Din sökning på "*" gav 528821 sökträffar
Consequences of APSP, triangle detection, and 3SUM hardness for separation between determinism and non-determinism
Let NDTIME(f(n),g(n)) denote the class of problems solvable in O(g(n)) time by a multi-tape Turing machine using an f(n)-bit non-deterministic oracle, and let DTIME(g(n)) = NDTIME(0, g(n)). We show that if the all-pairs shortest paths problem (APSP) for directed graphs with N vertices and integer edge weights within a super-exponential range { -2Nk+o(1),.,2Nk+o(1)}, k≥1 does not admit a truly subc
Unboxing knowledge in collaboration between academia and society : A story about conceptions and epistemic uncertainty
Policymakers increasingly emphasize knowledge collaboration between academia and society as important means to generate innovations and solve complex issues. However, while recent literature on such collaboration suggests that knowledge needs to be integrated and generated across disciplines and sectors, there are surprisingly few studies that define what is meant by ‘knowledge’ or focus on the pr
Urokinase plasminogen activator and flow cytometric S-phase fraction as prognostic indicators in breast cancer
Three-dimensional time-lapse inversion of TEM data with application in an Icelandic geothermal site
The transient electromagnetic (TEM) method is widely used in resistivity mapping but rarely applied in monitoring experiments. In this study, we present an algorithm to invert time-lapse TEM data, with inversion of both synthetic data and field data. Three main novelties distinguish this new inversion algorithm: i) a multiple-mesh approach is used for the definition of model parameters and forward
Challenge-based, interdisciplinary learning for sustainability in doctoral education
PurposeDoctoral candidates possess specialized knowledge that could support sustainability transitions. Doctoral education, however, often focusses on discipline-specific topics and working methods, making it difficult to “see the bigger picture”. This summer school on wood construction gathered doctoral candidates from different fields to explore how solutions to complex sustainability issues cou
A transnational perspective on knowledge sharing : Lessons learned from IKEA's entry into Russia, China and Japan
When adopting the view of the multinational corporation (MNC) as a transnational corporation, subsidiaries become strategic partners. It is important to recognize that within the MNC knowledge may originate also from subsidiaries and thus flow in different directions. The aim of the article is to understand the role of multiple knowledge flows when international retail firms enter new markets. A q
Knowledge and knowledge sharing in retail internationalization : IKEA's entry into Russia
Research on retail internationalization and internationalization in general acknowledges the relevance of knowledge management and organizational learning, even though there is a lack of discussion about the specific constructs and approaches that would be most fruitful. The central role of knowledge sharing in the internationalization process is rarely stressed. Furthermore, the specificities of
Docforia : A Multilayer Document Model
In this paper, we describe Docforia, a multilayer document model and application programming interface (API) to store formatting, lexical, syntactic, and semantic annotations on Wikipedia and other kinds of text and visualize them. While Wikipedia has become a major NLP resource, its scale and heterogeneity makes it relatively difficult to do experimentations on the whole corpus. These experimenta
GWAS in people of Middle Eastern descent reveals a locus protective of kidney function-a cross-sectional study
BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes is one of the leading causes of chronic kidney failure, which increases globally and represents a significant threat to public health. People from the Middle East represent one of the largest immigrant groups in Europe today. Despite poor glucose regulation and high risk for early-onset insulin-deficient type 2 diabetes, they have better kidney function and lower rates
Statin use and patterns of breast cancer recurrence in the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study
Background: Accumulating evidence suggests that statins have a beneficial effect on breast cancer prognosis. Previous studies have reported a positive association between statin use and breast cancer survival; however, the relationship between statin use and patterns of breast cancer recurrence remains unclear. Patients and methods: We identified all Malmö Diet and Cancer Study (MDCS) participants
‘Distance creates distance’ : preschool staff experiences and reflections concerning preschool introduction during the covid-19-Pandemic
The social restrictions during the covid-19 pandemic have challenged many aspects of preschool everyday life. Particularly vulnerable to these restrictions is the aspect of introducing new children to preschool, since preschool introduction constitutes a natural arena for establishment of preschool staff’s relationships with children and their parents. Based on analysis of open-ended survey data (
Fräknar – en liten kvarleva av en fordom mäktig ätt
Det finns inte fler än ungefär femton fräkenväxter i hela världen. Men under karbon- och permtiden för ungefär 300 miljoner år sedan var de mycket vanliga, och mycket större.
The role of protein kinases in development and disease
Ionotropic receptors in the turnip moth Agrotis segetum respond to repellent medium-chain fatty acids
Welfare states and migration policy: The main challenges for scholarship
Can They Stay or Will They Go? : A Cross Sectional Study of Managers' Attitudes towards Their Senior Employees
A larger amount of older people need to participate in working life due to the global demographic change. It is the employer, through the manager, who enables employees to have access to measures in the workplace that facilitate and enable a sustainable extended working life. The aim of this study was to evaluate work life factors associated with managers believing their employees can work versus
Peripheral neuropathy in type 1 and type 2 diabetes – screening of vibrotactile sense and proteomics in human nerve biopsies
Well-Informed Choices? Effects of Information Interventions in Primary Care on Care Quality
Market frictions, such as imperfect information or hassle costs, may reduce benefits from market incentives in healthcare settings. We use data from two randomised policy interventions in a Swedish region, which improved the access to provider information and reduced the switching costs of one percent of the adult population and of a sample of new residents. We examine the effects of the intervent