Din sökning på "*" gav 535048 sökträffar
Gut microbiota and development of atopic eczema in 3 European birth cohorts
Background: Stimulation of the immune system by gut microbes might prevent allergy development. Objective: The present study examined the hypothesis that sensitization to food allergens and atopic eczema are influenced by the infantile intestinal colonization pattern. Methods: Infants were recruited perinatally in Goteborg (n = 116), London (n = 108), and Rome (n = 100). Commensal bacteria were id
Theoretical characterization of the absorption spectra of phenanthrene and its radical cation
The vertical absorption spectra of phenanthrene and its radical cation have been studied theoretically by means of a multiconfigurational second-order perturbation approach. Singlet-singlet transition energies and oscillator strengths, and singlet-triplet excitation energies have been studied in the absorption spectrum of phenanthrene up to 6 eV. The absorption spectrum of the phenanthrene radical
Localization of the human cystatin D gene (CST5) to chromosome 20p11.21 by in situ hybridization
The gene coding for cystatin D (CST5), a cysteine proteinase inhibitor, was mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization to human chromosome 20p11.21. This assignment, together with previous data on mapping of members of the cystatin gene family, indicates that cystatin family II genes are all clustered on the short arm of chromosome 20, whereas cystatin family I and III genes are located on the lo
Late mortality among five-year survivors of cancer in childhood and adolescence.
Evolution of HIV-1 coreceptor use in relation to pathogenesis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Humant immunbrist virus (HIV) bryter långsamt ner kroppens immunförsvar. Sjukdomen AIDS uppstår när den HIV infekterade personens immunförsvar är så pass försvagat att kroppen inte längre kan bekämpa infektioner som en frisk individ inte blir sjuk av. Världshälsoorganisationen, WHO, uppskattar att det idag lever omkring 40 miljoner människor i världen smittade med HIV. HIV-1 uses the coreceptors CCR5 and/or CXCR4 in addition to CD4 to enter the host cell. CCR5-using HIV-1 (R5 phenotype) appears to transmit infection and usually dominates the early stages of disease. Evolution of HIV-1 coreceptor use is usually described as the acquisition of CXCR4-using virus (X4 or R5X4 phenotype), and is linked to accelerated disease progression. However, the switch to CXCR4 u
Patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome in a university hospital emergency department: an observational study.
Background: Improved diagnostics in suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) are considered to be needed. To help clarify the current situation and the improvement potential, judged risk in the emergency department (ED) and outcome were analyzed among patients with suspected ACS at a university hospital. Methods: 157 consecutive patients with symptoms of ACS were included at the ED during 10 days.
A construction of resilient functions with high nonlinearity
We provide a construction technique for multiple-output resilient functions F: F-2(n) --> F-2(m) with high nonlinearity. The construction leads to the problem of finding a set of linear codes with a fixed minimum distance, having the property that the intersection between any two codes is the all-zero codeword only. This problem is considered, and existence results are provided. Moreover, the cons
Estimating and testing the common mean direction of several von Mises-Fisher populations with known concentrations
Multisite regulation of insulin secretion by cAMP-increasing agonists: evidence that glucagon-like peptide 1 and glucagon act via distinct receptors
The mechanisms by which glucagon-like peptide 1(7-36)amide (GLP-1[7-36]amide) potentiates insulin secretion were investigated by measurements of whole-cell K+ and Ca2+ currents, membrane potential, the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and exocytosis in mouse pancreatic B-cells. GLP-1(7-36)amide (10 nM) stimulated glucose-induced (10 mM) electrical activity in intact pancreatic islets. The
Simultaneous videoradiography and computerized pharyngeal manometry--videomanometry
To obtain more information about muscle function in patients with dysphagia, simultaneous barium swallow and computerized pharyngeal manometry with solid-state pressure transducers was employed for the evaluation of the pharynx and the pharyngoesophageal segment (PES) in 30 consecutive patients. The manometry catheter was positioned under fluoroscopic control, providing localized measurements of t
Applications of Short Extreme Ultraviolet Pulses to the Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules
This thesis is devoted to the characterisation in time and frequency, and to spectroscopic application, of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses. High-order harmonic generation or wave mixing processes were used to produce the pulses in the XUV spectral region. Time-frequency characterisation of femtosecond XUV pulses generated as high-order harmonics is important both for applications in XUV spectrosc
The mechanisms controlling heat and mass transfer on frying of beefburgers. III. Mass transfer evolution during frying
The effects of five different meat raw materials used for making beefburgers on the evolution of mass transfer (total, water and fat losses), patty diameter shrinkage and porosity were studied during frying from the frozen state (-20 degrees C) to a centre temperature of 72 degrees C in a double-sided pan fryer. The normalised water losses increased linearly with increasing average temperature at
Pension reform in New Zealand and Sweden : a comparative analysis of path dependent reform processes
Protein pre-fractionation in detergent-polymer aqueous two-phase systems for facilitated proteomic studies of membrane proteins
Pre-fractionation of a complex mixture of proteins increases the resolution in analytical separations of proteins from cells, tissues or organisms. Here we demonstrate a novel method for pre-fractionation of membrane proteins by a detergent-based aqueous two-phase system. Membrane proteins are strongly under-represented in proteomic studies based on two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). As a mod
Joint application of Doppler Lidar and differential absorption lidar to estimate the atomic mercury flux from a chlor-alkali plant
We have combined differential absorption lidar (DIAL) measurements of mercury concentrations downwind of a chloralkali plant (Rosignano Solvay) with measurements of wind profiles made with a Doppler Lidar based on modern fibreoptic technology. Since the flux of pollutant is equal to the cross-wind integral of the product of concentration and wind speed, this should permit us to make a more precise
Interpolating monthly precipitation by self-organizing map (SOM) and multilayer perceptron (MLP)
There are needs to find better and more efficient methods to interpolate precipitation data in space and time. Interpolation of precipitation is explored using a self-organizing map (SOM) in a region with large complexity of precipitation mechanisms (northern Iran). The technique is used both for regionalization and for interpolating monthly precipitation for stations with missing data for 1-, 2-,
Jag är örnen! Om journalisten och författaren Elsa af Trolle
Elsa af Trolle var en av de många kvinnor som drogs till journalistiken som utkomstmöjlighet under mellankrigstiden. Hon var även översättare och författare men mest lyckad som skribent, särskilt i den långa sviten av naturkrönikor eller -kåserier som publicerades i Aftonbladet under 1930- till 1950-talet.
A catalogue of HELP and HELP-type integral and series inequalities
Liberty, Law and Social Construction
In this article Hobbes’s view of the commonwealth, and of law and liberty within it, is discussed from the point of view of social ontology. The artificial character of the commonwealth and the constitutive function of the covenant is put in terms of the institutional world being constructed through collective intentionality, which is performative, self-referential, and collective, and which serve