

Din sökning på "*" gav 534729 sökträffar

A combined gene expression tool for parallel histological prediction and gene fusion detection in non-small cell lung cancer

Accurate histological classification and identification of fusion genes represent two cornerstones of clinical diagnostics in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Here, we present a NanoString gene expression platform and a novel platform-independent, single sample predictor (SSP) of NSCLC histology for combined, simultaneous, histological classification and fusion gene detection in minimal formali

Zn 5Sb 4In 2-δ - A ternary derivative of thermoelectric zinc antimonides

Zn 5Sb 4ln 2-δ (δ = 0.15(3)) was synthesized in the form of millimeter-sized crystals from reaction mixtures containing excess zinc. The ternary intermetallie compound is temperature polymorphic, and at room temperature it crystallizes with a new structure type in the orthorhombic space group Pbcn, where a = 7.1619(2), b= 17.1562(4), c=8.6887(4) Å, V = 1067.6(1) Å 3, and Z = 4. The structure featu

Two for the price of one - Resolvable polymorphism in a 'single crystal' of α- and β-Sb3O4I

The title compound forms as biphasic single crystals containing the α- and β-polymorphs. The structure of both polymorphs was solved and refined from single crystal X-ray data in a simultaneous refinement. The structures consist of rods of composition Sb3O4 separated by isolated iodine ions. The two phases differ only in the next nearest neighbour arrangement. The orthorhombic α-phase crystallizes

A general structure model for Bi-Se phases using a superspace formalism

Solid-state synthesis in the Bi-Se system produced both commensurate and incommensurate phases of compositions ranging from Bi2Se3 to Bi4Se3, all crystallising in rhombohedral or trigonal layer structures. The a parameters are very similar for all phases but the c parameters vary irregularly between 10 and 100 Å. A general model for all these phases was developed, using single crystal X-ray diffra

Estimating glomerular filtration rate at the transition from pediatric to adult care

The current Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines recommend the use of the bedside creatinine-based Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD) equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in children and the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation in adults. However, this approach causes implausible changes in estimated GFR (eGFR) at the

Treatment following myocardial infarction in patients with schizophrenia

Background A correlation between excess mortality from myocardial infarctions (MI) and schizophrenia has already been established. What remains unclear is whether the initial communication between the treating doctor and the corresponding patient contributes to this excess mortality. Aim The aim of this study is to investigate whether a patient with schizophrenia receives the same offers for exami

Modeling of grain growth under fully anisotropic grain boundary energy

A level set formulation is proposed that can accurately trace the evolution of grain boundary networks in a polycrystalline aggregate while respecting grain boundary energy anisotropy. Commonly adopted simplifying assumptions related to the grain boundary energy variation with local microstructure conditions are avoided and the grain boundary energy dependence on both crystallographic misorientati

Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - socialtjänst

Detta är den sjunde publikationen i en serie småskrifter som alla handlar om vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Denna gång ligger fokus på socialtjänsten. I de tidigare skrifterna i denna serie har det framkommit hur viktigt be- greppet vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet är för en rad verksamhetsområden, till exempel medicin, skola och poli- tik. Inte att förglömma begreppet eller begre

Effect of delayed vs early umbilical cord clamping on iron status and neurodevelopment at age 12 months a randomized clinical trial

IMPORTANCE Prevention of iron deficiency in infancymay promote neurodevelopment. Delayed cord clamping (DCC) can prevent iron deficiency during the first 6 months of life. However, no data are available on long-term effects on infant outcomes in relation to time for umbilical cord clamping. OBJECTIVE To investigate effects of DCC, as compared with early cord clamping (ECC), on infant iron status a

SMITE : A toolbox for creating Psychophysics Toolbox and PsychoPy experiments with SMI eye trackers

We present SMITE, a toolbox for the measurement of eye movements using eye trackers manufactured by SMI GmbH. The toolbox provides a wrapper around the iViewX SDK provided by SMI, allowing simple integration of SMI eye trackers into Psychophysics Toolbox and PsychoPy programs. The toolbox provides a graphical interface for participant setup and calibration that is implemented natively in Psychophy

Persistence of fenhexamid in the nutrient solution of a closed cropping system

There are concerns about emissions of plant protection products (PPP) from protected cultivations, including high-tech production systems. Modern high-tech greenhouse horticulture is performed in cropping systems with closed water and nutrient loops, so PPP residues are not leaked to the external environment, but are captured and may accumulate within the recycled greenhouse solution. In this pilo

Fel att offra betesmark i Sverige av klimatskäl

Ambitionen att minska köttkonsumtionen är lovvärd men riskerar att slå hårt mot den biologiska mångfalden och ekosystemtjänster. Om våra naturbetesmarker försvinner kan vi inte leva upp till FN:s internationella hållbarhetsmål och våra egna svenska miljömål som vi förbundit oss att jobba mot, skriver ett flertal forskare.

Decentralization of the non-capital functions of Beijing : Industrial relocation and its environmental effects

Relocating Beijing's manufacturing industry, a key measure in the strategy for decentralizing Beijing's non-capital functions, may inadvertently increase environmental pressures in the receiving cities. This study develops a quantitative method to comprehensively identify the environmental effects caused by regional industrial relocations. First, a set of relocated industries is selected by consid

Tensor-valued diffusion encoding for diffusional variance decomposition (DIVIDE) : Technical feasibility in clinical MRI systems

Microstructure imaging techniques based on tensor-valued diffusion encoding have gained popularity within the MRI research community. Unlike conventional diffusion encoding—applied along a single direction in each shot—tensor-valued encoding employs diffusion encoding along multiple directions within a single preparation of the signal. The benefit is that such encoding may probe tissue features t

The Case for Interdisciplinary Crises Studies

In the world we live in today, the presence and claims of crisis abound – from climate change, financial and political crisis to depression, livelihoods and personal security crisis. There is a challenge to studying crisis due to the ways in which crisis as a notion, condition and experience refers to and operates at various societal levels. Further, different kinds of crisis can overlap and inter

Search for heavy Majorana or Dirac neutrinos and right-handed W gauge bosons in final states with two charged leptons and two jets at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for heavy right-handed Majorana or Dirac neutrinos N R and heavy right-handed gauge bosons W R is performed in events with a pair of energetic electrons or muons, with the same or opposite electric charge, and two energetic jets. The events are selected from pp collision data with an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb −1 collected by the ATLAS detector at s=13 TeV. No significant deviations