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Nearshore hydrodynamics at Hai Hau Beach, Vietnam : field measurements and wave modeling

Many of the coastal areas in Vietnam have elevations below one meter making them vulnerable to salt water intrusion, flooding, and erosion. The Red River Delta (RRD) located in northern Vietnam has suffered severe erosion along certain stretches of coastline during at least the last hundred years. At Hai Hau Beach in the RRD, a land area of 16 km in length and 2.5 km in width has been lost during


The purpose of this paper was to assess the different motivations for women who are pursuing their master's degree in English literature at a university in Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala. Kerala has the highest rate of female enrolment in higher education within India. A case study, with reference to current studies, was carried out. The study was qualitative in nature, using semi-structured interv

Chinese Remainder Theorem

Chinese Remainder Theorem is used to solving problems in computing, coding and cryptography. In computing we can compute with shorter numbers instead of large numbers and this will make the computing-process faster and easier. In coding it can be used for error-searching and error-regulating. Cryptography means that we can send a coded message and that no one will be able to read it without the d

Global Consciousness - When Danish companies venture to India : An investigation into Corporate Social Responsibility implementation by Danish companies in India

The world is getting smaller - or bigger -some will argue. Not many geographical spots are untouched, and international brands are known all over the world. It has become easier, and increasingly attractive for Trans National Corporations from countries with strong economies to relocate, out source or establish new branches less wealthy countries in the East, often portrayed as beneficial to all p

Generating Motion Sequences for AIBO ERS-7

This thesis provides a useful open source system for generating motion sequences for the AIBO ERS-7 robot. For this purpose a virtual ERS-7 robot and a corresponding virtual environment have been implemented. All motions are simulated by means of a physics engine, and several useful features have been implemented, in order to allow development of motion sequences as well as exporting of them to th

Family values in Sloan Wilson's The man in the grey flannel suit

There were certain behaviours that were more or less correct during the 1950´s Cold War. Men had their fixed positions in society and women theirs. Men were the breadwinners and women were house makers. (McEnany, 52) Single men could easily become homosexuals or go to prostitutes and it was the women´s duty to tame those wild men. It was women´s obligation to make sure that their men were satisfie

Omedveten intersubjektivitet och individuellt lärande i det senmoderna arbetslivet : En tolkning av en fallbeskrivning

Arbetslivet är just nu i ett stadium där individualitet, medbestämmande och lärande i organisationer eftersöks. Men för att detta skall nås krävs en växelverkan mellan det medvetna och omedvetna. Detta omöjliggörs i och med dagens medvetandecentrering samt det kollektiva omedvetnas makt över individens strävan att finna det personligt omedvetna. Syftet med mitt arbete är att med en uppsättning re

Alexanderteknik - olika tankar om alexanderteknik och om metodens inverkan på sångrösten.

Title: Alexander Technique - Different thoughts on the Alexander Technique and its effect on the singing voice. Does singing lessons cause tension in the student? What should you as a teacher consider to avoid situations that cause tension? This examination is based on interviews. The persons who have been interviewed are singing students, singing teachers and teachers in the Alexander Technique.

"Det som står i Internet kan också stå i en bok, så då måste det ju vara sant": En undersökning av Komvuxelevers informationskompetens

The information flow of today is endless and the advances in information technology astounding. In today's information society it is of utmost importance not only to be able to find the right information but also to evaluate the information. The expression ?information literacy? is not a new one but it has never been as pertinent and essential as today. Information literacy is however not some

Expressivt skrivande hos högstadieungdomar: en kvalitativ textanalys av relationsbeskrivningar och känslouttryck

This study aims to investigate expressive writing in young adolescents, based on the model constructed by J.W. Pennebaker. Qualitative analysis of written essays has been conducted, the main purpose being exploring descriptions of relationships and expressions of emotions. Further-more, the intention has also been to study eventual gender differences and their forms of expressions in the essays. T

Virtuellt musikaliskt lärande - Hur en gitarrlektion fungerar över Internet

Den här studien har genomförts för att undersöka hur en gitarrlektion fungerar över internet och hur den upplevs av dess användare. Undersökningen har genomförts genom att jag och två av mina gitarrelever har utforskat två olika gitarrhemsidor. Vi har tagit lektioner från dessa sidor. Där visas materialet genom video, ljud och med eller utan tabulatur. Därefter har mina elever intervjuats där de b

En studie av proteinsammansättningen i ölbryggningsprocessens olika steg

Hur varierar proteinsammansättningen i ölet genom ölbryggninsprocessen och hur stor skillnad är det mellan kornmalterna. Syftet med mitt examensarbete var att se hur proteinsammansättningen förändrades under olika steg av en ölbryggningsprocess. Proteinsammansättningen delades in i 3 grupper: 1) albuminer och globuliner, 2) hordeiner och 3) gluteliner. Dessa protein jämfördes mellan 2 sorters

Den flexibla främlingen: en studie av konsultyrkets dimensioner

Bemanningsbranschen har på två år, från 2004 till 2006, nästan fördubblat sin omsättning i Sverige och prognosen ser mycket lovande ut även för framtiden. Då bemanningsbranschen omfattar fler och fler arbetstagare för varje år som går, betyder det att det blir allt vanligare att personer arbetar på, eller har arbetat på, ett bemanningsföretag under en period. Det vi har undersökt är: Vilka omständ

Manlig lusta eller tabu? En undersökande uppföljning av sexköpslagen. Lag (1998:408).

January 1, 1999, a new sex purchase law was introduced in Sweden, Lag (1998: 408). The law implies that in a sex trade a crime is committed only by the consumer in the sex trade. The majority of consumers in prostitution are men and the suppliers are women. When prostitution is problematized it's usually from the woman's point of view and the perspective of the man is often overlooked. The

No title

The work has taken into consideration eight novels written by Russian writer Vladimir Sorokin during last 25 years to follow dynamics and evolution of his authorship in time with global changes in Russia.

Frihetskamp eller islamistisk terror? Tjetjenienkonflikten i efterdyningarna av 9/11

This thesis rests on the theory and methodology of discourse theory. By viewing social reality as constituted by discourses, meanings that are taken for granted can be challenged. The events of September 11th 2001 resulted in the American war on terror. This thesis explores the impact of 9/11 and the war on terror on the Russian image of the conflict in Chechnya. Discourse theory is applied to s

Kär och galen eller sansad och professionell - en granskning av TV-serierna House och Grey's Anatomy

Då media spelar en allt större roll i våra vardagliga liv, med förebilder och yrkesval som inspirerar och influerar oss är det viktigt att se hur dessa framställs. Vi har valt att närmare granska två populära serier i tv som båda delar sjukhustema. Dessa är Grey's Anatomy och House, båda amerikanska produktioner med mångmiljonpublik i hemlandet och som just nu visas i svensk tv. Serierna behan

LABOUR MIGRATION AS A TOOL FOR POVERTY REDUCTION : A case study from a northern upland commune in Vietnam

The government of Vietnam has recently launched policies concerning labour migration as a tool for poverty reduction. The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which these policies contribute to poverty reduction by focusing on one commune in the northern uplands of Viet Nam, where people have been encouraged to go to Malaysia as contracted workers. This study is a contribution made fr

Representations - Practice - Spectatorship : A Study of Haptic Relations between Independent Cinema and Market-led Urbanization in contemporary China.

This text attempts to describe and analyze the haptic relations between non-official, i.e. independent, cinema and market-led urbanization in contemporary China. From the theoretical context of recent scholarship on Visual Culture and film history, it's argued that motion pictures and the Visual are in fact crucial to modernization. Using the theories of Henri Lefebvre and Michel de Certeau th