temperaturen -10 C strålar 271 W m$^{-2}$ medanThe spectra of symbiotic stars are shown to frequently contain numerous fluorescence lines caused by Photo-excitation by Accidental Resonance (PAR). So far, most work involving fluorescence in stellar spectra has been assigned to the search of new PAR mechanisms, which can explain the presence of certain emission lines. This is taken a step further as the PAR pumped emission lines are analyzed to

Robin Wood - brittisk filmkritiker

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den brittiske filmkritikern Robin Wood började publicera essäer om film 1960. Sedan dess har han ensam eller tillsammans med andra givit ut tretton böcker. Vid sidan av dessa har han skrivit flera hundra essäer samt medverkat i mängder med antologier och uppslagsverk. Speciellt betydelsefull har Wood varit för Alfred Hitchcocks status som den förmodligen mest omskrivne British film critic Robin Wood began to publish on film in 1960. Since then, he has written or co-written 13 books, and also published hundreds of essays and articles in books, in journals, and in different encyclopedias. At the same time, Wood has been a key figure in the development of what has become academic film studies. Wood was educated at Cambridge University, where he studied English lite

Natural products from Bolivian plants and other sources

The present research was focused on the phytochemical research of Bolivian plants; a) two medicinal ones Aniba canelilla and Iryanthera juruensis, both plants showed to have compounds with biological activity in different fields. Even though Aniba canelilla was studied before, new compounds were identified in this investigation. The different active compounds found in Iryanthera juruensis seems to

The (misconceived) distinction between internal and external validity

Researchers often aim to make correct inferences both about that which is actually studied (internal validity) and about what the results generalize to (external validity). The language of internal and external validity is not used by everyone, but many of us would agree that intuitively the distinction makes a lot of sense. Two claims are commonly made with respect to internal and external validi

Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flows

This thesis concerns the Large Eddy Simulation methodology and its application to predict complex turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers, and at times also with high Mach numbers. The meaning of the word ?complex? refers both to the presence of complex flow phenomena and the, often, complex geometry of man-made devices restricting the flow. A fairly thorough evaluation study of the numerical met

List sequence turbo decoding techniques

An algorithm for decoding turbo codes that combines conventional turbo decoding and list sequence (LS) maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) decoding is presented and evaluated. Compared to previous results on this theme, a reduction in the order of 0.7 dB of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is obtained for turbo codes with 514-bit pseudo-random interleaving at frame error rate (FER) 10-4 on the a