

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Molecular dynamic modelling of the combined influence from strain rate and temperature at tensile loading of nanosized single crystal Cu beams

It is well-known and experimentally confirmed that the mechanical response of small enough structures, with linear measures typically below about 100 nm, differs from the response at macro scale. In addition to size effects, the crystallographic orientation of the material becomes increasingly important at this scale. This paper investigates the combined influence of strain rate and temperature on

Management of acute uncomplicated diverticulitis without antibiotics: compliance and outcomes -a retrospective cohort study

MethodsRecent randomized control trials (RCTs) have confirmed that antibiotics in acute uncomplicated diverticulitis (AUD) neither accelerate recovery nor prevent complications or recurrences.A retrospective cohort study was conducted, including all consecutive AUD patients hospitalized 2015- 2018 at Helsingborg Hospital (HH) and Skåne University Hospital (SUS), Sweden. HH had implemented a non-an

Post-concussive vestibular dysfunction is related to injury to the inferior vestibular nerve

Symptoms of vestibular dysfunction such as dizziness and vertigo are common following sports-related concussions (SRC) and associated with a worse outcome and a prolonged recovery. Vestibular dysfunction following SRC can be due to an impairment of the peripheral or central neural parts of the vestibular system. The aim of the present study was to establish the cause of vestibular impairment in SR

Improving commuter train punctuality using lead indicators

Train delays are often monitored using lag indicators of achieved punctuality levels, but indicators can also be used proactively aslead indicators to help reach a certain level of punctuality. In this paper, two lead indicators – the share of delayed dwell times andthe share of delayed run times – are formulated and tested on Swedish commuter train data for the years 2001-2020. Results showthat iTrain delays are often monitored using lag indicators of achieved punctuality levels, but indicators can also be used proactively as lead indicators to help reach a certain level of punctuality. In this paper, two lead indicators – the share of delayed dwell times and the share of delayed run times – are formulated and tested on Swedish commuter train data for the years 2001-2020. Results show tha

Interval breast cancer is associated with interferon immune response

Background: The aggressive nature of breast cancers detected between planned mammographic screens, so-called interval cancers, remains elusive. Here, we aim to characterise underlying molecular features of interval cancer. Methods: From 672 patients with invasive breast cancer, we analysed gene expression differences between 90 ‘true’ interval cancer cases (i.e. women with low-dense breasts define

Analysis of the SYSDIET Healthy Nordic Diet randomized trial based on metabolic profiling reveal beneficial effects on glucose metabolism and blood lipids

Background & aims: Intake assessment in multicenter trials is challenging, yet important for accurate outcome evaluation. The present study aimed to characterize a multicenter randomized controlled trial with a healthy Nordic diet (HND) compared to a Control diet (CD) by plasma and urine metabolic profiles and to associate them with cardiometabolic markers. Methods: During 18–24 weeks of inter

CPAP Intervention as an Add-On Treatment to Lipid-Lowering Medication in Coronary Artery Disease Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the RICCADSA Trial

Dyslipidaemia is a well-known risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), and reducing lipid levels is essential for secondary prevention in management of these high-risk individuals. Dyslip-idaemia is common also in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the first line treatment of OSA. However, evidence of a possible lipid-lowering effect of

Distinct subcellular autophagy impairments in induced neurons from patients with Huntington's disease

Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by CAG expansions in the huntingtin (HTT) gene. Modelling Huntington's disease is challenging, as rodent and cellular models poorly recapitulate the disease as seen in aging humans. To address this, we generated induced neurons (iNs) through direct reprogramming of human skin fibroblasts, which retain age-dependent epigenetic charact

Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 in the Preterm Rabbit Pup : Characterization of Cerebrovascular Maturation following Administration of Recombinant Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1/Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1-Binding Protein 3

Following preterm birth, serum levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) decrease compared to corresponding in utero levels. A recent clinical trial indicated that supplementation with recombinant human (rh) IGF-1/rhIGF-binding protein 3 (rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3) prevents severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in extremely preterm infants. In a preterm rabbit pup model, we characterized endogenou

Seg2Pose: Pose Estimations from Instance Segmentation Masks in One or Multiple Views for Traffic Applications

A system we denote Seg2Pose is presented which converts pixel coordinate tracks, represented by instance segmentation masks across multiple video frames, into world coordinate pose tracks, for road users seen by static surveillance cameras. The road users are bound to a ground surface represented by a number of 3D points and does not necessarily have to be perfectly flat. The system works with one

Great Tits Learn Odors and Colors Equally Well, and Show No Predisposition for Herbivore-Induced Plant Volatiles

Ability to efficiently localize productive foraging habitat is crucial for nesting success of insectivorous birds. Some bird species can use olfaction to identify caterpillar-infested trees by detection of herbivore induced plant volatiles (HIPVs), but these cues probably need to be learned. So far, we know very little about the process of olfactory learning in birds, whether insectivorous species

Union Density in Norway and Sweden: Stability versus Decline

The aim is to explain why union density is not only considerably higher in the Ghent country Sweden than in non-Ghent Norway but also why it has declined much more in Sweden, in par-ticular among blue-collar workers. We show how changes to Swedish unemployment insurance in 2007–2013 were followed by a decline in union density and how white-collar unions were more successful than blue-collar unionsThe aim is to explain why union density is not only considerably higher in the Ghent country Sweden than in non-Ghent Norway but also why it has declined much more in Sweden, in particular among blue-collar workers. We show how changes to Swedish unemployment insurance in 2007–2013 were followed by a decline in union density and how white-collar unions were more successful than blue-collar unions

Rif2 protects Rap1-depleted telomeres from MRX-mediated degradation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Rap1 is the main protein that binds double-stranded telomeric DNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Examination of the telomere functions of Rap1 is complicated by the fact that it also acts as a transcriptional regulator of hundreds of genes and is encoded by an essential gene. In this study, we disrupt Rap1 telomere association by expressing a mutant telomerase RNA subunit (tlc1-tm) that introduces m

Greeting the visitor : A contextualising study of fauces-mosaics in Pompeii

The focus for this study is the collection of mosaic-floors that adorn the entrances, fauces, to atrium-houses around Pompeii. The aim is to further our understanding of the Roman view of transitional spaces, in this case the private house-entrance between the inside and the outside world. Contemporary approaches to Pompeian studies regard space and décor as closely intertwined components, which s