

Din sökning på "*" gav 530434 sökträffar

The therapeutic swallowing study

When selecting an instrumental procedure to assess oral and pharyngeal swallowing dysfunction videoradiography is the only technique where the entire swallowing sequence could be analyzed. Accordingly this is an excellent tool for the dysphagia therapist in the management of dysphagic patients.

Study on Legislative Measures Related to Online IPR Infringements : A Project Commissioned by the European Union Intellectual Property Office

Intellectual property right (IPR) infringement has taken and increasingly takes place in the online environment, in particular on the internet, which has raised concerns on many different levels, and has led to a number of recent European initiatives. A number of legislative measures have been adopted at both international and European levels whose purposes are to strengthen and harmonise the prot

Extraction and chromatography of bioactive compounds in complex samples using supercritical CO2 technology

Medical doctors and nutritional specialists recommend to eat healthy foods including fruits and vegetables. Cosmetic experts also recommend to use cosmetic products obtained from natural products. The reason behind this is that natural products from plants contain chemical compounds which can promote health and protect our bodies from several diseases. These chemical compounds are called bioactiveBioactive compounds found in plants have been of interest to man since ancient times. These compounds have the ability to modulate the metabolic processes in our bodies, which suggests that they may promote better health. Bioactive compounds vary in their chemical structure, polarity, stability and biological activity. This diversity makes the study of bioactive compounds challenging from the pers

Irritable bowel syndrome and dysphagia

Functional gastrointestinal disorders constitute a set of gastrointestinal disorders with absence of obvious organic and physiological dysfunctions observed in clinical routine examinations. The functional disorders are divided into many subclasses, e.g., functional esophageal disorders and functional bowel disorders. The diagnoses are set when the patients fulfil the Rome IV criteria after a care

Stepping on the cracks—transcending the certainties of big data analytics

Every aspect of modern life is dominated by decision-making and the availability of data. We constantly access, process and evaluate data as we navigate complex and uncertain problem spaces. Communication and Information Technologies (ICTs) have developed to a point where it is possible for very large data sets, measured in Exabyte, to be stored across many servers and gathered by many different p

”Leder religionsantropologins utmaningar och forskningsproblematik till nostalgiska elegier och idylliska tankar om ädla vildar?”

Theology, religious studies, the history of religion, and the anthropology of religion have different histories as research disciplines, which explainsdifferences in how they pose research problems and define their research fields. In some respects, the disciplines have a lot in common and may cross-fertilize each other. In this article, I reflect on a theologian's critical review in Religionsvide

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Denne artikel undersøger to typer af litterære karakterer, som skabes i Rushy Rashids Et løft af sløret (2000), Özlem Cekic’ Fra Føtex til Folketinget (2009) og Geeti Amiris Glansbilleder (2016). Den første type er den muslimske kvinde som forbillede for kvindekamp, og den anden er patriarken som produceret af, hvad muslimske debattører har kaldt “rygtesamfundet”. Forfatterne fremstiller den såkal

Using panel survey and remote sensing data to explain yield gaps for maize in sub-Saharan Africa

The aim of this paper is to combine remote sensing data with geo-coded household survey data in order to measure the impact of different socio-economic and biophysical factors on maize yields. We use multilevel linear regression to model village mean maize yield per year as a function of NDVI, commercialization, pluriactivity and distance to market. We draw on seven years of panel data on African

"Zone taken!" : Kunskap, förändring och kulturell gemenskap i mobilspelet Turf

How does a mobile game become a sport related community with its own cultural expressions and norms? This explorative article examines Turf, a mobile game where the players use the GPS function to navigate both a digital map and the physical landscape. By locating digital zones in the landscape, similar to the sport ori- enteering, the player gains points. Around the game various social activities

Experimental techniques, data treatment for studying the dynamics of ethanol production/consumption in baker's yeast

The dynamics of ethanol production/consumption in baker's yeast were studied under feed- rate controlled conditions. The yeast was grown on molasses in an 8-l fed-batch reactor and experiments were done at cell concentrations between 5 and 65 g l−1. Small changes in the feed rate were made around a feed rate corresponding to the critical growth rate, at which the yeast cell metabolism switches bet

Pharmacological neuroprotection in severe traumatic brain injury

The basic pathophysiology of TBI consists of an initial, primary injury including rapid deformation of brain tissue with destruction of brain parenchyma and blood vessels and acute loss of neuronal and glial cells. A key concept in the management of TBI is that not all cell death occurs at the time of primary injury; instead, a cascade of molecular and neurochemical secondary events occur during t

Two subgroups in systemic lupus erythematosus with features of antiphospholipid or Sjögren's syndrome differ in molecular signatures and treatment perspectives

Background: Previous studies and own clinical observations of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) suggest that SLE harbors distinct immunophenotypes. This heterogeneity might result in differences in response to treatment in different subgroups and obstruct clinical trials. Our aim was to understand how SLE subgroups may differ regarding underlying pathophysiology and characteristic b

Cigarette smoke alters the secretome of lung epithelial cells

Cigarette smoke is the most relevant risk factor for the development of lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Many of its more than 4500 chemicals are highly reactive, thereby altering protein structure and function. Here, we used subcellular fractionation coupled to label-free quantitative MS to globally assess alterations in the proteome of different compartments of lung epithel