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Proceedings of BIR 2009, The Eighth International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research
Flexible Working Time in the 1990's - Economic Reasons and Individual Preferences
Holocaust History and historical Learning
Bodelning och bostad: ekonomisk självständighet eller gemenskap
Popular Abstract in Swedish Maken, partnern eller sambon är en individ och samtidigt del av en gemenskap. Konflikten mellan dessa olika roller har givit upphov till ett heterogent system av rättsnormer. I boken beskrivs den fasta egendomens och den gemensamma bostadens behandling och därmed sammanhängande regler, både under äktenskapet, partnerskapet eller samboförhållandet och vid dessa relationeThis dissertation gives a description of the regulation of marriage, registered partnership and cohabitation - emphazising the joint dwelling - in the perspective of two basic normative patterns, on one side community and on the other financial independence/individual ownership, trying to explain the differences and similarities between the regulations. The content of the legal regulation is, furt
New Swedish Historical National Accounts since the 16th Century in Constant and Current Prices
This Working Paper presents and discusses Swedish Historical National Accounts back to 1560 in both current and constant prices. With current prices, this paper provides a major extension of our prior WP 123. It also presents some revisions and additions to earlier data. The main result from the earlier paper of a long secular cycle with troughs around 1600 and 1800 and a peak around 1700 still ho
The poverty and inequality debate in the UK: thoughts on terminology and approaches
Ethos i vetenskapen. Vetenskapliga hållningar i Michael Enemans Resa i Orienten 1711-12
Smith, Neil
Decision Support in Turbulent and High Velocity Environments
Mechanisms of transendothelial and tissue transport in the peritoneum. Experimental studies on rat
Popular Abstract in Swedish Njurarnas huvudsakliga funktion i kroppen är att rena blodet från slaggprodukter och reglera vätskebalansen. Hos patienter med nedsatt njurfunktion måste blodet renas på alternativa sätt. Antingen leds blodet ut via slangar till en maskin som renar blodet (hemodialys), eller används bukdialys, så kallad peritoneal dialys (PD). Vid PD häller patienten dialysvätska i bukhIn the present thesis, the quantitative role of active transport (transcytosis) in bulk transvascular protein movement in vivo was evaluated. Using chemical transcytosis inhibition (N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and filipin), we were able to show that NEM actually increases endothelial permeability to macromolecules, probably as a result of unspecific toxic action on endothelial cells. Filipin, on the ot
Taxi i Ludvika kommun
Finns en regional samhällsplanering i Sverige?
Reconstruction of Bi-Isotropic Material Parameters from Experimental Data
Time-varying wave propagation and time-harmonic wave propagation in biisotropic materials are reviewed and the connection between the formulations is established via the temporal Fourier transform. An alternative method to determine the dispersive properties of a bi-isotropic slab from sinusoidal scattering data at normal incidence is presented. A numerical example (realistic, synthetic scattering
Per- and Postoperative Blood Loss Replacement - With Special Reference to 3% d́extran-60
[abstract missing]
Installation av Fiber Switch vid ombyggnad av flerbostadshus - en konsekvensanalys
INSTITUTIONS AND SOCIAL MOBILIZATION: The Chinese Education Movement in Malaysia, 1951-2011
On the role of penicillin-binding protein SpoVD in endospore cortex assembly
Popular Abstract in English An endospore, which can be formed by some bacteria, is a dormant and extremely endurable state which helps the cell to survive long periods of harsh environmental conditions. The penicillin-binding protein SpoVD in Bacillus subtilis is essential for the synthesis of the endospore cortex, a protective layer consisting of modified peptidoglycan. In depth investigation of Bacteria of the genera Bacillus and Clostridium can form endospores as a strategy to survive unfavourable environmental conditions. Endospore formation involves synthesis of cortex, a thick layer of modified peptidoglycan that surrounds the spore. This layer is required for heat resistance of the spore and mutant spores lacking the cortex layer can be identified by a simple heat shock assay. B. su