Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar
Thymic gene transfer of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein ameliorates the onset but not the progression of autoimmune demyelination
Tolerance induction, and thus prevention of autoimmunity, is linked with the amount of self-antigen presented on thymic stroma. We describe that intrathymic (i.t.) delivery of the autoantigen, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), via a lentiviral vector (LV), led to tolerance induction and prevented mice from developing fulminant experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). This protecti
Observation of H→bb¯ decays and VH production with the ATLAS detector
A search for the decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson into a bb¯ pair when produced in association with a W or Z boson is performed with the ATLAS detector. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 79.8fb−1 were collected in proton–proton collisions during Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV. For a Higgs boson mass of 125GeV, an excess of events
Plasma amine oxidase
Copper-containing amine oxidases have been found in a wide range of eukaryotic cells of fungal, plant, and mammalian origin. 1 - 3 The Cu-AOs isolated from different tissues or phylae have many properties in common, but are distinctly different enzymes with respect to molecular characteristics and substrate specificity. This chapter will examine what is known about the Cu-AO which occurs in the pl
Numerical and experimental investigation of the cecost swirl burner
Clean technology has become a key feature due to increasing environmental concerns. Swirling flows, being directly associated with combustion performance and hence minimized pollutant formation, are encountered in most propulsion and power-generation combustion devices. In this study, the development process of the conceptual swirl burner developed at the Swedish National Centre for Combustion and
Muslimsk antisemitism - myter och verklighet
Fyra år efter folkmordet väntar yazidierna på ett Nürnberg för IS
Trading off safety against food : state dependent habitat choice and foraging in crucian carp
The influence of hunger level and predation risk on habitat choice and foraging in crucian carp, Carassius carassius, were studied in a laboratory experiment. Experiments were carried out in aquaria with or without a predator (pike, Esox lucius). Habitat use and foraging activity of three-fish foraging groups of either fed or hungry crucian carp were studied. Fish were allowed to choose between an
Prolonged administration of ethanol to young, healthy volunteers : effects on biochemical, morphological and neurophysiological parameters.
A DNS Study of Sensitivity of Scaling Exponents for Premixed Turbulent Consumption Velocity to Transient Effects
3D Direct Numerical Simulations of propagation of a single-reaction wave in forced, statistically stationary, homogeneous, isotropic, and constant-density turbulence, which is not affected by the wave, are performed in order to investigate the influence of the wave development on scaling (power) exponents for the turbulent consumption velocity UT as a function of the rms turbulent velocity u′, lam
Semiempirical breakdown curves of C2N(+) and C3N(+) molecules; application to products branching ratios predictions of physical and chemical processes involving these adducts
We constructed semiempirical breakdown curves (BDC) for C2N, C3N, C2N+ and C3N+ molecules. These BDC, which are energy dependent dissociation branching ratios (BR) curves, were used to predict products branching ratios for various processes leading to the formation of C2N(+) and C3N(+) excited adducts. These processes, of astrochemical interest, are neutral-neutral and ion-molecule reactions, diss
The DENOVA score efficiently identifies patients with monomicrobial Enterococcus faecalis bacteremia where echocardiography is not necessary
Objectives: Enterococcal bacteremia can be complicated by infective endocarditis (IE) and when suspected, transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) should be performed. The previously published NOVA score can identify patients with enterococcal bacteremia at risk for IE and we aimed to improve the score. Methods: Factors associated with IE were studied retrospectively in a population-based cohort of
New elegant methods for maternal and fetal HPA-1a typing
Learning to teach STEM disciplines in higher education : a critical review of the literature
Enrolments in STEM disciplines at universities are increasing globally, attributed to the greater life opportunities open to students as a result of a STEM education. But while institutional access to STEM programmes is widening, the retention and success of STEM undergraduate students remains a challenge. Pedagogies that support student success are well known; what we know less about is how unive
Academic Achievement and Drug Abuse Risk Assessed Using Instrumental Variable Analysis and Co-relative Designs
Importance: Low academic achievement (AA) in childhood and adolescence is associated with increased substance use. Empirical evidence, using longitudinal epidemiologic data, may provide support for interventions to improve AA as a means to reduce risk of drug abuse (DA). Objective: To clarify the nature of the association between adolescent AA and risk of DA by using instrumental variable and co-r
Composition and physicochemical properties of dried berry pomace
BACKGROUND: Berry pomace is a valuable but little used by-product of juice manufacturing. When processed to a stable fruit powder, the composition differs from that of the whole fruit. To facilitate application in foods, a detailed knowledge of its composition and physicochemical properties is essential. RESULTS: Blackcurrant, redcurrant, chokeberry, rowanberry and gooseberry were selected for ana
Life-changing or trivial : Electricians' views about electrical accidents
BACKGROUND: It is well known that electrical accidents can cause physical injury. Less well known is that long-term consequences may include emotional and cognitive problems. OBJECTIVE: To explore electricians' experiences and perceptions of work-related electrical accidents, with focus on psychological short- and long-term consequences, including how contacts with health care services and the wor
Regional path dependence and path creation: a conceptual way forward
Path dependence has claimed its place as a core component of economic geography, but recently the concept has been criticized for the sole focus on external shocks and lock-ins. This critique has inspired scholarly work on new path development which gives great attention to endogenous pre-conditions for new path development. However, several shortcomings still exist. The main aim of this chapter i
Alltid engelska i engelskundervisningen? : Flerspråkiga elevers perspektiv
Ska elevers olika modersmål samt skolspråket svenska användas på engelsklektioner? Detta är den övergripande frågeställningen i forskningsprojektet Flerspråkiga praktiker – en resurs i engelskundervisningen? som är finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet. I föreläsningen presenteras forskning om undervisning och lärande i engelska som ligger till grund för projektet samt projektets första resultat. Dessa b