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Rättsregler, normer och socialt handlande

Denna artikel syftar till att kortfattat beskriva utvecklingen av en normvetenskap samt att diskutera betydelsen av normanalyser inom samhällsvetenskap. En av sociologins främsta uppgifter ligger i att studera och förstå handlingar. Särskilt viktigt är studiet av interaktion eller samhandling. Genom olika processer av ömsesidig påverkan interagerar aktörer på olika nivåer av samhället. Interaktion

Konkurrerande culpakriterier

Popular Abstract in Swedish Skadeståndsrätten innehåller alternativa definitioner på culpa. Den innehåller tre Konkurrerande culpakriterier. Enligt normalitetskriteriet föreligger culpa om den som orsakat en skada inte har vidtagit de försiktighetsåtgärder som en normalt aktsam person hade vidtagit i motsvarande situation. Enligt det ekonomiska kriteriet föreligger culpa om skadan hade kunnat förhThe concept of negligence in tort law can be defined in (at least) three different ways. Negligence can be defined in terms of normality, i.e. as failing to act in accordance with custom or failing to meet the level of care taken by normally careful citizens. It can be defined in terms of efficiency. In that case it would mean refraining from taking a precaution that costs less to take than it sav

Aesthetic design process: Descriptive design research and ways forward

Consumer response to designed products has a profound effect on how products are interpreted, approached and used. Product design is crucial in determining this consumer response. Research in this field has been centered on studying the relationship between product features and subjective responses of users and consumers to those features. The subject of aesthetic or styling design process has bee

Sperm storage and sperm competition across ovarian cycles in the dragon lizard Ctenophorus fordi

Female sperm storage can influence male reproductive success and may favour males that produce sperm that remain viable across several ovarian cycles. Here we show that sperm are viable in the female reproductive tract across ovarian cycles in the mallee dragon, Ctenophorus fordi. Based on experimental mating trials, we show that stored sperm were generally less likely to fertilize eggs than recen

Living Standards in the Past. New Perspectives on Well-Being in Asia and Europe

The main concern of this book is to determine when the gap in living standards between the East and the West emerged. Why did Europe experience industrialization and modern economic growth before China, India, or Japan? This is one of the most fundamental questions in Economic history and one that has provoked intense debate. The established view, dating back to Adam Smith, is that the gap emerged

High-Order Harmonics- Characterisation, Optimisation and Applications

Recent advances in laser technology, with the development of extremely short-pulse, high-intensity lasers, have opened doors to new areas in atomic physics. By focusing light from an intense, short-pulse laser into a gas jet, the emission of high-order harmonics of the laser frequency has been studied. The aim of this work has been two-fold: to better understand the underlying physics of the harmo

Simulated mechanisms of soil N feedback on the forest CO2 response

An improved understanding of the response of forest ecosystems to elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is crucial because atmospheric CO2 concentration continues to increase at an accelerating rate and forests are an important sink in the global carbon cycle. Several CO2-enrichment experiments have now been running for more than 10 years, with highly variable short-term results after the first

The effects of crayfish on interactions in freshwater benthic communities

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kräftors påverkan på födovävar i dammar och sjöarThis thesis examines how freshwater crayfish affect community interactions in benthic food webs. I have mainly studied the influence of the introduced signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on littoral communities, but also the influence of the native noble crayfish (Astacus astacus). Overall, the results show that both crayfish species are omnivores having strong direct and indirect effects o

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Lucian Blaga started to write his drama having a very strong philosophical and anthropological background, at least subconscious if not literary expressed. Thus his aesthetics within the ten plays is influenced by his primary concern to resuscitate a supposed ancestral mentality. The first aspect that strikes the reader is the omnipotence of the sacred, be it divine or demonic. Anyhow, each of his