

Din sökning på "*" gav 536755 sökträffar

‘So long as our SEWA is with us, we can win any fight’ - A social movement organisation’s framing of the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on informal women workers in India

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives and created wide-reaching impacts. Societies worldwide have confronted the crisis with grassroots mobilisation and social resilience. Civil society uncovers injustices by actively participating in the local decentralised pandemic response. This micro-level study provides insight into a long-standing social movement organisation’s framing of the crisis.

"Det kommer ju inte ta bort rädslan" - Aspekter av det egna valet inom ett framtida kronvittnessystem i Sverige.

This thesis examines the view of what a crown witness system could mean in terms of the witness’ willingness to testify in a criminal case. The aim was to answer how relations and emotions influence the witness’ tendency to give dictum about crimes. A further aim was to show what people with experience of meeting with witnesses think that a crown witness system applied to Swedish law, could mean f

Application of ERT for Quality Assurance in Jet Grouting Columns; A development of an alternative quality control

Med den ökade urbaniseringen som de flesta städer står inför, är utbyggnad av större anläggningar och hushåll oundviklig. Denna expansion medför ett behov av mer tillgänglig markyta att bygga på, vilket även innebär att platser med varierande markförhållandena behöver utnyttjas. Detta kan resultera i att markegenskaperna inte alltid är passande för stora anläggningar. En lösning till detta problemWith the increased urbanization major cities are facing, expansion of larger facilities and households are inevitable. Expansion means larger areas of the surface needs to be used where the risk of varying subsurface soil properties increases with larger surface areas. This can result in soil properties that might not be stable enough to support these constructions. A potential solution to solve t

Real-time unsupervised log event anomaly detection in public transportation

Detecting log data anomalies in real-time is useful since it makes it possible to apply logic that corrects the anomalies when they happen. This project presents a method for detecting public transportation bus event log data anomalies in realtime, without having a labeled data set. Initially, each unique bus trip is represented by the event frequencies, a representation that is not suitable for r

The Blue Ribbon of Akranes, a walk through history

There is only one large ocean that makes up our blue marble, even though we’ve given it many different names. It’s difficult to see where one ends and another begins and change in one place has an effect elsewhere. The ocean connects us all and we are depended on its grace to provide us with life. The beach opens our way to the world and closes us off. It is a conflict zone in times of climate cha

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From 2011 to 2016, dramatic changes occurred within the Lebanese Sunni community, eventually resulting in a significant rebalancing of intra-communitarian equilibria. Indeed, new political players have been able to cleverly ride on a widespread feeling of anger and frustration, stemming from a multi-level crisis that has affected the whole community since the traumatic events of 2005. This article

Weather and Train Disruptions in Sweden 2011-2019

The impacts of adverse weather conditions on railway systems can lead to large delays and cancellationsacross the entire network. In this paper, we aim to understand the relationship between weather andtrain disruptions (i.e. cancellations and large delays) across the entire Swedish railway network for theyears 2011-2019. Using railway operations data and snow depth, temperature, precipitation, an

Predicting wear mechanisms of ultra-hard tooling in machining Ti6Al4V by diffusion couples and simulation

Conventional cemented carbide is recommended for machining Ti6Al4V. However, polycrystalline diamond (PCD) and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (pcBN) also show promise. Demands for higher productivity accelerate diffusional dissolution and chemically driven wear mechanisms in these tool materials. This study investigates active wear mechanisms by studying the interactions between Ti6Al4V and P

Sentio: Feel the music

Vision and hearing are two dominant senses, and when having a combined impairment of both vision and hearing, the reliability and use of our touch increases. Sentio was designed for the sense of touch, making it possible for the sensory impaired to enjoy music with the help of vibrations. The purpose of this project was to design Sentio, a product based on the technology developed by Paricept

Alcohol drinking, social class, cancer occurrence and complications after surgical procedures.

This chapter reviews the data on occurrence of cancers that are potentially caused by alcohol drinking (cancers of the upper gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, and liver cancer) in relation to social class. In order to assess the role of alcohol drinking in the observed social class gradients of these cancers, we have particularly looked for consistency in the gradients of different alcohol-

Undersökning av luftljudsisolering i ett skivmaterial tillverkat av återvunna förpackningar

Det sker en omställning i samhället där frågor om klimat och miljö får allt mer uppmärksamhet. Denna omställning sker även i byggbranschen som i nuläget står för stora delar av Sveriges totala koldioxidutsläpp, men redan år 2045 ska landet inte ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. För att nå målet kommer det att krävas kreativa innovationer inom flera områden. En del av lösningen är att ta

Reflux oesophagitis in heavy drinkers : Effect of ranitidine and alginate/metoclopramide

Of 1, 400 consecutive patients applying to an outpatient clinic for treatment of alcoholism, 477 complained of upper abdominal dyspepsia. After 2 weeks of abstinence, 78 had persisting complaints; of these, 72% had oesophagitis at endoscopy. The 53 patients with oesophagitis as the sole diagnosis were randomized to treatment with either ranitidine or a combination of alginate/antacid chewing table