

Din sökning på "*" gav 528090 sökträffar

Plant-based food – Purchasing intentions, barriers and drivers among different organic consumer groups in Denmark

How do we design policies that support a shift in eating habits towards a diet that includes more vegetable-basedproducts and less meat, and in particular red meat? To inform policy, more information is needed about consumers’perceptions of the plant-based protein alternatives that have become available on the market. The present study of 1000 Danish consumers examined oat drink and plant-based miHow do we design policies that support a shift in eating habits towards a diet that includes more vegetable-based products and less meat, and in particular red meat? To inform policy, more information is needed about consumers' perceptions of the plant-based protein alternatives that have become available on the market. The present study of 1000 Danish consumers examined oat drink and plant-based

Optimization of a hybrid bacterial/Arabidopsis thaliana fatty acid synthase system II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Fatty acids are produced by eukaryotes like baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae mainly using a large multifunctional type I fatty acid synthase (FASI) where seven catalytic steps and a carrier domain are shared between one or two protein subunits. While this system may offer efficiency in catalysis, only a narrow range of fatty acids are produced. Prokaryotes, chloroplasts and mitochondria rely

Constraints on communicating the order of events in stories through pantomime

Pantomime is a means of bodily visual communication that is based on iconic gestures that are not fully conventional. It has become a key element in many models of language evolution and a strong candidate for the original human-specific communicative system (Zlatev et al. 2020). Although pantomime affords successful communication in many contexts, it has some semiotic limitations. In this study,

Non-destructive strength testing of microindented float glass by a nonlinear acoustic method

The present paper describes a method for non-destructive testing of the glass strength. Square 10 × 10 cm2 samples of annealed float glass was inflicted with a controlled defect in the centre of the atmospheric side using Vickers microindentation-induced cracking with a force of 2 N, 5 N and 10 N and compared to an un-indented reference. The samples were non-destructively tested using a nonlinear

Germline variants of the genes involved in NF-kB activation are associated with the risk of COPD and lung cancer development

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer (LC) are closely related diseases associated with smoking history and dysregulated immune response. However, not all smokers develop the disease, indicating that genetic susceptibility could be important. Therefore, the aim of this study was to search for the potential overlapping genetic biomarkers, with a focus on single nucleotide pol

Optimization of Chemical Bonding through Defect Formation and Ordering-The Case of Mg7Pt4Ge4

The new phase Mg7Pt4Ge4 (Mg8□1Pt4Ge4; □ = vacancy) was prepared by reacting a mixture of the corresponding elements at high temperatures. According to single crystal X-ray diffraction data, it adopts a defect variant of the lighter analogue Mg2PtSi (Mg8Pt4Si4), reported in the Li2CuAs structure. An ordering of the Mg vacancies results in a stoichiometric phase, Mg7Pt4Ge4. However, the high content

The Pitfalls of a Popular Concept : Co-Production in Times of Individualization, Marketization, and De-Politicization

Co-production between public administrators and citizens has attracted renewed interest in recent years. Co-production is predominantly perceived as something desirable and is claimed to improve service efficiency and outcome and user satisfaction, at the same time as addressing democratic ideals. Drawing from interviews with public administrators and patients in a Swedish healthcare context, this

Overview and Results From the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover's First Science Campaign on the Jezero Crater Floor

The Mars 2020 Perseverance rover landed in Jezero crater on 18 February 2021. After a 100-sol period of commissioning and the Ingenuity Helicopter technology demonstration, Perseverance began its first science campaign to explore the enigmatic Jezero crater floor, whose igneous or sedimentary origins have been much debated in the scientific community. This paper describes the campaign plan develop

Friendship Habits Questionnaire : A measure of group- versus dyadic-oriented socializing styles.

Friendships are central to our social lives, yet little is known about individual differences associated with the number of friends people enjoy spending time with. Here we present the Friendship Habits Questionnaire (FHQ), a new scale of group versus dyadic-oriented friendship styles. Three studies investigated the psychometric properties of group-oriented friendships and the relevant individual

Intermediate states in Andreev bound state fusion

Hybridization is one of the most fundamental quantum mechanical phenomena, with the text book example of binding two hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen molecule. Here we report tunnel spectroscopy experiments illustrating the hybridization of another type of discrete quantum states, namely of superconducting subgap states that form in segments of a semiconducting nanowire in contact with superconducting

Varied Realistic Autonomous Vehicle Collision Scenario Generation

Recently there has been an increase in the number of available autonomous vehicle (AV) models. To evaluate and compare the safety of the various models the AVs need to be tested in several diverse safety-critical scenarios. We propose the Adversarial Test Case Generator (ATCG) that differently from previous test case generators allows for the generation of realistic collision scenarios with varied

Anti-Compton shield for Compex germanium detector modules

A bismuth-germanate (BGO) anti-Compton shield (ACS) for Compex germanium detector modules was designed, built, and characterised. BGO performance was evaluated for light output and energy resolution. The response of the ACS shield and its impact on germanium detector spectra was measured for standard 60Co, 133Ba, and 137Cs sources. The results were compared to comprehensive Geant4 simulations. The

Research Contributions in Interpretivist Marketing and Consumer Research Studies: A Kaleidoscopic Framework

Calls for research contribution and demands for original theories have become visibly and audibly louder in review processes over the last two decades. In interpretivist marketing and consumer research, such calls have been accompanied by an emphasis on the importance of theory and on drawing on context when crafting impactful research contributions. By investigating the rhetorical claims made by

The Phosphoproteome of the Rd1 Mouse Retina, a Model of Inherited Photoreceptor Degeneration, Changes after Protein Kinase G Inhibition

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a frequent cause of blindness among the working population in industrial countries due to the inheritable death of photoreceptors. Though gene therapy was recently approved for mutations in the RPE65 gene, there is in general no effective treatment presently. Previously, abnormally high levels of cGMP and overactivation of its dependent protein kinase (PKG) have been s

Challenges in nano-structured fluid flows for assembly into hierarchical biomaterials

Hierarchical biomaterials have their place in the context of developing novel material systems particularly in the framework of sustainability. The key to their development is in controlling their assembly into hierarchical orders at various lengthscales. Thus, flow can be an asset in e.g. controlling orientation, however, resolving the hierarchical orientation dynamics of such systems remains a c

Parcel locker policy : review and future directions

The project focuses on Sweden's growing parcel locker networks used for e- commerce delivery. These lockers have the potential to improve e-commerce logistics' operational and environmental performance if efficiently designed. To achieve this and promote sustainability in Sweden's e-commerce market, effective policy tools are essential.The project aims to advance knowledge on parcel locker network

“For Your Freedom and Ours” Exploring the Motives Behind the Polish and Czech Response to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine through Role Conceptions

In their response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in 2022, Poland and the Czech Republic surprised the world with their decisive and strong support, being leading contributors of both humanitarian and military aid. This paper is a qualitative case study using content analysis method and the theoretical framework of role theory. The aim is to investigate what underlying motives are behind the P

Intergovernmental Organisations Incorporating Intersectionality in SRHR

The purpose of this thesis is to assess the extent to which intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), particularly the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), incorporate intersectionality into their organizational and policy documents in relation to Sexual and reproductive health and rights. A content analysis was conducted on ten key UNFPA documents, consisting of strategic plans, State of the Wor

Byggavfall från nybyggnation av flerbostadshus

I Sverige gav byggbranschen under 2020 upphov till drygt 14 miljoner ton avfall, vilket medför en betydande klimatpåverkan. För att bland annat öka mängden avfall som går till materialåtervinning och minska det som går till energiåtervinning och deponi har EU infört den så kallade EU-taxonomin, vilken syftar till att klassificera ekonomiska aktiviteter efter hur miljömässigt hållbara dessa är. SThe purpose of this master’s thesis was to study construction waste produced during construction of new apartment buildings in projects where Skanska Sverige AB has been the construction contractor. The distribution of different waste fractions and its treatment methods were studied for 15 projects, from the given data. This has been compared to the criteria given in the EU taxonomy concerning con