

Din sökning på "*" gav 532858 sökträffar

Strategies for enzyme dosing to enhance anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge

Enhancement of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge by enzyme addition was demonstrated in batch digestion tests. A pre-hydrolysation step with addition of enzymes at controlled temperature during 4 hours was shown to increase the methane yield significantly. Further tests with direct feeding of enzymes together with fresh sludge to the digester gave the same effect of a methane yield increase. Fo

Clinical studies of thiopurine metabolism in inflammatory bowel disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, i.e. primarily Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) is characterised by a chronic or relapsing inflammation of the digestive tract. The thiopurine drugs 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) and azathioprine (AZA, an imidazol derivative and pro-drug of 6-MP) are currently used to an increased extent in IBD, particularly in Crohn's disease. Metabolism of thiopurines is comple

Studies of Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions: Heavy-Ion Interactions at Ultra-Relativistic Energies

The charged particle production in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions in the energy range 4-200 A GeV has been studied. Two different experimental techniques have been utilized: nuclear emulsions and Multi-Step Avalanche Chambers. Four large Multi-Step Avalanche Chambers with optical read-out were included in the experiment WA93 and were used to reconstruct the tracks and determine the

Evaluation of the MAX-wiggler

A novel insertion device for electron storage rings, called the MAX-Wiggler [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 467-468 (2001) 118], has been constructed at MAX-lab. The MAX-Wiggler is a cold bore superconducting wiggler magnet with 47,3.5 T poles and a period length of 61 mm. It is designed for the production of X-rays at the 1.5 GeV electron storage ring MAX-II [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 343 (1994) 644] at

Pollen and spores in marine Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sediments at mid-Waipara River, North Canterbury, New Zealand

Terrestrial pollen and spores in late Maastrichtian to early Paleocene marine strata at mid-Waipara, New Zealand, permit reconstruction of contemporary vegetation and paleoclimates. During the latest Cretaceous, spore-pollen assemblages reflect a temperate rainforest with a prominent podocarp and tree ferns component, angiosperm pollen being mainly represented by Nothofagus and Proteaceae. Disrupt

Intramolecular interactions in protein tyrosine phosphatase RPTPmu: kinetic evidence

The receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase RPTPmu contains three intracellular domains: the juxtamembrane (JM) and two phosphatase domains (D1 and D2). D1 is catalytically active in vitro. The functional roles of JM and D2 are still unclear. To find out whether and how they modulate the phosphatase activity of D1, we compared the enzymatic characteristics of two constructs, containing a trunca

Comparison of immunohistochemical and biochemical assay of steroid receptors in primary breast cancer - Clinical associations and reasons for discrepancies

Estrogen ( ER) and progesterone receptor (PgR) status was analysed in paraffin-embedded breast cancer material with immunohistochemical (IHC) technique and compared with corresponding analyses in cytosols ( CYT). ER showed the same status (positive/negative) with both methods in 88% of the samples (352/ 402). The concordance was also high for PgR status (81% [321/394]). Besides values near cut-off

Prejunctional alpha 2-adrenoreceptors modulate the stimulated release of noradrenaline in isolated follicle strips from bovine ovaries

1. Strips from the follicle wall of bovine ovaries were incubated in Krebs-Ringer solution containing 3H-noradrenaline for measurement of transmitter liberation during electrical field stimulation (5 Hz frequency, 1 ms pulse duration, 10 V between the electrodes). The effects of noradrenaline as well as selective alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists and antagonists were studied on the electrically induce

Different islet protein expression profiles during spontaneous diabetes development vs. allograft rejection in BB-DP rats

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is characterized by selective autoimmune destruction of the insulin producing beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans. When the beta-cells are destroyed exogenous administration of insulin is necessary for maintenance of glucose homeostasis. Allogeneic islet transplantation has been used as a means to circumvent the need for insulin administration and has in some cases been ab

Disc filtration for separation of flocs from a moving bed bio-film reactor

A Discfilter with 10 and 18 mu m filter openings, respectively, was placed in parallel to a flotation plant for separation of biological flocs from a post-denitrifying Kaldnes Moving Bed (TM) Process, the last treatment step at the municipal wastewater treatment plant at Sjolunda, Malmo, Sweden. The effluent concentrations from the 10 and 18 mu m filter were 2-5 and 2-8 mg SS L-1, respectively, wh

Gender and strain influence on neurogenesis in dentate gyrus of young rats

To investigate whether rat hippocampal neurogenesis varies with strain and gender, the authors examined proliferating progenitor cells and their progeny in young male and female Sprague-Dawley (SD) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) using the thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) combined with immunohistochemistry for the neuronal marker Calbindin D28k and glial fibrillary acidic protei

Good genes, oxidative stress and condition-dependent sexual signals

The immune and the detoxication systems of animals are characterized by allelic polymorphisms, which underlie individual differences in ability to combat assaults from pathogens and toxic compounds. Previous studies have shown that females may improve offspring survival by selecting mates on the basis of sexual ornaments and signals that honestly reveal health. In many cases the expression of thes

Floral biology of North American Oenothera sect. Lavauxia (Onagraceae): Advertisements, rewards, and extreme variation in floral depth

We studied the floral biology of five North American members of Oenothera L. sect. Lavauxia (Spach) Endl. (Onagraceae L.) in field and common greenhouse settings. Oenothera sect. Lavauxia floral morphology ranges from small, cleistogamous flowers (O. flava subsp. flava (A. Nels.) Garrett in Garrett) to sonic of the longest-tubed flowers in North America (O. flava subsp. taraxacoides (Wooton &

Characterisation of the MAX II storage ring lattice

Several unconventional accelerator technology solutions were introduced in the MAX II electron storage ring during the 1990s, such as quadrupole magnets with integrated sextupoles, non-zero dispersion in the straight sections and a common girder for all magnets in the same cell. The lattice of the MAX II ring has been characterised in order to evaluate these solutions, to assist in MAX II operatio

Hereditary Ovarian Cancer mutation frequencies and genetic profiles

Popular Abstract in Swedish Identifiering av ärftlig äggstockscancer har stor klinisk relevans för att förhindra nya tumörer hos individen och i familjen. Möjligheten att förhindra bröstcancer i BRCA familjer genom kontrollprogram och profylaktisk kirurgi är välkänd, medan möjligheten att förhindra tarmcancer och livmodercancer i HNPCC familjer är mindre känd. Studierna i denna avhandling har kunnOvarian cancer is a leading cause of gynecological cancer death and in Sweden nearly 700 cases are diagnosed annually. Ovarian cancer has one of the highest frequencies of hereditary cancer. This thesis focuses on estimates of the contribution of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) and hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) to the development of ovarian cancer and investigates t