

Din sökning på "*" gav 527006 sökträffar

Teoretisk kunskap i en praktisk verklighet: en intervjustudie om socionomers och arbetsledares kunskapssyn i socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social workers perceive the concept of knowledge within social services, particularly within children and youth services. Our goal is also to study the employer's expectations and demands on graduate social workers. The main questions we address in this thesis are; What knowledge is seen as useful by employers and graduate social workers working in

Korrelationsstudie mellan kognitiva funktioner, grad av psykiskt välbefinnande och grad av mindfulness

This study aims to investigate possible correlations between cognitive functions and self perceived psychological wellbeing, possible correlations between cognitive functions and degree of mindfulness and possible correlations between degree of mindfulness and self perceived psychological wellbeing. 18 patients diagnosed with ICD-10 taking part in a transdiagnostical cognitive behavioural group th

Miljonprogrammets Rosengård: den avbildade verkligheten

The purpose of this thesis is to cast light on the residential area Rosengård in Malmö which during the years between 1965 to 1975 was part of a programme known as "Miljonprogrammet", a project which was supposed to put an end to the housing shortages. The purpose of this thesis is also to investigate the social consequences in Rosengård, which arose as a result of Miljonprogrammet. Rose

Mitt i smeten -fallet Arla Foods visar vägen för framtidens krishantering i en senmodern global värld

Today we live in an interconnected world. Through globalization and the development of information technology one can say that, today everyone is our neighbour. The result of our actions can easily spread and affect people on the other side of the world within seconds. Meanwhile, Third World countries are developing into stable economies and Western European corporations are expanding like never

Performance Management A Case Study in YingChao Co. Ltd, Beijing China

In 21 century, with the trend of globalization, both large and small organizations are facing an environment characterized by extremely high level of competition. In order to be competitive, China's managers are endeavouring to try every effort to improve employees' performance within sound organizational culture, thus to improve organizations' competence. Yet as a matter of fact, sinc

Vägar till Kvidinge- kreativ kommunikation inför Kvidinges 700-års jubileum

Hur påverkar en författare sin berättelse, hur viktig är berättarens människosyn? Vad är människans natur, vad är oföränderligt, vad är inlärt, och hur påverkar det berättaren och det som berättas? Dessa var några av de frågor som vi ställdes inför när vi åtog oss kommunikationsuppdraget att uppmärksamma Kvidinges 700-årsjubileum. Vi bestämde oss för att skapa ett häfte och en film. Frågan var: Hu

A Study on the Environmental Policies of Waste Batteries in China

Following rapid economic growth and industrialization in China, environmental problems from waste batteries are rising as a consequence. There is an urgent environmental demand to establish a waste battery management system in China. With the purpose to contribute to the development of waste battery policy in China, this study presents the environmental problems from waste batteries in China and e

Who is Irish? - En kritisk diskursanalys rörande nationell identitet i medierapporteringen vid folkomröstningen om rätten till medborgarskap på Irland

The economic growth in Ireland, during the 1990s, lead to changing migration patterns. Ireland became a destination country for immigrants instead of an emigration country. Before 2004 people who were born on the island of Ireland had a constitutional right to Irish citizenship. This right was removed after a referendum in 2004. National identity is a sense of community constructed through common

Ett Feministiskt initiativ. Hur och varför?

In Sweden, a new feminist political party (?Feministiskt initiativ?) was founded in 2005. The main objective of this thesis is to study the reasons and driving forces behind the establishment of the party, as well as to explain the timing of its foundation in 2005. The theories that are used in the study are focused on the individual founders, and the empirical material comprise in essence of inte

Likvärdighet kontra självstyrelse? Styrning av kommunal skolverksamhet- diskursiv analys

This essay has an aim to map out the discourses in the debate around local self government and national equivalence, which are both essential democratic values. The essay is delimited to the area of the comprehensive school. Interviews have been made with key persons in different positions in a selected municipality. I also use material that has been written in the context of Ansvarskommittén. The


This study has a threefold aim: firstly, to define EU enlargement; secondly, to present an analytic model explaining EU enlargement; and thirdly, to apply this model on five countries which may become EU members in the future.

Trade, the Environment and the Disillusions. Why environmental standards should not be included in the World Trade Organization

Since the Second World War, the systems of trade and environmental law have evolved very differently. It is claimed that the complete trading system impedes the development of the more shattered environmental system and that conflicts between them are likely to increase. Some argues that a solution would be to incorporate the environmental system should in the WTO. The purpose of this thesis is t

INTER-AGENCY COOPERATION A Minor Field Study on the United Nations inter-agency cooperation in the area of HIV/AIDS in Kenya

The efficiency and effectiveness of the United Nations is a much debated topic, outside the organization as well as inside. This Master Thesis looks at the efficiency of the work of the UN at country level, and it aims at assessing the efficiency of UN inter-agency cooperation in the thematic area of HIV/AIDS in Kenya. It focuses mainly on the work of UNAIDS and its ten Cosponsoring organizations,

Narration and Identity - Dealing with social and ideological heterogeneity in the Kefaya Movement

In authoritarian regimes all over the world, social movements have attracted atten¬tion as loud advocators of political change. Where traditional channels for political opposition are closed, loosely organized networks have paved the way for new strategic coalitions. This phenomenon raises questions about the connection between networks, identity and social action. By using a narrative approach th

Personlighetens betydelse för prestation och gruppeffektivitet

Personlighetspsykologin har dominerats av forskning kring fem- faktor-modellen under framförallt 1980-90 talet. (Pervin, 1990). Det finns idag ett antal studier som sökt att beskriva individers prestation utifrån fem-faktor-modellen. Det finns dock inga entydiga resultat som indikerar att vissa specifika personlighetsfaktorer kan förklara en individs prestation. Föreliggande undersökning omfattade

Universal Enforcement or Local Empowerment? A Minor Field Study of International Aid Workers in Rwanda with a Human Rights Based Approach to Development

The rights-based approach (RBA) to development is a response to the perception that development aid has largely failed to overcome discriminatory structures and to help the poorest. The RBA aims to empower the powerless and focuses more on the processes in society than on delivering services. In reality however, these intentions are implemented very differently. This thesis analyses how rights-bas

Like the sea in a drop... : Transborder minority identities in the Carpathian basin - Hungarians

Ever since nationalism emerged over a century ago, discussions have been lively about its survival or declination. These questions still are actual and in the process of globalisation and internationalisation perhaps even more so. Multiethnic societies grapple with nationalism and ethnic problems all over the world; so also in Central Europe. Nevertheless, the expressions of nationalism are varyin

Uppspolning och klittererosion längs Ystadkusten - Situation idag och framtida scenarier

Problemfomulering: Ystad, som är beläget längs Skånes sydkust, har länge varit utsatt för kusterosion. När det blåser över Östersjön genereras vågor som orsakar uppspolning och direkt erosion av klitterna på stranden. Ett av de mest utsatta områdena är Ystads Sandskog, beläget öster om Ystads centrum. Här karakteriseras strandprofilen av en relativt kort strand med klitter som skyddar den låglänta

Nearshore hydrodynamics at Hai Hau Beach, Vietnam : field measurements and wave modeling

Many of the coastal areas in Vietnam have elevations below one meter making them vulnerable to salt water intrusion, flooding, and erosion. The Red River Delta (RRD) located in northern Vietnam has suffered severe erosion along certain stretches of coastline during at least the last hundred years. At Hai Hau Beach in the RRD, a land area of 16 km in length and 2.5 km in width has been lost during


The purpose of this paper was to assess the different motivations for women who are pursuing their master's degree in English literature at a university in Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala. Kerala has the highest rate of female enrolment in higher education within India. A case study, with reference to current studies, was carried out. The study was qualitative in nature, using semi-structured interv