

Din sökning på "*" gav 530109 sökträffar

Anti-CA15.3 and Anti-CA125 Antibodies and ovarian cancer risk : Results from the EPIC cohort

Background: Neoplastic and non-neoplastic events may raise levels of mucins, CA15.3, and CA125, and generate antibodies against them, but their impact on epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) risk has not been fully defined. Methods: CA15.3, CA125, and IgG1 antibodies against them were measured in 806 women who developed EOC and 1,927 matched controls from the European Prospective Investigation of Nutri

Particle identification studies with a full-size 4-GEM prototype for the ALICE TPC upgrade

A large Time Projection Chamber is the main device for tracking and charged-particle identification in the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. After the second long shutdown in 2019/20, the LHC will deliver Pb beams colliding at an interaction rate of about 50 kHz, which is about a factor of 50 above the present readout rate of the TPC. This will result in a significant improvement on the sensitivit

Efficient and accurate simulation of the packaging forming process

To allow for large-scale forming applications, such as converting paperboard into package containers, efficient and reliable numerical tools are needed. In finite element simulations of thin structures, elements including structural features are required to reduce the computational cost. Solid-shell elements based on reduced integration with hourglass stabilization is an attractive choice. One adv

On the zero-stability of multistep methods on smooth nonuniform grids

In order to be convergent, linear multistep methods must be zero stable. While constant step size theory was established in the 1950’s, zero stability on nonuniform grids is less well understood. Here we investigate zero stability on compact intervals and smooth nonuniform grids. In practical computations, step size control can be implemented using smooth (small) step size changes. The resulting g

Hip fractures in the non-elderly—Who, why and whither?

Nonelderly hip fracture patients have gathered little scientific attention, and our understanding of the group may be biased by patient case-mix and lack of follow-up. Preconceptions may thwart adequate investigation of bone health and other comorbidities. This literature review focusses on who these patients between 20 and 60 years are, how to treat them and how to evaluate the outcome. 2–11% of

Reply to "comment on 'Ultrafast terahertz-field-driven ionic response in ferroelectric BaTiO3 ' "

In this reply to S. Durbin's comment on our original paper "Ultrafast terahertz-field-driven ionic response in ferroelectric BaTiO3," we concur that his final equations 8 and 9 more accurately describe the change in diffracted intensity as a function of Ti displacement. We also provide an alternative derivation based on an ensemble average over unit cells. The conclusions of the paper are unaffect

From one-sized to over-individualized? Service logic’s value creation

Purpose: There is a current trend in healthcare management away from produced and standardized one-size-fits-all processes toward co-created and individualized services. The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of the value concept in healthcare organization and management by recognizing different levels of value (private, group and public) and the interconnectedness among these leve

A sticky trait: Social trust among Swedish expatriates in countries with varying institutional quality

Social trust is linked to many desirable economic and social outcomes. Using new data from a representative sample of 2668 Swedish expatriates, we examine the robustness of high social trust in countries with different levels of institutional quality. The results suggest that individual trust decreases with length of stay in countries with high corruption and low rule of law. The effect is relativ

Molecular Movies from Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distribution (MF-PAD) Measurements

We discuss recent and on-going experiments, where molecular frame photoelectron angular distributions (MFPADs) of high kinetic energy photoelectrons are measured in order to determine the time evolution of molecular structures in the course of a photochemical event. These experiments include, on the one hand, measurements where single XUV/X-ray photons, obtained from a free electron laser (FEL) or

Neural pattern classification tracks transfer-appropriate processing in episodic memory

The transfer-appropriate processing (TAP) account holds that episodic memory depends on the overlap between encoding and retrieval processing. In the current study, we employed multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) of electroencephalography to examine the relevance of spontaneously engaged visual processing during encoding for later retrieval. Human participants encoded word- picture associations, The transfer-appropriate processing (TAP) account holds that episodic memory depends on the overlap between encoding and retrieval processing. In the current study, we employed multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) of electroencephalography to examine the relevance of spontaneously engaged visual processing during encoding for later retrieval. Human participants encoded word- picture associations,

The use of case management for community-dwelling older people : the effects on loneliness, symptoms of depression and life satisfaction in a randomised controlled trial

AIM: To investigate the effects of a case management intervention for community-dwelling frail older people, with functional dependency and repeated contacts with the healthcare services, focusing on loneliness, depressive symptoms and life satisfaction.DESIGN: A two-armed, nonblinded, randomised control trial with repeated follow-ups, of N = 153 participants at baseline allocated to an interventi

Study of neutron shielding collimators for curved beamlines at the European Spallation Source

The European Spallation Source is being constructed in Lund, Sweden and is planned to be the world's brightest pulsed spallation neutron source for cold and thermal neutron beams (≤ 1 eV). The facility uses a 2 GeV proton beam to produce neutrons from a tungsten target. The neutrons are then moderated in a moderator assembly consisting of both liquid hydrogen and water compartments. Surrounding th

FE simulation and experimental verification of side-flow and burr formation in machining of oxygen-free copper

This article considers the influence of cutting data on burr formation when machining oxygen-free copper in a longitudinal turning operation. Burr formation and side-flow frequently occur in a cutting process, resulting in highly undesirable poor surface integrity and reduced dimensional accuracy of the machined components. Finite Element (FE) simulations of a cutting process were used to simulate

Eco-modernity nordic style : The challenge of aligning ecological and socio-economic sustainability

This chapter explores the Nordic countries’ attempts to reconcile their environmental front-runner ambitions with their high productivity as advanced welfare states. On the one hand, the Nordics have taken leading positions in promoting environmental issues on the international stage. On the other hand, however, their high productivity, which is needed to support their welfare aspirations, has mad

Retinal AAV8-RS1 Gene Therapy for X-Linked Retinoschisis : Initial Findings from a Phase I/IIa Trial by Intravitreal Delivery

This study evaluated the safety and tolerability of ocular RS1 adeno-associated virus (AAV8-RS1) gene augmentation therapy to the retina of participants with X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS). XLRS is a monogenic trait affecting only males, caused by mutations in the RS1 gene. Retinoschisin protein is secreted principally in the outer retina, and its absence results in retinal cavities, synaptic dysfu