

Din sökning på "*" gav 533329 sökträffar

AI and Human Rights : an explorative analysis of upcoming challenges

AI has a great deal to offer human civilization, but AI is also accompanied with a great deal of risks. This paper aims to give an introduction to the field of AI from a human rights perspective and to account for future challenges AI could bring forth. I will argue that these challenges could come to put pressure on the contemporary notion of human rights as formulated in various declarations, co

Has Swedish companies’ ability to protect their innovations decreased due to a shift towards more software and business method-based innovations?

The goal of this master’s thesis was to investigate if the possibilities for Swedish companies to protect their innovations have decreased due to a shift towards more software and business method-based innovations. The investigation was based on interviews with respondents working as IPR consultants, with technical development or as patent attorneys at different Swedish companies together with col

Personligheten som avgörande faktor

The purpose of the study was to see how unit managers use their discretion in relation to their imposed responsibility for a health-promoting work environment in the municipal sector. With the help of six different unit managers we conducted a qualitative study in which, with the help of a vignette study, we conducted interviews to get answers to our questions. It is important in this modern era w

Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy : en fulländad talare eller okrönt sagodrottning

Marie-Catherine d´Aulnoy är ur ett retoriskt, historisk och feministiskt perspektiv en färgstark personlighet vilken förtjänas att lyftas fram ur historieskuggan. D´Aulnoy inte bara skrev och framförde sina fairytale-berättelser i form av tal i de franska litterära salongerna under sent 1600-tal tidigt 1700-tal. Utan hon är också den person som anses ha skrivit och publicerat den första fairytale-

Water assisted CO intercalation underneath Ir(111) supported graphene studied with scanning tunneling microscopy

Graphene have attracted attention recently due to its unique properties and opportunities for development of high performance carbon based devices. The intercalation, absorption and reactions processes of small molecules above and below the graphene islands hold the key for new perspectives in catalysis, molecular sensors and other technologies. The present master thesis is focused on the investig

Det offentliga konstlandskapet

I denna uppsats ser vi vad som händer när en statlig myndighet som ansvarar för utformning av offentlig miljö implementerar en så kallad liberal demokratiteori. Statens konstråd, som är en myndighet med stor inverkan på den offentliga konsten i Sverige, inledde 2012 ett nytt arbetssätt att föra ut konceptuell och samtida konst från institutioner och gallerier till det offentliga rummet. Deras syn In this essay we see what happens when a government authority which is responsible for designing public space implements a so-called liberal democracy theory. The public art agency of Sweden, a government authority with a big impact on the public art in Sweden, started in 2012 a new approach to bring out conceptual, and contemporary art to the public realm. Their view on art is that it should ques


The purpose of this project was to investigate how the interior of a future autonomous truck can be designed with a user friendly focus. The solution should be suitable for a future scenario in 2030 where a Volvo FH with automation level 4 on the SAE scale will drive the route from Gothenburg to Umeå. This means that the truck is fully autonomous but there has to be a driver in the cab that can dr

Ledarskapsstilar inom byggsektorn

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker ledarskapsstilar inom byggsektorn. Mer specifikt undersöker den vilka ledarskapsstilar som förekommer inom byggsektorn, om vissa förekommer mer ofta än andra, om chefer inom byggsektorn ändrar ledarskapsstil beroende på vilken situation som de befinner sig i samt om det finns några skillnader i föredragen ledarskapsstil mellan olika chefspositioner inom byggsektorn

Network Densification and Energy Efficiency

The galloping pace of development in the field of wireless communication has left the world astounded over the last decade. But this has also led to a wild and inexcusable extravagant expenditure of energy. Due to the dynamic nature of wireless network, it has become imperative to focus more on energy efficiency and achieve desired Quality of Service (QoS). The challenge of diminishing the carbon

Bandwidth reductions gains through Edge Computing in connected cars

Gathering and analyzing data that is generated in IoT and mobile devices is increasing due to the huge potential value it brings to consumers and car manufacturers. The increase in production of data introduces new problems in terms of bandwidth requirements. Performing computations, filtering, and analyzing data could be introduced to devices to reduce the bandwidth usage, this concept is called

The impact of CRISPR/Cas9 generated mutations in pioneer transcription factors FOXA1 and GATA3 on oestrogen receptor function

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and two thirds of all breast cancers are classified as oestrogen receptor positive. ER is a transcription factor that regulates gene expression and promote cell proliferation that is critical in mammary gland development, and its aberrant activity is commonly present in breast cancer. As a nuclear receptor, ER activity could be diverted by eith

Spatial-temporal GIS analysis in public health – a case study of polio disease

The purpose of this work was to use spatial-temporal analysis for the prevention and mitigation of disease spread. A prototype application was specifically designed to detect territories with a high incidence of cases and a second was used to validate the results. The first algorithm tried to find clustered cases territories and compare them to the smooth average of the previous two years of data

Vad är egentligen problemet med svensk digitaliseringspolitik? - En policyanalys av den svenska digitaliseringspolitikens syn på användare och icke-användare, samt hantering av digitalt utanförskap.

This thesis aims to analyze the Swedish policy for digitalization in relation to the user and non-user. The thesis also touches upon the policy´s handling of digital exclusion. Sweden´s development towards a society which is more and more digitalized affects the citizen in many ways, which calls for this study. Furthermore, there are studies pointing to a rather significant digital exclusion in Sw

Compensation & Corporatism: Trade Openness, Risk and Social Policy in Mid 20th Century Sweden

This study will consider the link between trade openness and the preferences for social policy of key actors. In so doing, the findings will contribute to better understanding the qualitative link between globalization and social policy expansion (the compensation hypothesis) and complement previous quantitative findings. Given the importance of corporatism for the relationship, this study conside

De outvisningsbara: En statsvetenskaplig studie om statslösa personer

Abstrakt Statslösa personer som fallit utanför samhället hör i många avseende till världens mest utsatta människor, dessa individer ofta inte har tillgång till sociala rättigheter såsom utbildning, hälsovård eller rätten att arbeta. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka den juridiska situationen som statslösa personer möter under sin asylprocess i Sverige. Statslösa personer hamnar i det j

Släckteknisk skillnad mellan mörkt och ljust släckpulver

The purpose of the work was to investigate whether an extinguishing powder with a darker color other than white has an increased extinguishing effect when extinguishing a fire in an enclosure. In the experiments conducted, a conventional extinguishing powder was tested against a carbon black-dyed extinguishing powder with nitrogen or air as a propellant. All other variables were kept the same. To

Överklagbara förvaltningsbeslut - Vilka premisser konstituerar ett överklagbart beslut?

År 2017 trädde förvaltningslagen (2017:900) i kraft. Den är avsedd att stärka den enskildes rättsskydd i kontakterna med myndigheterna. I 41 § FL regleras att ”Ett beslut får överklagas om beslutet kan antas påverka någons situation på ett inte obetydligt sätt”. Bestämmelsen utgör en kodifikation av den praxis som utvecklats av Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen i fråga om vilka beslut som får överklagaIn 2017, the Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) entered into force. It is intended to strengthen the judicial protection of the individual against the authorities. Section 41 § of the Administrative Procedure Act states that ”A decision may be appealed if the decision can be assumed to affect someone's situation in a not insignificant manner". This provision can be seen as a codifica

Design of a lamellar phantom for multi-dimensional diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is a non-invasive method that provides micrometer or millimeter-scale tissue structural information. In order to further advance this technique to obtain more detailed microstructural information of biological tissues, developing new diffusion MRI method becomes a necessity. For the past few years, the multidimensional diffusion MRI technique has been d

Automated staining and washing of cells and microvesicles using acoustic trapping

Akustisk infångning kan bli ett värdefullt verktyg i medicinsk forskning Från ett enda blod- eller urinprov kan läkare få massvis med information om en patient - information som ger ledtrådar om allt från det allmänna hälsotillståndet till eventuell förekomst av infektioner eller inflammationer, eller huruvida patienten lider av en viss sjukdom. Detta beror på att provet innehåller massor av så kaMicrofluidic systems allow for fast and precise manipulation of small volume samples in a highly controlled environment. In such a system, acoustic trapping is a powerful tool, enabling non-contact isolation of cells and microvesicles from complex media. In this technique, an ultrasonic standing wave is introduced in the microchannel. The standing wave exerts size-dependent acoustic forces on part