Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar
(When) Is it Worth Investing in the Personal Service Encounter?
Serendipity as Capability : Exploring the role of (non) leadership
Drömmen om en annan judendom
Recension av Göran Rosenbergs "Rabbi Marcus Ehrenpreis obesvarade kärlek"
The VMC survey - XLVIII. Classical cepheids unveil the 3D geometry of the LMC
We employed the VISTA near-infrared YJKssurvey of the Magellanic System (VMC) to analyse the Y, J, and Ks light curves of δCepheid stars (DCEPs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Our sample consists of 4408 objects accounting for 97 per cent of the combined list of OGLE IV and Gaia DR2 DCEPs. We determined a variety of period-luminosity (PL) and period-Wesenheit PW relationships for Fundamental
Expert responsibility in AI development
Autentisk examination – vad är det?
Inom professionsutbildningar finns inbyggt attstudenterna förr eller senare skall vara kapabla att hanteraautentiska situationer och problem. Därav följer möjligen attdet sätt vi testar studenterna på i examinationen också skallvara så autentiskt som möjligt. I denna text utforskaslitteraturen kring fenomenet autentisk examination, relationentill andra begrepp kring lärande berörs och slutligen re
The Sound of Interconnectivity; The European Vasculitis Society 2022 Report
The first European Vasculitis Society (EUVAS) meeting report was published in 2017. Herein, we report on developments in the past 5 years which were greatly influenced by the pandemic. The adaptability to engage virtually, at this critical time in society, embodies the importance of networks and underscores the role of global collaborations. We outline state-of-the-art webinar topics, updates on d
Sustainable Environmental Clean-up : Dynamic assessment for sustainable remediation of contaminated sites
Soil and groundwater contamination is an increasingly recognised threat to public health and the environment around the globe. New types of contaminants continue to emerge, and awareness of their threat, continues to develop. Many countries have national clean-up programs with priority lists of the most hazardous contaminated sites. Investigation and remediation of these sites, however, take a lon
Kort om kvinnor och narkotika
I tidigare forskning om narkotika har kvinnor oftast setts som offer och medhjälpare till män, men det finns relativt lite kunskap om hur kvinnor som begår narkotikabrott agerar och resonerar kring sina upplevelser. Syftet med denna rapport är att fånga hur kvinnorna själva förklarar hur och varför de började, fortsatte och i vissa fall slutade eller fortsatt att hantera narkotika.
Why large parks matter for biodiversity and ecosystem services
Elva dimensioner av facklig styrka – Vårdförbundet 2022 : En kort presentation av rapporten Vad är facklig styrka? Arbetsplatsfacket centralt i den svenska partsmodellen.
Local Coordination Committees
ADAMTS13 - aktör och markör vid trombotisk mikroangiopati
Atherosclerosis : cell biology and lipoproteins
Kinetic energy of left ventricular blood flow across heart failure phenotypes and in subclinical diastolic dysfunction
BACKGROUND: Kinetic energy (KE) of intracardiac blood flow reflects myocardial work spent on accelerating blood and provides a mechanistic window into diastolic filling dynamics. Diastolic dysfunction may represent an early stage in the development of heart failure (HF). Here we evaluated the hemodynamic effects of impaired diastolic function in subjects with and without HF, testing the hypothesis
Medication-related hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge : a retrospective study of risk factors in older adults
Dendrokronologisk analys av Vinskänken 2 i Eksjö
Assessing Theoretical Research Contributions in CCT
The present manuscript assesses the rhetorical claims made by authors in a selected corpus of CCT articles (2005-2019) in three representative journals. Against the widespread mantras of “theoretical contributions”, it offers a humble, pluralist framework for CCT scholars to shape and develop relevant and impactful research contributions.
“THIS IS NOT INCLUSIVITY: Muslim Immigrant Consumers’ Negotiations of Market-Mediated Progressive Gender Ideologies”
In this research we explored consumer acculturation by examining Muslim immigrants’ negotiation of market-mediated progressive gender ideologies by studying Bangladeshi migrant consumers in Sweden. Our findings discerned various logics in the general critique and discursive resistance against commodification of market-mediated gender progressive “inclusivity”.