

Din sökning på "*" gav 533325 sökträffar

Applying Lean Analytics to Performance Metrics in M&A Earnouts

Ever since the dawn of internet, a new wave of fast-growing software companies has emerged. The M&A scholars have struggled to find appropriate valuation mechanisms for unprofitable companies with ultra-high revenue growth. To overcome the uncertain future, a contractual provision called earnout is often used. An earnout is a contractual provision in a M&A-deal that states the seller of th

Female Economic Empowerment and Intimate Partner Violence in El Salvador - A Minor Field Study

Research shows that women’s labour market participation in low- and middle-income countries promotes female economic empowerment. However, it is still unclear if and how increased economic opportunities, e.g. through labour market participation, affects women’s exposure to intimate partner violence and overall well-being. Economic bargaining models shed light on the economic empowerment of women a

Multi-planetary Systems from Simulated TESS Transit Timing Variations

När vi letar efter exoplaneter finns det ett antal olika metoder för att hitta dem. Den mest framgångsrika är transitmetoden där ljusstyrkan hos en stjärna studeras under en längre tid. När en planet passerar mellan sin stjärna och en observatör kan en minsking i stjärnans ljusstyrka ses. Uppreras detta i regelbunda intervall kan slutsatsen att det finns en planet runt stjärnan dras. Genom att stuA transit is a phenomenon where a planet passes between its host star and an observer blocking out part of the light from the star. This decrease can be measured and used to gain information about the planet. The Kepler and TESS telescopes are examples of space telescopes using the transit method to detect exoplanets. For systems with more than one planet around the same star variations between th

Providing Safe Entries- Asylum and Humanitarian Visas at Embassies

The world is facing a protection crisis, where people are forced to flee their home countries to seek protection elsewhere, which leads to people risking their lives in dangerous attempts to get protection. These individuals are forced to use dangerous transfers since there are very few existing legal options. It is obvious that the situation of today is unsound and that the international communit

Nätkränkningar i tjänsten - En undersökning av arbetsgivares ansvar för arbetstagares kränkningar på sociala medier

Arbetsgivare bär ett skadeståndsrättsligt ansvar för skador orsakade av dess arbetstagare, under förutsättning att skadan vållats i arbetstagarens tjänst. Detta kallas att arbetsgivaren har ett principalansvar. Sommaren 2015 utspelade sig en händelse på det sociala mediet Twitter som kom att ge upphov till intressanta frågeställningar kring omfattningen av arbetsgivares principalansvar. En journalAn employer can be held liable for damage caused by its employees provided that the damage was caused in the course of employment. This is known as vicarious liability (principalansvar). In the summer of 2015 an incident on the social media Twitter gave rise to interesting questions about the scope of an employer’s vicarious liability. A journalist working at one of the larger newspapers had poste

En smal etikett - Om intrång i patent på den andra medicinska indikationen i europeisk rättspraxis och det svenska läkemedelsförmånssystemet

När ett nytt sätt att använda ett redan känt läkemedel för behandling av en ny sjukdom påvisas, är det möjligt att erhålla ett patent den andra medicinska indikationen. Tidigare var det inte möjligt att patentera senare medicinska indikationer på grund av det allmänna nyhetskravet och förbudet på patent på medicinska förfaranden för diagnosticering eller terapeutisk och kirurgisk behandling. Till When a new medical use for a known pharmaceutical drug is discovered, it is possible to be granted a second medical use patent. Second medical use patents were previously not accepted due to the general novelty requirement for patents and the prohibition of patents on treatments by surgery or therapy and diagnostic methods. Due to the developments in EPO case law and the revision of EPC it is howe

An Energy Efficient Radio Base Station

The mobile telecommunication network is growing year after year and it will soon move into the high speed 5G and Internet of Things technology. These new technologies will improve the throughput and data connectivity and due to that the energy consumption in radio and digital units may increase in a Radio Base Station (RBS). There are more than 500 000 off-grid RBSs in the world which are powered

Foods of the future - Gastropolitics and climate change in the Anthropocene

Human existence depends on a functioning food system; today’s food chain is cracking and alternative foods are being presented to the public. This thesis discusses how future food can be part of a greater discourse of climate change in the Anthropocene. Using three case studies of future food: ‘The Next Menu’, Huel and Project Nourished I investigate how future food is presented and what hidden me

Kompetensutvecklings roll för motivation

Personalen är företagets främsta resurs och i butiker där personalen representerar företaget gentemot kunden blir positiva kundmöten en avgörande faktor för att skapa servicekvalitet och goda kundrelationer. Den växande konkurrensen med e-handeln leder även till att kundmötet blir allt viktigare för fysiska butiker för att kunna konkurrera och behålla marknadsandelar. En bransch som möter hårdnand

Konsumenters mobila köpprocesser

I ett samhälle där mobiltelefoner utgör en allt större del av vår vardag och där e-handeln ständigt utvecklas, tenderar konsumenter att använda mobiltelefoner som shoppingkanal. I denna studie undersöks hur konsumenters köpintentioner påverkas av externa faktorer i den mobila köpprocessen. Syftet är att få djupare kunskap om konsumenters köpintentioner och köpprocess vid köp som i sin helhet genom

Media och folkmord: En jämförande analys av sociala medier och radions påverkan på folkmord

Den här uppsatsen undersöker hur massmedier påverkar uppkomsten till och utförandet av ett folkmord genom spridning av hatpropaganda. För att skapa oss en förståelse av detta utför vi en komparativ analys mellan folkmordet i Rwanda 1994 med folkmordet i Myanmar 2017, där vi ser på likheter i språkbruk och propaganda samt den förmedlande effekten hos radion och sociala medier. Resultatet visar att

Sanktioner, Certifiering och CSR - En idéanalys av Världsbankens och UNECA:s syn på hanteringen av Kongos konfliktmineraler

The trade in conflict minerals in eastern Congo contributes to the duration of the intrastate conflict. This essay will analyze documents of two organizations, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the World Bank, in relative to the question regarding trade in conflict minerals. Views of accountability and ideas of how to deal with conflict minerals differ between the organizations. Th

An Energy Efficient Radio Base Station

The mobile telecommunication network is growing year after year and it will soon move into the high speed 5G and Internet of Things technology. These new technologies will improve the throughput and data connectivity and due to that the energy consumption in radio and digital units may increase in a Radio Base Station (RBS). There are more than 500 000 off-grid RBSs in the world which are powered

Unravelling the GMO Policy-Making Impasse - A Qualitative Content Analysis of the Perceptions of Ghana's Anti-GMO groups on Public Participation and Trust

In many countries, GMO policy-making has been characterised with a lot of controversy, participation and trust being the most pressing issues. The ongoing Ghanaian GMO policy-making is not spared of the controversy. The GMO Bill which was introduced in the Ghanaian Parliament in 2013 remained unpassed amid accusations and counter-accusations between government-led groups and civil society-led anti

Homosexuella föräldrar och barnets bästa : En kvalitativ studie av intresseorganisationers ståndpunkter angående internationell homosexuell adoption.

The aim of this study was to examine how organisations present their arguments regarding international homosexual adoption. The material of this study consisted of texts and the analysis have been based on the arguments from referral responses regarding the bill SOU 2001:10 (Children in homosexual families). Four themes were identified that seemed to pay a significant role in discussion of the iss

Land of In-betweenship - Identity construction amongst second and third generation immigrant Muslims in Malmo

The last decades, far-right political parties made huge advancements in divisive elections in the West with growing anti-refugee and anti-Islam sentiments. There is no doubt that policies in Sweden have emboldened the far-right. The real question is how does this affect the already established lives of children of immigrants that come from a different culture? The purpose of this study is two-fold

Strategic / Managerial Changes in the Wake of the Newly Implemented 2014 EU Tobacco Product Directive

The phenomenon of interest here is change management in the tobacco industry in a European policy context. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how one European-based tobacco company approaches change management in an effort to combat strict regulatory changes stemming from the recently revised and highly enforced European Union (EU) 2014 Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). Comparing the Comp

Transformation and linking of authoritative multi-scale geodata for the Semantic Web : a case study of Swedish national building data sets

Semantic Web technology has attracted much interest for its ability to integrate and deliver information from different sources, and increasingly, geodata are being published as triple data according to the graph structure laid out in the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Although the Semantic Web already contains a large volume of geotagged information, there is still a lack of suitable geome